

向小林, 张新建, 主编







UNIT ONE Text Changing Land Use Requirements Land Use Patterns Reading Material A Land Value Determinants Reading Material B Pattern of Land ValuesUNIT TWO Text Cost Planning Theories and Techniques Reading Material A Stages of Outline Plan Reading Material B Cost Control ProcedureUNIT THREE Text Project Control Reading Material A Project Control(Ⅰ) Reading Material B Project Control(Ⅱ)UNIT FOUR Text Statement Requirements Reading Material A Statement Requirements(Ⅱ)

UNIT ONE Text Changing Land Use Requirements Land Use Patterns Reading Material A Land Value Determinants Reading Material B Pattern of Land ValuesUNIT TWO Text Cost Planning Theories and Techniques Reading Material A Stages of Outline Plan Reading Material B Cost Control ProcedureUNIT THREE Text Project Control Reading Material A Project Control(Ⅰ) Reading Material B Project Control(Ⅱ)UNIT FOUR Text Statement Requirements Reading Material A Statement Requirements(Ⅱ) Reading Material B Statement Requirements(Ⅲ)UNIT FIVE Text Bidding Theory Reading Material A Responsive Bids Reading Material B Bid Bonds/Bid Errors-Relief of BiddersUNIT SIX Text Internal Auditing (Ⅰ) Reading Material A Internal Auditing (Ⅱ) Reading Material B Internal Auditing (Ⅲ)UNIT SEVEN Text Planning your Negotialtion(Ⅰ) Reading Material A Planning Your Negotiation(Ⅱ) Explanation of Negotiation Planning Checklist Reading Material B Planning Your Negotiation(Ⅲ)UNIT EIGHT Text Essential Skills of Project Manager Reading Material A Essential Skills of Project Manager(Ⅱ) Reading Material B Techology UNIT NINE Text Managing Performance of Engineers(Ⅰ) Reading Material A Managing Performance of Engineers(Ⅱ) Reading Material B Managing Performance of Engineers(Ⅲ)UNIT TEN Text Decision from the Market Study Reading Material A Inflation,Relative Price Changes and Market Analysis Reading Material B Factors to Be Considered in Analyzing MarketsUNIT ELEVEN Text The Legal Reading Material A Reading Material BUNIT TWELVE Environment The Participants in Investment Decisions(Ⅰ) The Participants in Investment Decisions(Ⅱ) Text Financial Statement Preparation Reading Material A Employing A Controller Or Office Manager Reading Material B Internal Control And AuditingUNIT THIRTEEN Text Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting Reading Material A Costs And Control Reading Material B The High—low MethodUNIT FOURTEEN Text The Mortgagee Instrument Reading Material A Special Loan Provisions Reading Material B Alternative Financing Methods UNIT FIFTEEN Text The Future of Real Estate Investing Reading Material A Purpose of Market Analysis Reading Material B Supply and Demand AnalysisUNIT SIXTEEN Text Insurance Problems eading MateriaI A Claims(Ⅰ) Reading Material B Claims(Ⅱ) AppendixⅠ VocabularyAppendixⅡ Translation for ReferenceAppendixⅢ Key to Exercises


本书是按国家教委颁布的《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》编写的专业英语教材。本册包括成本计划、投标理论、内部审计、谈判策划、市场研究、财务报表、抵押契据、保险等方面内容。全书安排16个单元,每单元除正课文外,还有两篇阅读材料,均配有必要的注释。正课文还配有词汇表和练习,书后附有总词汇表,参考译文和练习答案。语言难度大于第一册,还对科技英语翻译技巧作了简要说明,并增加了例句和翻译练习题。  本书供本专业逃生三年级下半学期使用,也可供有关专业人员自学英语参考。




建筑类专业英语是中国建筑工业出版社于1997.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 建筑学-英语-高等学校-教材 ,建筑企业-财务管理-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。