

(加) 菲伯 (Fieber,G.) , 著







菲伯,Before 2001,China was for me mostly rice and acupuncture. Chopsticks and fortune cookies.   But when l moved to Beijing to teach in 2001- and 1earned that there are no fonune cookies there-I began my love affair wim China.The next year I was invited to Shanghai Maritime University;it was the beginning of six memorable years of teaching writing and English. What’s more.when I participated in a transition of Margaret Atwood’s Blind Assassin. I was foreed to reconsider the magnifieence of language with new eyes.   As well, my wife and I traveled widely-from Xinjiang and Tibet in the west,to Inner Mongolia, in the north,Qingdao in the east and Hong Kong, Guangzhou,and Haifian in the south. Everywhere, we were dazzled by the beauty and diversity of the culture, and all under one roof!   But the heart of this rich mystery of a country is in Xi’an.I made four trips to the museum there.each one a journey in time and space.   In order to understand a thing.1 write about it. To enable my western mind to understand eastern culture-how people can bend for twelve hours a day seven days a week growing rice-I wrote. I have contributed articles on culture,health,travel,media and translation to thats Shanghai and Shanghsi Talk. One of those articles,in fact,on Oin Shi Huang and the terra cotta wardors. led me to the wrign of Emperor of Stone. Qin andthe Terra Cotta Armies.


Timelines Relating to Qin Shi Huang

Chapter 1

Strange Bedfellows

Chapter 2

Assassinations and Excesses

Chapter 3

Life on the Street

Chapter 4

A Prophecy of Doom: The Death of Qin Shi Huang

Chapter 5

Palaces below Ground: The Mausoleum and the Smaller Pits

Chapter 6

Inside the Main Pits

Chapter 7

Qins Real Warriors

Chapter 8

Weapons of War

Chapter 9

Art and Craft in the Making of the Terra Cotta Warriors

Chapter 10

The Great Wall

Chapter 11

Was Qin Shi Huang an Immortal?

Chapter 12

Who Built the Terra Cotta Warriors?

Chapter 13

The Museum at Xian


1. Development of the Calligraphy Paintbrush

2. Symbols of Dynasty

3. Huangdi

4. Sima Qian

5. Naming the Emperor




Qin Shi Huang: his name endures today not just in every "Made in China" label on the imports flooding western markets, but more significantly in Chinas strong political and economic presence on the world stage. Emperor of Stone: Qin and the Terra Cotta Armies takes a detailed look at Qins major accomplishments, achievements whose long shadow through time continue to shape China today. But the book does more. It is impossible to understand Qin without a sense of culture into which he was born, so I have also described the shifting and evolving landscape from the practical optimism of Confucius in the perfectibility of man, through the "Mandate. of Heaven" and on to the legalist views of Li Si-that ultimately shaped his thinking and brought about the Great Wall, the terra cotta warriors...and his own ruin.


页数 180 印数 2000


秦始皇兵马俑是五洲传播出版社于2009.04出版的中图分类号为 K827=33 ,K878.9 的主题关于 秦始皇(前259~前210)-人物研究-英文 ,秦始皇陵-兵马俑-研究-英文 的书籍。