

(美) 阿兰 (Henkel,D.) 等, 著








Introductory Materials

Concepts 1

Chapter 1

Structure and Properties

1.1 Atomic Packing 2

1.2 Crystal Structure 7

1.3 Grain Structure 12

1.4 Mechanical Properties and Testine 16

1.5 Physical Properties 26

1.6 Characteristics of Unalloyed Solids 32

Chapter 2

Deterioration of Material

Properties 44

2.1 Fracture in a Ductile Material 46

2.2 Fracture in a Brittle Material 47

2.3 Suppression of Brittle Fracture 49

2.4 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 52

2.5 Property Deterioration at High Temperature 53

2.6 Property Deterioration from Cyclic Loading 56


Strengthening Mechanisms 59

Chapter 3

Solid-Solution Strengthening 60

3.1 Formation of Solid Solutions 60

3.2 Mechanism of Solidification 62

3.3 Solidification of Pure Metals 65

3.4 Solidification of Metal Alloys 68

3.5 Diffusion 71

3.6 Segregation in Metal Alloys 76

3.7 Real Solid Solutions 79

3.8 General Properties of Solid Solutions 80

Chapter 4

Deformation Hardening and

Annealing 86

4.1 Plasticity of Metals 86

4.2 Property Changes in Deformation-Hardened Metals 95

4.3 Annealing 98

4.4 Property Changes in Annealed Metals 105

4.5 Preferred Orientation and Directional Properties 107

Chapter 5

Multiphase Strengthening 111

5.1 Binary Eutectics 111

5.2 Intermetallic Compounds 114

5.3 Multicomponent Eutectics 115

5.4 Microstmcture of Multiphase Materials 116

5.5 Generalized Properties of Multiphase Materials 124

Chapter 6

Precipitation Hardening 127

6.1 General Mechanism of Precipitation Hardening 127

6.2 Precipitation from Solid Solution 129

6.3 Stages of Precipitation Hardening 131

6.4 Variables Affecting Precipitation Hardening 136

6.5 Precipitation Hardening of Cu-Be Alloys 141

Chapter 7

Martensitic Transformation 144

7.1 The Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram 144

7.2 Alloys of Iron and Carbon 147

7.3 Microstructure of Nonharclened Steel 151

7.4 Heat Treatment of Eutectoid Steel 156

7.5 The Martensite Transformation 160

7.6 Heat Treatment of Noneutectoid Steels 165

7.7 Physical Property Changes During Martensite Formation 169

7.8 Tempering of Martensite 171

7.9 Microstructure of Isothermally Transformed Steel 173

7.10 Generalized Properties of Heat-Treated Steels 183


Metallic Materials

Engineering 188

Chapter 8

Low-Carbon Steels 189

8.1 Terms Related to Steelmaking Processes 189

8.2 Grain Size of Steel 191

8.3 Nonhardenable Low-Carbon Steels 193

8.4 High-Strength, Low-Alloy (HSLA) Steels 200

8.5 Welding of Low-Carbon Steel 203

8.6 Surface Hardening of Low-Carbon Steel 206

Chapter 9

Medium-Carbon Steels 211

9.1 Classification of Medium-Carbon Steels 212

9.2 Hardenable Carbon Steels 214

9.3 Hardenable Alloy Steels 216

9.4 Austempering and Marquenching 223

9.5 Ultra-High-Strength Steels 224

9.6 Special Processing of Steel 227

Chapter 10

High-Carbon Steels 230

10.1 Classification of High-Carbon Steels 230

10.2 Heat Treatment of High-Carbon Steels 232

10.3 Cemented Carbides 245

Chapter 11..

Stainless Steels 248

11.1 Phase Diagrams of Stainless Steels 248

11.2 Stainless-Steel Alloy Designations 252

11.3 Heat Treatment of Stainless Steels 253

11.4 Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steels 254

11.5 Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels 257

Chapter 12

Cast Irons 263

12.1 Cast Iron (Fe-C-Si) Phase Diagram 263

12.2 Gray Cast Iron Solidification 264

12.3 Ductile Cast Iron Solidification 268

12.4 Concepts of Graphitization in Cast Iron 269

12.5 Properties of Cast Irons 272

Chapter 13

Aluminum Alloys 279

13.1 Work-Hardenable Wrought Aluminum Alloys 281

13.2 Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys 282

13.3 Cast Aluminum Alloys 284

13.4 Residual Stresses in Aluminum Alloys 295

13.5 Aluminum-Lithium Alloys 299

Chapter 14

Copper and Copper Alloys 303

14.1 Copper Alloy Designations 303

14.2 Unalloyed Coppers 304

14.3 Brasses: Cu-Zn Alloys 307

14.4 Tin Bronzes: Cu-Sn Alloys 318

14.5 Silicon and Aluminum Bronzes 320

14.6 Cast Copper-Base Alloys 321

Chapter 15

Magnesium Alloys 323

15.1 Magnesium Alloy Designations 323

15.2 The Nature of Magnesium Alloying 326

15.3 Cast Magnesium Alloys 328

15.4 Properties of Magnesium Alloys 337

Chapter 16

Titanium Alloys 342

16.1 Unalloyed Titanium 342

16.2 Phase Diagrams of Titanium Alloys 345

16.3 Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloys 351

16.4 Properties of Titanium Alloys 353

16.5 Applications of Titanium Alloys Problems 359

Chapter 17

Metals for High-Temperature Service 360

17.1 High-Temperature Performance of Refractory Metals 361

17.2 Nickel- and Iron-Base Superalloys 364

17.3 Cobalt-Base Superalloys 370

17.4 Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum 373

17.5 Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten 378

17.6 Refractory Metal Coatings 383


Nonmetallic Materials and

Composites Engineering 386

Chapter 18

Engineering Polymers 387

18.1 Bonding and Structure in Polymers 388

18.2 Generalized Properties of Polymers 394

18.3 Olefin, Vinyl, and Related Polymers 398

18.4 Thermoplastic Polymers 402

18.5 Thermosetting Polymers 405

18.6 Elastomeric Polymers 407

Chapter 19

Ceramics and Glasses 410

19.1 A Ceramic Phase Diagram (AL2O3-SIO2) 410

19.2 Traditional Ceramics: Clay, Refractories, and Abrasives 411

19.3 Structure and Properties of Engineering Ceramics 415

19.4 Characteristics of Glass 416

Chapter 20

Composite Materials 425

20.1 Forms and Properties of Composite Reinforcing Materials 426

20.2 Forms and Properties of Composite Matrix Materials 430

20.3 Metal Matrix Composites 432

20.4 Polymer Matrix Composites 434

20.5 Ceramic Matrix Composites 436

20.6 Carbon and Graphite Composites 436

Index 439


《工程材料的结构与性能》是为满足国内工科院校材料专业学生了解和掌握工程材料的结构与性能而引进出版的。   《工程材料的结构与性能》提供了最新的各种工程材料介绍,包括金属、合金、高分子材料、陶瓷以及复合材料。特别适合于把材料作为基础的介绍性课程学习的学生,或着眼于材料的结构与性能学习的学生使用。   《工程材料的结构与性能》体系简单,侧重晶体结构、机械性质、相图与制备、各类重要合金,以及非金属工程材料。它主要分四个部分:第一部分主要阐述晶体结构、点阵缺陷、化学键,以及机械与物理性能。第二部分主要讨论金属材料的强化理论与制备方法。比如固溶强化、加工硬化与热处理、多相强化、弥散析出强化,以及马氏体相变强化。第一、二部分是材料科学与工程中至关重要的核心和基本概念。第三部分是对各类金属工程材料的分类与介绍。详细讨论了各种钢材,例如低碳钢、中碳钢与高碳钢的特性、制备,以及应用。同时系统地介绍了各类合金钢,比如不锈钢、铝合金、铜合金、镁合金、钛合金,以及高温合金等。对于金属冶金专业的学生来说,这个部分是至关重要的。第四部分囊括了工业应用中其他大部分非金属材料,比如高分子材料、陶瓷材料,以及复合材料。这些章节不仅给出了这些重要材料的标定、规格和类型,而且阐述了它们的特性、应用范围和制备条件。因而,第四部分对于非材料专业的工科学生,在掌握工程材料的一般知识方面有着极为重要的意义。尤其对于那些需要在工程实践中广泛接触材料应用的专业,比如航空、机械、土木、环境和化工等专业。   《工程材料的结构与性能》条理有序,结构清晰,内容丰富,浅显易懂,十分适用于一般工学院的材料导论课程。同时,它也适用于材料专业的初级课程。尤其《工程材料的结构与性能》所出的作业题,内容十分广泛,而且重点突出,切题实用。


页数印数 3000


工程材料的结构与性能是清华大学出版社于2008.07出版的中图分类号为 TB303 的主题关于 工程材料-结构性能-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。