

王毅, 主编





本书是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材的修订版,是秘书专业学生从事涉外秘书工作的必修课教材。本书根据涉外秘书的工作性质和工作范围,针对秘书专业学生的特点,从理论知识学习和实际操作两个方面进行了设计和编写。前者包括一定的英语语音知识、国际交往知识、国际贸易知识、办公室日常业务知识和实用写作技能;后者是秘书在不同涉外工作中的情景对话。 全书选材实用、新颖、全面,配有大量实用性和针对性练习,为做好涉外秘书工作提供了必要的知识和经验。与本书配套,还开发了多媒体助学光盘、电子版教师用书、网络教材等辅教、辅学资源,构成比较完整的课程教学包。本书可作为高等院校尤其是高职高专院校文秘类专业或英语类专业教学用书,也可供涉外工作人员的参考读物和培训教材。


Unit 1 How Does One Become a Secretary?

Section 1 Being Interviewed

Section 2 Getting to Know Why We Wear What We Wear (1)

Section 3 Writing a Letter of Application and Resume

Section 4 Being the Most Interesting Person at a Networking Event

Unit 2 How Does a Secretary Work at the Office?

Section 1 Meeting the Office Staff

Section 2 Getting Along Well with One's Boss and Colleagues

Section 3 Getting Some Knowledge of English Letters (1)

Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette (1)

Unit 3 How Does a Secretary Manage His/Her Office Efficiently?

Section 1 Bringing Order to the Office

Section 2 Keeping Your Office Green

Section 3 Organizing Your Office

Section 4 Getting to Know Why We Wear What We Wear (2)

Unit 4 How Does a Secretary Receive Visitors?

Section 1 Dealing with Visitors

Section 2 Being Courteous and Efficient

Section 3 Getting Some Knowledge of English Letters (2)

Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette (2)

Unit 5 How Does a Secretary Handle Phone Calls?

Section 1 Making and Answering Phone Calls

Section 2 Telephoning Effectively

Section 3 Writing a Letter of Introduction

Section 4 Getting to Know the Traditional Worldview, Values and Mode of Thinking of the Chinese People

Unit 6 How Does a Secretary File Effectively?

Section 1 Doing Filing

Section 2 Filing Effectively

Section 3 Writing a Letter of Congratulations

Section 4 Getting to Know Confucius and His Analects

Unit 7 How Does a Secretary Deal with Meetings?

Section 1 Taking Minutes at a Meeting

Section 2 Learning How to Take Minutes

Section 3 Being a Successful Planner of a Conference

Section 4 Getting to Know Lao Zi and His Daode Jing

Unit 8 How Does a Secretary Host Visitors from Abroad?

Section 1 Hosting American Visitors

Section 2 Being Dignified and Gracious

Section 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation

Section 4 Getting to Know Christianity

Unit 9 How Does a Secretary Deal with Speeches?

Section 1 Interpreting at a Banquet

Section 2 Learning Speeches

Section 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches (1)

Section 4 Learning New Year Messages

Unit 10 How Des a Secretary Make Arrangements for Business?

Section 1 Making an Itinerary

Section 2 Planning Effectively

Section 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches (2)

Section 4 Getting to Know Islam

Unit 11 How Does a Secretary Make Reservations?

Section 1 Booking Airline Tickets

Section 2 Booking Effectively

Section 3 Writing Memos

Section 4 Getting to Know the Protestant Churches

Unit 12 How Does a Secretary Become an Efficient Guide?

Section 1 Visiting the Great Wall

Section 2 Being a Good Guide

Section 3 Learning to be an Interpreter for Premier Li Ke-qiang while He Delivers the Report on the Work of the Government

Section 4 Getting to Know Buddhism

Unit 13 How Does a Secretary Become a Learned International Business Person?

Section 1 TaLking about International Trade

Section 2 Getting to Know What is INCOTERMS

Section 3 Learning How to Get Paid in International Trade

Section 4 Getting to Know Anglican Churches & Religions in the Great Britain

Unit 14 How Does a Secretary Interpret During Negotiations?

Section 1 Acting as an Interpreter in Negotiations (l)

Section 2 Interpreting Effectively

Section 3 Acting as an Interpreter in Negotiations (2)

Section 4 Acting as an Interpreter in Negotiations (3)

Unit 15 How Does a Secretary Deal with a Business Contract?

Section l Talking about a Contract Draft

Section 2 Getting Some Knowledge of a Business Contract

Section 3 Learning How to Draft a Business Contract

Section 4 Getting to Know What There is in Negotiations(1)

Unit 16 How Does a Secretary Guide the Guests to Go Shopping in China?

Section 1 Making Purchases

Section 2 Being Jack ofAll Trades and Master ofNone

Section 3 Getting to Know What There is in Negotiations(2)

Section 4 Getting to Know the Roman Catholic Church

Unit 17 How Does a Secretary Say Goodbye Impressively?

Section 1 Seeing Guests offat theAirpoR

Section 2 Saying Goodbye Impressively

Section 3 Writing a LeRer ofThanks

Section 4 Getting to Know the Eastern Orthodox Churches

附录一 英语单元音和双元音对照表

附录二 名言、古训

附录三 常用缩略词对照表

附录四 职业技能鉴定国家题库·涉外秘书(国家职业资格四级、五级)英语试卷、标准(参考)答案及评分标准





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 5000


秘书英语是高等教育出版社于2015.3出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 秘书-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。