

绿杨, 等著







Remembering Ma HaideA Sunny BoyKyoka in the Two CapitalsThe Big Bull's Amazing Year of the OxBeautiful ChefA "Chinese Girl" from AmericaDoctor MoA Chinese Tie Lasting for Half a CenturyLong Live Chinese CattleOpportunities in China Brought by Kung FuA Woman Waking Up Chinese MorningsA Practitioner of China-Japan CommunicationThe Special Life of a FinnFrench Taoist Nun, Discovering the WayRealization of a Foreigner's Dream in Childhood

Remembering Ma HaideA Sunny BoyKyoka in the Two CapitalsThe Big Bull's Amazing Year of the OxBeautiful ChefA "Chinese Girl" from AmericaDoctor MoA Chinese Tie Lasting for Half a CenturyLong Live Chinese CattleOpportunities in China Brought by Kung FuA Woman Waking Up Chinese MorningsA Practitioner of China-Japan CommunicationThe Special Life of a FinnFrench Taoist Nun, Discovering the WayRealization of a Foreigner's Dream in ChildhoodThe Story of "Foreign Anchor" in ChinaHer Ties with Chinese Movies and Television


Buddha said." When two strangers face each other while passing on a road, yuan is the indescribable sensation for one of them to "turn around and seek the other." This moment of bliss is built with the encounters of the past 500years. Isn't it a wonder that I can catch sight of you, out of the myriad of people, at a significant moment? Then I asked Buddha: According to the saying, if the yuan built with the prayers and practices of 1 O0 years can bring two people to the same ferryboat, and if the yuan built with those of l, 000 years can make them a couple, how many times must one feel the sensation to "turn around and seek the other" in order to amount to a single significant encounter today? Buddha smiled and didn't reply.


Lu Yang, the pen name of Yang Zhen, a senior journalist of the Japanese-language version of People's China magazine, has worked in foreign publishing, communications and cultural exchanges for more than 20 years. He has written many articles on Chinese history and culture, as well as China's reform and opening-up, and has won worldwide acclaim from readers both at home and abroad. Some articles have been collected into books and some have received awards. In recent years, he has focused his interests on th conditions of foreigners living in China, and so was invited to be the leading writer of the book Living in China and Dreaming Big in China.


尺寸26 × 0装帧平装
页数 200 印数 6000


老外的中国缘是新世界出版社于2009.11出版的中图分类号为 K812.5 ,K92 的主题关于 中国-概况-英文 ,外国人-生平事迹-现代-英文 的书籍。