

何肖朗, 林芳, 主编





本书共10个板块,分为20个单元,每单元由Text A和Text B构成.所选文章主要是英文报刊2009年至2010年的世界政治、经济、环境保护、教育、医疗等方面的社会情况介绍,体现当今世界和平、合作与发展的主题。


Part 1 Hot News

Unit 1 Text A Shanghai's Back on Top of the World

Text B Special Expressions

Unit 2 Text A Japanese Scramble to Avert Meltdowns as Nuclear Crisis Deepens After Quake

Text B What is a Newspaper?

Unit 3 Text A Report 1 Chile Celebrates As Miners Emerge from Underground

Report 2 Q &A:How Did Chile's Trapped Miners Survive?

Text B Where Does News Come from7

Unit 4 Text A Report 1 NASA Scientists Find Water On Moon

Report 2 $79m NASA Blast Finds Enough Water for Man on Moon to Have Bath

Text B Headlines

Unit 5 Text A Stanley Mc Chrystal Goes:After Mc Chrystal

Text B Who Processes the News7

Part 2 Economy

Unit 6 Text A in Defense of Europe

Text B When Is It News7

Unit 7 Text A Debt Forgetfulness

Text B The Importance of Accuracy

Unit 8 Text A Watching Us Save.One Cart at a Time

Text B The Need for Objectivity

Unit 9 Text A Report 1 Stronger Yuan May Not Mean More U.S.Jobs

Report 2 U.S.Backs off in Currency Dispute with China

Report 3 Currency War Risk Threatens Investment Recovery:U.N

Text B Libel

Part 3 Medical Treatment,Sport and Education

Unit 10 Text A Topical Gel Catches Up With Pills for Relief

Text B The Editorial

Unit 11 Text A New Beginning in New Stadium Leaves Giants Feeling Relieved

Text B Readers' Letters

Unit 12 Text A The Principal and the Paddle

Text B Analyzing an Editorial

Part 4 Biography

Unit 13 Text A The War on Secrecy

Text B Features and Classifieds

Unit 14 Text A Elizabeth Taylor Dies;Screen Legend Was 79

Text B Sports

Part 5 Ecology and Environment

Unit 15 Text A The Cloud That Closed a Continent

Text B Classifieds

Unit 16 Text A Report 1 Divisions Persist On Core Questions As

Leaders Arrive

Report 2 It's a Deal but Not One That Will Save the World

Text B The Newspaper as Current Events Source

Part 6 Other News

Reference Key to the Exercises



《新世纪英语新闻阅读(第3册)》共6个板块,分为20个单元,每单元由Text:A和TextB构成。所选文章主要是英文报刊2009年至2011年的热点新闻,世界政治、经济、文化、环境、生态、教育、卫生、科技等诸多方面的情况介绍,体现当今世界和平、合作与发展的主题。  《新世纪英语新闻阅读(第3册)》适合大学英语及涉外专业学生选修,也可供准备参加英语等级考试和研究生入学、托福、雅思、商务BEC等考试的学生以及英语爱好者选读。


尺寸23 × 17装帧平装
页数 385 印数


新世纪英语新闻阅读是国防工业出版社于2011.9出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 新闻-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。