

刘晓萍, 主编







Chapter 1 Choice of Words 1.1 Using Appropriate Words 1.2 Using Exact Words 1.3 Overcoming Chinglish Keys for ReferenceChapter 2 Sentence Skills 2.1 Basic Sentence Structures 2.2 Sentence Extensiofi Ⅰ 2.3 Sentence Extension Ⅱ 2.4 Common Errors Keys for ReferenceChapter 3 Paragraph Writing 3.1 Organizing a Paragraph 3.2 Paragraph Unity 3.3 Paragraph Coherence 3.3.1 Transitional Words 3.3.2 Pronouns and Repetition of Words 3.3.3 Synonyms 3.3.4 Parallel Sentence Structure 3.3.5 Logical Order in Organization 3.4 Paragraph Development Methods 3.4.1 Paragraph Development by Listing 3.4.2 Paragraph Development by Examples 3.4.3 Paragraph Development by Comparison 3.4.4 Paragraph Development by Contrast 3.4.5 Paragraph Development by Definition 3.4.6 Paragraph Development by Classification... 3.4.7 Paragraph Development by Space and Time 3.4.8 Paragraph Development by Process Description 3.4.9 Paragraph Development by Cause and Effect 3.4.1 0 Paragraph Development by Generalization Keys for ReferenceChapter 4 Essay Writing 4.1 Criteria of a Good Essay 4.2 Typical Structure of an Essay 4.2.1 The Beginning 4.2.2 The Body 4.2.3 The Conclusion 4.3 The Writing Process 4.3.1 Prewriting 4.3.2 Developing an Effective Thesis Statement 4.3.3 Writing the First Draft 4.3.4 Revising the First Draft 4.3.5 Editing 4.4 Description Writing 4.4.1 Features of Description Writing 4.4.2 Ways to Organize a Descriptive Essay 4.4.3 A Technique for Effective Description--Show, Not Tell 4.4.4 Description of a Person 4.4.5 Description of a Place 4.4.6 Description of a Scene 4.5 Narrative Writing 4.5.1 Basic Elements in a Narrative 4.5.2 Characteristics of a Narrative 4.6 Exposition Writing 4.6.1 Development by Illustration 4.6.2 Development by Process 4.6.3 Development by Comparison and Contrast 4.6.4 Development by Cause and Effect 4.6.5 Development by Definition 4.6.6 Development by Division and Classification 4.7 Argumentation Writing 4.7.1 Essential Elements of Argumentation 4.7.2 Strategies for Argumentation 4.7.3 General Patterns of an Argumentative Essay Keys for ReferenceChapter 5 Practical Writing 5.1 Emails 5.1.1 The Header 5.1.2 Body 5.1.3 Samples for Various Purposes 5.2 Notes 5.2.1 The Composition of a Note 5.2.2 Samples for Various Purposes 5.3 Notices 5.3.1 The Composition of a Notice 5.3.2 Samples for Various Purposes 5.4 Invitations 5.4.1 The Composition of an Invitation 5.4.2 Samples for Informal Invitation 5.4.3 Samples for Formal Invitation 5.4.4 Reply to an Invitation 5.5 Public Speaking 5.5.1 The Composition of a Speech Introduction 5.5.2 The Composition of Speech Body 5.5.3 The Composition of Speech Conclusion 5.5.4 Skill-tips 5.6 Curriculum Vitae 5.6.1 The Composition of CV 5.6.2 Skill-Tips 5.6.3 Samples Keys for ReferenceChapter 6 Writing for Examination 6.1 College English Test 6.1.1 The CET Scoring Criteria 6.1.2 Appreciation of Good CET Compositions 6.2 The National Graduate Entrance Test of English 6.2.1 The NGETE Scoring Criteria 6.2.2 Appreciation of Good NGETE Compositions Keys for ReferenceChapter 7 Readings for Writing 7.1 Expositional Readings 7.2 Narrative Readings 7.3 Descriptive Readings 7.4 Argumentative ReadingsReferences




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 344 印数 2000


新思路英语写作是武汉大学出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-写作-教材 的书籍。