

张祁, 主编







张祁,1993.7―至今 上海信息技术学校。指导学生参加第三届上海市中等职业学校星光计划“电子产品装配与调试”,获得一等奖


Unit 1 Electronics in The Home 1

Part 1 Lead-in 1

Task 1 Match the types of the devices to the pictures 1

Part 2 Dialogue 2

Part 3 Reading 2

Task 2 Fill in the gaps in this table with the help of the text: 3

Task 3 Make your choice according to the passage 3

Part 4 Notes 4

Part 5 Grammar 5

Task 4 Look and write. 8

Task 5 Think and complete. 9

Part 6 Read more 9

Task 6 Try to match the following columns. 10

Task 7 Try to match the following columns 10

Part 7 New words & Expression 10

Unit 2 Component Values 12

Part 1 Lead-in 12

Task 1 Fill in the missing colors in the table with the help of the text. 12

Part 2 Dialogue 12

Part 3 Reading 13

Task 2 Find the values and tolerance of resistors band ed as follows. Then compare your answer with your partner. 14

Part 4 Notes 14

Part 5 Grammar 15

Task 3 Find the statements that are passive voice. 16

Task 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. 17

Part 6

Task 5 This table provides the terms you need. Describe the value of these com- ponents with the help of the table. 18

Task 6 Describing block diagrams and circuits, fill in the gaps in this description of the tuned circuit shown in Fig.2. Each gap represents one word. 19

Part 7 New words & Expression 19

Unit 3 Electronic Components 22

Part 1 Lead-in 22

Task 1 Match the types of the components to the pictures 22

Part 2 Dialogue 23

Part 3 Reading 24

Task 2 Write T (True) or F (False) beside the following statements about the text. 26

Task 3 Match the following terms to appropriate definition or expression. 27

Task 4 Fill in the missing words according to the text. 27

Part 4 Notes 27

Part 5 Grammar 29

Task 5 Read and decide. 30

Task 6 Choose the best answer. 31

Part 6

Task 7 Complete the following statements with a,b, or c, score one mark for each correct answer. 32

Part 7 New words & Expression 33

Unit 4 Battery Charger 35

Part 1 Lead-in 35

Task 1 Here are some circuit symbols. Label them and describe their function. 35

Part 2 Dialogue 36

Part 3 Reading 37

Task 2 Each of these verbs has a related noun ending in ?er or ?or which refers to an instrument or component. Complete the column of verbs into nouns. 39

Task 3 Match each component or unit with its function in a battery charger. 39

Part 4 Notes 40

Part 5 Grammar 41

Task 4 Read and match. 43

Task 5 Choose and complete. 44

Part 6

Task 6 Write T (True) or F (False) beside the following statements about the text. 45

Task 7 Fill in the missing words according to the text. 46

Task 8 Match the following terms to appropriate definition or expression. 46

Part 7 New words & Expression 46

Unit 5 Alarm Systems 49

Part 1 Lead-in 49

Task 1 Each word in column A often goes before one word from column B. Find the other word pairs. 49

Part 2 Dialogue 49

Part 3 Reading 50

Task 2 Use information from the text to complete the tables. 52

Task 3 Use words from the text to complete the following table. 52

Part 4 Notes 52

Part 5 Grammar 53

Task 4 Choose and complete. 57

Task 5 Read and match. 57

Part 6

Task 6 Fill the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text. 59

Task 7 Now fill in the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text. 59

Part 7 New words & Expression 59

Unit 6 Test and Repair Instruments 61

Part 1 Lead-in 61

Task 1 Match the types of the instruments to the pictures. 61

Part 2 Dialogue 62

Part 3 Reading 62

Task 2 Which of the instruments would you use to do the follouing operations? 63

Task 3 Make your choice according to the text. 64

Task 4 Try to match the following columns. 64

Part 4 Notes 64

Part 5 Grammar 66

Task 5 Choose the best answer. 68

Task 6 Think and complete. 69

Part 6

Task 7 Write T (True) or F (False) beside the following statements about the text. 70

Task 8 Fill in the missing words according to the text. 70

Part 7 New words & Expression 71

Unit 7 Digital Circuit 73

Part 1 Lead-in 73

Task 1 Match each logic gate with its truth table for each of the following. 73

Part 2 Dialogue 74

Part 3 Reading 75

Task 2 Write T (True) or F (False) beside the following statements about the text. 76

Part 4 Notes 77

Part 5 Grammar 78

Task 3 Read and complete. 80

Task 4 Choose the best answer. 81

Part 6

Task 5 Try to match the following columns. 83

Task 6 Combine the half statement in the number order with those in the alphabetic order. 83

Part 7 New words & Expression 84

Unit 8 Computer 86

Part 1 Lead-in 86

Task 1 The following pictures are kinds of hardware. Do you know their English names? 86

Part 2 Dialogue 87

Part 3 Reading 88

Task 2 Can you write the full form of these abbrevia- tions? 89

Task 3 Try to match the following columns: 89

Part 4 Notes 89

Part 5 Grammar 90

Task 4 Read and underline. 94

Task 5 Choose and complete. 95

Part 6

Task 6 Try to match the following columns. 96

Task 7 Make your choice according to the text. 96

Part 7 New words & Expression 97

Appendix A Vocabulary 99

Appendix B Translation of The Texts and Keys to The Exercises 111

Unit 1 Electronics in the home 111

参考译文 111

参考答案 112

Unit 2 Component values 113

参考译文 113

参考答案 114

Unit 3 Electronic components 115

参考译文 115

参考答案 117

Unit 4 Battery charger 118

参考译文 118

参考答案 119

Unit 5 Alarm systems 121

参考译文 121

参考答案 122

Unit 6 Test and repair instruments 122

参考译文 123

参考答案 125

Unit 7 Digital circuit 126

参考译文 126

参考答案 128

Unit 8 Computer 128

参考译文 128

参考答案 129




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


电子技术专业英语是电子工业出版社于2015.3出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 电子技术-英语-中等专业学校-教材 的书籍。