

张发祥, 岳中生, 主编







Volume One Britain

Chapter One British Geography

Section One General Survey

Section Two Population and Languages

Section Three Major Cities

Section Four Mountains,Lakes and Rivers

Section Five Natural Resources

Section Six Climate and Weather

Chapter Two British History

Section One Early British History

Section Two The Growth of Feudalism

Section Three The Growth of Capitalism

Section Four Britain and Two World Wars

Section Five Britain after World Warll

Chapter Three Political System

Section One The Constitutional Monarchy

Section Two Constitution

Section Three Parliament

Section Four Cabinet ,Prime Minister and Administration

Section Five Political Parties and Election

Section Six The Judicial System

Section Seven Local Governments

Section Eight Mass Organization

Chapter Four National Economy

Section One General Survey

Section Two Industry

Section Three Agriculture

Section Four Foreign Trade

Section Five Work, Money and Tax

Chapter Five Science, Literature and Arts

Section One Science

Section Two Literature

Section Three Arts

Chapter Six Education

Chapter Seven Mass Media and Entertainment

Volume Two America

Chapter One American Geography

Section One Geographic Position

Section Two Mountains, Rivers and Lakes

Section Three Geographical Regions

Section Four Climate

Section Five Population

Section Six Natural Resources

Chapter Two American History

Section One Early American History

Section Two The War of Independence

Section Three The Civil War

Section Four The Rise of American Imperialism

Section Five America and World WarⅠ

Section Six America and World War Ⅱ

Section Seven America towards the 21th Century

Section Eight America in the 21th Century

Chapter Three Political System

Section One The Constitution

Section Two The President

Section Three The Congress

Section Four Government

Section Five The Judiciary

Section Six The Two-Party System and the Election

Chapter Four National Economy

Section One General Survey

Section Two Industry

Section Three Agriculture

Section Four Transportation

Section Five Foreign Trade

Section Six Banking and Finance

Chapter Five American Education

Chapter Six Science and Culture

Section One Science

Section Two Literature

Seetion Three Arts

Section Four Religion

Section Five Social Life

Chapter Seven Mass Media and Entertainment

Section One Mass Media

Section Two Sports

Section Three Holidays and Festivals

Volume Three Canada

Chapter One Land and People

Section One Geographical Regions

Section Two Natural Resources

Section Three People

Chapter Two Canadian History

Chapter Three Political System

Section One The Constitution

Section Two Governmrnts

Section Three Prime Ministers

Section Four Political Parties

Section Five Foreign Relations

Section Six The Separatist Issue in Quebec

Chapter Four National Economy

Section One Economic Management and Problems

Section Two Agriculture

Section Three Manufacturing Industry

Section Four Service Industry

Section Five The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement

Chapter Five Society and Culture

Section One Society

Section Two Culture

Section Three Literature

Volume Four Australia

Chapter One Land, People and History

Section One Land

Section Two People

Section Three History

Chapter Two Political System

Section One States and Territories

Section Two Government

Section Three Foreign Relations






英语国家概况是河南人民出版社于2008.05出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等学校-教材 ,英语-国家-概况 的书籍。