

王武, 主编








Part I Gene Cloning

Chapter 1 Introduction to Gene Cloning

1.1 Brief Overview

1.2 Historical Events

1.3 Significance and Alertness

Chapter 2 Gene and Genome

2.1 Discovery of Hereditary Factor

2.2 Basic Knowledge of Gene

2.3 Sequence Signals Involved with Gene Expression

2.4 About Genomic and Metagenomic Studies

Chapter 3 Basic Techniques for Experiments with DNA

3 1 Enzymatic Tools for Gene Manipulation

3.20ligonucleotide Tools

3.3 DNA Purification

3.4 Electrophoresis

3.5 In Vitro Synthesis of DNA

3.6 DNA Sequencing

3.7 Macromolecular Hybridization and Blotting

3.8 PCR Techniques

Chapter 4 Cloning Procedure

4.1 Basic Procedure of Cloning

4 2 Selection of Cloning Vecto

4.3 Preparation of Donor DNA

4.4 Joining of Donor and Vector by Ligation

4.5 Selection Host Cell

4.6 Introduction of Recombinant DNA into Host Cells

4.7 "Selection, Screening and Subcloning

4.8 Derivative Technology Based on Cloning

Chapter 5 Application and Impacts

5.1 Initiation of Recombinant DNA Industry

5.2 General Aspects of Application

5.3 Contribution and Impact

Part II Cell Engineering

Chapter 6 Introduction on Cell Engineering

6.1 Brief Overview

6.2 Essentials of Cell Engineering

6.3 Progress Clues

Chapter 7 Cell Fusion and Hybridization

7.1 General Aspects

7.2 Protoplast Technique

7.3 Basic Methods of Cell Fusion

7.4 Fusant Screening

7.5 Application of Cell Fusion

Chapter 8 Plant Tissue and Cell Culture

8.1 Plant Tissue Culture System

8.2 Gene Tra fer to Plants

8.3 Artificial Seeds and Virusfree Plants

Chapter 9 Animal Tissue and Cell Culture

9.1 Establishment of Animal Tissue Culture System

9.2 Gene Tra fer to Animal Cell

9.3 Animal Hybrids and Hybridoma

9.4 Approaches of Stem Cell Research

Chapter 10 Application Examples from Cell Engineering

10.1 Bioproducts from Cell Engineering

10.2 Breeding of New Agronomic Varieties

10.3 Tra genic Animals as Models for Medical Research

Part III Enzyme Technology

Chapter 11 Fundamental Nature of Enzyme

11.1 Definition, Basic Nature and Classification of Enzyme

11.2 Determination of Enzyme Activities

11.3 Facto Affecting Enzyme Activity

11.4 Resources of Enzyme

11.5 Uses of Enzyme

Chapter 12 Enzyme Biosynthesis and Products

12.1 BiDresources of Enzyme

12.2 About Enzyme Synthesis

12.3 Enzyme Fermentation and Products

Chapter 13 Enzyme Recovery& Purification

13.1 Pretreatment of Crude Enzyme Sample

13.2 Removing of Impurities and, Sample Concentration

13.3 Chromatographic Separation

13.4 Polishing of Enzyme

13.5 Rational Formulation of Final Enzyme Products

Chapter 14 Enzymatic Conve ion

14.1 Enzymatic Conve ion

14.2 Immobilization of Enzyme and Cells

14.3 Enzymatic conve ion in nonaqueous Phase

Chapter 15 New Approaches of Enzyme Technology

15.1 Modification on Enzymes

15.2 Enzyme Carrie for Immobilization

15.3 Enzyme Inhibito

15.4 Ribozyme (Nonprotein Enzymes)

Part IV Industrial Fermentation

Chapter 16 Principles of Fermentation

16.1 Fermentation Principles

16.2 Fermentation Products and Application

16.3 Benefits from the Fermentation Industry

Chapter 17 Industrial Microorganisms

17.1 Types and Characte of Industrial Microorganisms

17.2 Breeding of Industrial Strai

17.3 Industrial Microbial Growth and Culture Media

17.4 Inoculation of Industrial Strai

17.5 Preservation of Industrial Strai

Chapter 18 Microbial Metabolism and Fermentation Kinetics

18.1 Metabolism Related toBasic Pathway

18.2 Metabolic Regulation and Control

18.3 Stoichiometry of Fermentation Process

18.4 Fermentation Kinetics

Chapter 19 Bioreacto and Auxiliary Equipments

19.1 Structure and Function of Bioreacto

19.2 Auxiliary Equipment

19.3 Probes and Se o

Chapter 20 Fermentation DownStream Technology

20.1 General Aspects

20.2 Harvest and Pretreatment

20.3 Isolation and Purification

20.4 Product Polishing

20.5 Waste Treatment and Cleaner Production

Chapter 21 Progress in Fermentation Engineering

21.1 Approaches of Upstream Technology

21.2 Process Optima

21.3 Development of Dow tream Technology


Terms Tra lation

Related Nobel Laureates

Further Reading





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 368 印数


生物技术概论是科学出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 Q81 的主题关于 生物工程-双语教学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。