黄格胜的艺术之路 : 漓江画派画家个案

黄格胜的艺术之路 : 漓江画派画家个案

左剑虹, 著







左剑虹,中国美术家协会会员。现为广西艺术学院漓江画派学院院长、教授、硕士生导师,漓江画派促进会常务理事、副秘书长,《漓江画派》丛刊副主编,桂林致公画院院长。长期致力于中国画创作理论研究与实践。著有《创意图形》(与罗鸿合著)、《中国当代美术家画库——左剑虹作品集》。   甄玉,英国桑德兰大学毕业并获得文学硕士学位,广西艺术学院副教授,研究方向包括汉英翻译、艺术理论与批评及中西美学研究。编写并出版教材《艺术专业英语》,出版译著《现代设计图史》。


Introduction / 1

Chapter One  Huang Gesheng’s Background / 1

Ⅰ.Struggling Through Early Life / 2

1 . His Formative Years / 2

2. Interests, Character and Family Influence / 21

3. The Moment that Changed His Fate / 30

4. A Visit to the United States / 39

Ⅱ . Academic Inheritance / 52

1 . Learning from a Master / 52

2. A Student from the South Helped by One from the North / 75

3. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves / 78

Ⅲ . Character, Language and Environment / 83

1 . Tenacity and Diligence / 86

2. Language of Art / 88

3. Environment / 94

Ⅳ. A Brief Look into Huang GeshengChronology Compared to Contemporary Artistic Events / 100

Ⅴ . Contemporary Chinese Cultural Context and HuangGesheng Artistic Position / 128

1 . Seventeen ̄Year Period and Cultural Revolution Artistic Contexts / 131

2. The Cultural Context of Fine Arts in the Early Period of the “ Open and

3. The Context of Fine Arts Within the 85’ Thoughts Movement / 142

4. Cultural and Artistic Context of the 1 990s / 144

5. Present Artistic Context and Huang Gesheng’s Contributions / 147

Chapter Two   Huang Gesheng’s Works at Different Periods / 153

1 . The Cultural Revolution Period (1 973-1 979) / 156

2. Romantic and Magnificent Hundred Miles of the Li River and Others

(1 980-1 987) / 169

3. Maturation of His Style During the 1990s (1987-1997) / 201

4. Hundred Scenes of the Li River and Huang Gesheng’s Art Experience in

the 21st Century ( 1 997-2009) / 212

Chapter Three   Definition and Characteristics of Huang Gesheng’s Artistic Style / 229

Ⅰ . Creating Artworks While Painting from Nature / 233

Ⅱ . Elements of Huang Gesheng’s Style / 243

1 . Foundation and Innovation / 243

2. Philosophy and Sensibility / 248

3. Methods / 256

4. Forms / 262

5. The Method of Creation / 267

Ⅲ . Painting Mode / 272

1 . On Stylized Shapes / 277

2. The Features of Brush and Ink Work / 288

3. The Features of Composition / 291

Chapter Four  Huang Gesheng’s Aesthetic Value and Cultural Orientation / 303

1 . Open-mindedness, Vision, Achievement / 304

2. The Phenomenon and Spirit of Huang Gesheng / 325

3. Aesthetic and Culture Values of Huang Gesheng’s Artwork / 345

4. Contemporary Significance of Huang Gesheng’s Art / 359

Epilogue / 382

Translator’s Words / 384


《黄格胜的艺术之路:漓江画派画家个案(英文版)Huang Gesheng's Road to Art》主要介绍了中国美术家协会副主席、广西艺术学院院长、我国当代著名山水画家、漓江画派代表人物之一——黄格胜的人生经历和艺术成就。全书共分为四章,分别为:第一章黄格胜艺术的存在背景、第二章黄格胜艺术发展阶段的分期研究、第三章黄格胜艺术的形式语言风格的形成和特点、第四章黄格胜艺术的审美价值取向和文化定位,依次介绍了黄格胜的成长经历、艺术作品及特色、艺术表现手法及特点、艺术风格和人格魅力,旨在通过对其全面、系统、深入的个案分析,展现中国当代画家的魅力,介绍漓江画派的艺术特色。


适读人群 :艺术家、艺术爱好者

  Huang Gesheng's Road to Art: A Case Study of Lijiang Pain ting School是一本研究漓江画派画家个案——黄格胜的著作,也是《黄格胜的艺术之路:漓江画派画家个案》一书的英译版,再现了一个铭刻着时代烙印的壮族艺术家的成长之路。该版忠实于原著,分为四个部分进行铺陈和归纳。这本译著不仅是漓江画派文献的重要补充,也是国外读者了解广西,了解国画艺术,了解当代中国艺术家的重要书籍和文献,填补了中外文化交流的相关空白。


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尺寸23 × 17装帧平装
页数 424 印数 1000


黄格胜的艺术之路 : 漓江画派画家个案是广西师范大学出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 J212.052 的主题关于 中国画-画家-美术评论-广西-现代-英文 的书籍。