

王蕾, 著







王蕾 女,1958年6月出生,江苏苏州人,中共党员,英语语言文学教授。现任浙江工商大学外国语学院副院长,主管教学近12年。兼任浙江省大学英语教学研究会常务理事,杭州市外文学会常务理事。1982年毕业于湖南师范大学外语系英语语言文学专业,获学士学位。1994年研究生毕业于浙江大学外国语学院英语语言学与应用语言学专业,获硕士学位。2007年上海外国语大学英语语言文学博士班毕业,2010年6月获博士学位。2000年9月至2001年9月获国家留学基金资助,在英国雷丁大学作访问学者一年。长期在高校从事英语专业教学,先后主讲过英语语言学导论、语用学、语言学习理论、现代英语词汇学、英语泛读、英语听力、高级英语听说、大学英语等多门本科与研究生课程。科研方向为语篇分析、语用学和英语语言教学,已发表学术论文20多篇,主持和参加省部级以上科研课题4项,获浙江省级教学成果二等奖1项,参编教材4部。


Chapter 0ne introduction

1.1 introductory remarks

1.2 background to the research

1.3 significance and objectives of the research

1.4 organization of the contents

Chapter Two literature review

2.0 introduction

2.1 formulaic language and language acquisition

2.1.1 terminology

2.1.2 classification of formulaic language

2.1.3 formulaic language and psychological


2.1.4 formulaic language and corpus linguistics

2.1.5 cognitive understanding of formulaic language

2.1.6 the acquisition of formulaic language:teaching and learning

2.2 linguistic creativity

2.2.1 classification of linguistic creativity

2.2.2 cognitive understanding of linguistic creativity

2.2.3 linguistic creativity in everyday context

2.2.4 linguistic creativity in target language learning

2.3 summary

Chapter Three interface between formulaic language and linguistic creativity in second language acquisition

3.0 introduction

3.1 various related dichotomies on language use

3.1.1 systematic or formulaic

3.1.2 rule-based or exemplar-based

3.1.3 open-choice principle and idiom principle

3:1.4 nativelike selection and nativelike fluency

3.1.5 holistic and analytic processing

3.1.6 continuum model

3.1.7 routines and patterns

3.2 linguistic creativity, formulaic language and second language acquisition

3.2.1 contrastive analysis, error analysis and contrastive interlanguage analysis

3.2.2 transfer, formulaic language and linguistic creativity

3.3 summary

Chapter Four a pilot study on features of formulaic language and linguistic creativity of chinese efl learners in retelling

4.0 introduction

4.1 research questions

4.2 research methodology

4.2.1 description of the data collected

4.2.2 instruments

4.2.3 interview

4.2.4 criterion for the identification of formulaic sequences

4.3 results

4.3.1 text readability analysis

4.3.2 manifestation of the use of formulaic language in learners oral production

4.3.3 features of linguistic creativity in learners retelling

4.3.4 learners comments on their own performance

4.4 discussion

4.5 summary

Chapter Five research design

5.0 introduction

5.1 issues to be addressed

5.2 hypothesis and research question

5.2.1 hypothesis

5.2.2 research questions

5.3 methodology

5.3.1 scheme of the research

5.3.2 criteria for the identification and classification of lexical chunks

5.3.3 sample analysis and verb combination study

5.3.4 questionnaire survey

5.4 data collection

5.4.1 subjects defined

5.4.2 establishing learner written corpora

5.5 software and statistical tools

5.5.1 tools for analyzing the learner corpora

5.5.2 statistical tools

5.5.3 data analysis framework

5.6 summary

Chapter Six features of learners use of formulaic language and linguistic creativity in the written production

6.0 introduction

6.1 comparison of two types of learners written texts in terms of readability

6.1.1 reading ease and text difficulty

6.l.2 comparison of the number of sentences,asl, awl and token ratio

6.2 the use of formulaic sequences by chinese efl learners

6.2.1 the extraction of formulaic sequences

6.2.2 descriptive analysis of the formulaic language in learners written corpora

6.2.3 functions of fl used in learners language

6.2.4 discussion on the features of learners use of formulaic language in written corpora

6.3 manifestation of features of learners linguistic creativity

6.3.1 creativity redefined

6.3.2 sample analysis of learners written language

6.3.3 a case study: learners linguistic creativity as demonstrated by "verb noun" combinations

6.3.4 comparison of native and non-native judgment of learner language

6.4 attainment of a balance between learners use of formulaic language and linguistic creativity

6.4.1 in foreign language teaching and learning

6.4.2 linguistic creativity or chinese english

6.5 summary

Chapter Seven conclusion and implications

7.0 introduction

7.1 major findings

7.2 implications

7.2.1 theoretical implications

7.2.2 pedagogical implications

7.3 limitation of the research

7.4 recommendations for further research

appendix i interview questions

appendix ii questionnaire

appendix iii satistics of questionnaire results






尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 286 印数


中国高水平EFL学习者语言研究是国防工业出版社于2010.12出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-语言学-研究 的书籍。