1 Making an Effective Complaint
2 Life after Retirement
3 An Unusual Teaching Task
4 Ready-make Clothing&Custom-made Clothing
5 Overweight
6 Casual Clothes
7 Change of Fashion in Women's Clothes
8 Good Manners
9 Can You Use Your Car Less Often?
10 A Low-carbon Life
1 Economic Bonds between American and Europe
2 Contrasting Types of Economic Sys-tem
3 American Economic System
4 The T-shirt
5 Advertising
6 Generation-X
7 Tourism
8 Hi-Rise Recycling System
9 The British National Health Service
1 Hi-tech Communication
2 Robot Helpers
3 The Tunnel
4 A Warning
5 Communications Technology
6 Modern Postal Service
7 Air Pressure
8 Danger of Nuclear Power
9 Snake-like Robots
10 Keep a Certain Distance from Cellphones
1 Susan Sontag
2 Schwa rzenegger
3 Author of Gone with the Wind
4 Stevie Wonder
5 Johnny Carson
6 A Child Prodigy
7 Andrea Peterson
8 Irene Curie
9 Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
10 Heroes of Our Time
1 My Alarm System
2 The Lost Diary
3 Catching the Thief
4 Mother's Day&Father's Day
5 An Interview
6 Carrying Furniture
7 Two Experiences
8 A Boy from Remote Mountainous Region
9 The Way We Do Things Round Here
10 Five Fables
1 Study in Netherlands
2 Compromise in England
3 Switzerland
4 Trip to Banff
6 Canberra
7 Take Our Daughters to Work Day.
8 Marriage Custom
9 Tickets
10 On Holiday
1 The Role of Sports
2 Bungee Jumping
3 Mary Arnott
4 Just a Game?
5 American Friendship
6 A Great American Athlete
7 “I Went Skydiving at 84!”
8 Tents
9 Badminton
10 Strict Traffic Laws can Prevent Accidents.
1 Strom Chasing
2 0utdoor Survival Provides Adventure Worldwide.
3 Get Fresh Water from the Sea.
4 Recycling Saves Resources.
5 Volunteer Hours
6 Colour of the Universe
7 Radiation in Space
8 Caring for Orange Trees
9 The Power of Nature
1 Reality TV Show
2 Underwater Archaeology
3 The Lost Sea
4 US Teen's Music
5 Christmas Day
6 The Atlantic Ocean
7 The Globle Language
8 The Development of English
9 Clowns
10 Five Films
1 Reading Newspaper Forever
2 Immigrants Suffer from Losing Their Identity.
3 Culture Shock
4 Advantages and Disadvantages about Laziness
5 How to Use Newspaper?
6 NBA Star Yao Ming's Retirement
8 A New Plan for the City's Parking System
9 Unplugging Your Life
10 A new Rule
《征服英语 课外阅读100篇(高三年级)》一书选文精萃,题材广泛,时代感强。选文均选自近两年的英文报章杂志、网络媒体,题材涉及科技发展、异域风情、时尚生活、经济热点,名人轶事等各个方面,文体包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。浓郁的时代感、包罗万象的题材与地道、规范的语言使得《征服英语 课外阅读100篇(高三年级)》兼具了知识性、趣味性与实用性。
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出版地 | 南京 | 出版单位 | 江苏人民出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 22.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 18 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
征服英语课外阅读100篇是江苏人民出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高中-课外读物 的书籍。
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