

徐美荣, 主编







Chapter One Written Communication-An Overview Parts of a business letter Form of a business letter Envelopes addressing Language and tone Structuring communications Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Two Establishment of Business Relations Sample Letters Letter 1 Self-introduction Letter 2 Transferring business relations Letter 3 Request for establishment of business relations Letter 4 The first touch Letter 5 Credit inquiry Letter 6 Favorable reply from the bank

Chapter One Written Communication-An Overview Parts of a business letter Form of a business letter Envelopes addressing Language and tone Structuring communications Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Two Establishment of Business Relations Sample Letters Letter 1 Self-introduction Letter 2 Transferring business relations Letter 3 Request for establishment of business relations Letter 4 The first touch Letter 5 Credit inquiry Letter 6 Favorable reply from the bank Letter 7 Unfavorable reply from the bank Useful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Three Inquiries and Replies Sample Letters Letter 1 Requesting for catalogues and price lists Letter 2 The first inquiry Letter 3 General inquiry Letter 4 Specific inquiry Letter 5 Tabulated inquiry Useful Sentences on Inquiries and Replies Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Four Making Quotations and Offers Sample Letters Letter 1 A reply to the general inquiry Letter 2 A reply to the specific inquiry (Making a Firm Offer) Letter 3 Asking for pro forma invoice Letter 4 A tabulated quotation Letter 5 Making free offers Useful Sentences on Making Quotations and Offers Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Five Making Counteroffers and Declining Orders Sample Letters Letter 1 Making a counteroffer Letter 2 A reply to the counteroffer Letter 3 Acceptance of a counter counteroffer Letter 4 Declining the counteroffer Letter 5 Declining orders Letter 6 Declining a duplicate order Useful Sentences on Making Counteroffers and Declining Orders Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Six Aceeptanee and Orders Sample Letters Letter 1 An initial order Letter 2 Acknowledgement of an o~der Letter 3 Placing a repeat order (A tabulated repeat order) Letter 4 Sending a S/C with counter-signature Letter 5 A reply from the seller Useful Sentences on Acceptance and Orders Skill Training & ExercisesChapter Seven Terms of PaymentChapter Eight Letter of CreditChapter Nine Packing and ShipmentChapter Ten InsuranceChapter Eleven Complaints and ClaimsChpater Twelve AgencyChapter Thirteen E-MailsAppendix 1 Contract合同Appendix 2 SWIFT信用证Appendix 3 Invoice and Certificate发票及单据Appendix 4 Maritime Port海运港口Appendix 5 Airpot(Airdrome)世界主要航空巷(站)(机场)Appendix 6 Useful Phrases and Expressions参考文献


“新世界商务英语系列教材”是对外经济贸易大学出版社联合对外经济贸易大学、东北财经大学、上海财经大学、上海对外贸易学院、天津对外经济贸易职业学院、山东外贸职业学院、安徽国际商务职业学院、安徽商贸职业技术学院、大连职业技术学院和广东科学技术职业学院等院校推出的一套面向不同层次的、涵盖不同模块的商务英语系列立体化教材。本套教材面向三个层次:研究生、本科和高职高专。  研究生和本科层次的商务英语教材适用于全国各高等院校英语专业的商务英语方向或国际贸易、国际经济、国际工商管理等商科专业的学生。  高职高专层次的商务英语教材适用于全国高职高专院校英语专业的商务/应用/外贸英语方向以及国际贸易或财经类专业的学生。  根据国家教育指导思想,目前我国高职高专教育的培养目标是以能力培养和技术应用为本位,其基础理论教学以应用为目的、够用为尺度、就业为导向;教材强调应用性和适用性,符合高职高专教育的特点,既能满足学科教育又能满足职业资格教育的“双证书”(毕业证和技术等级证)教学的需要。本套教材编写始终贯彻商务英语教学的基本思路:将英语听说读写译技能与商务知识有机融合,使学生在提高英语语言技能的同时了解有关商务知识,造就学生“两条腿走路”的本领,培养以商务知识为底蕴、语言技能为依托的新时代复合型、实用型人才。  本套教材——“新世界全国高职高专院校规划教材·商务英语专业”——包括《商务英语综合教程(上册)》、《商务英语综合教程(下册)》、《商务英语阅读(上册)》、《商务英语阅读(下册)》、《商务英语听说》、《商务英语口语》、《商务英语写作》、《商务英语翻译》、《外贸英语函电》、《商务谈判》、《国际商务制单》等共11册教材。作者主要来自天津对外经济贸易职业学院、山东外贸职业学院、安徽国际商务职业学院、安徽商贸职业技术学院、大连职业技术学院和广东科学技术职业学院等。他们都是本专业的“双师型”名师,不仅具有丰富的商务英语教学经验,而且具有本专业中级以上职称、企业第一线工作经历,主持或参与过多项应用技术研究,这是本套教材编写质量的重要保证。




外贸英语函电是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 对外贸易-英语-电报信函-写作-高等学校:技术学校-教材 的书籍。