

赵雯, 主编







UNIT ONE Greetings and SmaIITalk

Passage 1 Greeting Etiquette

Passage 2 How to Start a Conversation

UNIT TWO Movies and Entertainment

Passage 1 DoctorWho

Passage 2 Kung Fu Panda

UNIT THREE Staying at Hotels

Passage 1 10 Tips for Staying at a Hostel

Passage 2 Bed and Breakfast Hotels

UNIT FOUR Cars and Auto Industry

Passage 1 Google's Problems with Its Self-Driving Cars

Passage 2 Can a City Really Ban Cars from Its Streets?

UNIT FIVE Advertising and Consumers

Passage 1 Greater Receptivity for Mobile Advertising in China

Passage 2 Understanding Chinese Consumers

UNIT SIX Money Management

Passage 1 Tips for Shopping Smart at the Garden Center

Passage 2 How to Stop Spending Money - Help for Habitual Shoppers

UNIT SEVEN Driving Etiquette

Passage 1 Driving Etiquette

Passage 2 How to Deal with Road Rage

UNIT EIGHT Life Choices

Passage 1 Making Your Own Life Choices: Attitude Is Everything

Passage 2 How to Make the Best Life Choices

UNIT NINE PersonaIAppearance

Passage 1 Why Is Appearance So Important?

Passage 2 Personal Appearance and Hygiene

UNIT TEN Healthy Eating

Passage 1 Eating Fruits and Vegetables Tied to Longer Life

Passage 2 What to Eat or Not to Eat: That Is the Question

UNIT ELE,VEN Psychology and Personality

Passage 1 How to Work with People Who Have Different Personality Styles

Passage 2 To Succeed, Forget Self-Esteem

UNIT TWELVE Developing Personality

Passage 1 The Secret of Success: Is the Sacrifice of Sleep?

Passage 2 Effectiveness Is AlI About Managing Your Time, Energy,

and Attention

UNIT THIRTEEN Enjoying the Arts

Passage 1 Master of Drama: Cao Yu

Passage 2 Feast of Folk Arts

UNIT FOURTEEN Living with Computer

Passage 1 Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

Passage 2 Who Is Stealing Your Wireless Signal?

UNIT FIFTEEN Information Age

Passage 1 Imaginary Tales in an Information Age

Passage 2 Cell Phones in the Digital Age

UNIT SIXTEEN Ethic and Values

Passage 1 Five ConfucianValues for Success

Passage 2 EthicaIValues for Business Success

Answer Key




尺寸28 × 21装帧平装
页数印数 20000


新通用大学英语进阶阅读是高等教育出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。