

(英) 斯蒂芬, 主编







IntroductionTest One Paper 1:Reading  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice questions(Part 1)  Test Paper 2:Writing  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on writing a lettedemail(Part 1)  Test Paper 3:Use of English  An in-depth look  Exam technique

IntroductionTest One Paper 1:Reading  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice questions(Part 1)  Test Paper 2:Writing  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on writing a lettedemail(Part 1)  Test Paper 3:Use of English  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice cloze passage(Part 1)  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice  questions(Part 1)  Test Paper 5:Speaking  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answenng personal  questions(Part 1)  TestTest two Paper 1:Reading  Hints on working with a gapped text(Part 2)  Test Paper 2:Writing  Hints on writing an informal  letter(Part2)  Test Paper 3:Use of English  Hints on howto gap-fill(Part 2)  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening  Hints on sentence completion(Part 2)  Test Paper 5:Speaking  Hints on comparing pictures(Part 2)  TestTest Three Paper 1:Reading  Hints on answering the multiple  matching task(Part 3)  Test Paper 2:Writing  Hints on writing an article  Test Paper 3:Use of English  Hints on word formation(Part 3)  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening  Hints on multiple matching(Part 3)  Test Paper 5:Speaking  Hints on speaking with a partner using visual prompts(Part 3)  TestTest Four Paper 1:Reading  Hints on answering questions  Test Paper 2:Writing  Hints on writing an essay  Test Paper 3:Use of English  Hints on'key'word transformations(Part4)  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening Hints on answering multiple-choice questions(Part 4) Test Paper 5:Speaking Hints on speaking with a partner and the interlocutor(Part 4) TestTest Five Paper 1:Reading  Hints on improving your reading skills I  Test Paper 2:Writing  Hints on writing a short story  Test Paper 3:Use of English  Hints on answering questions  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening  Hints on improving your listening skills I  Test Paper 5:Speaking  Hints on improving your speaking skills I  TestTest Six Paper 1:Reading  Hints on improving your reading skills II  Test Paper 2:Writing  Hints on writing a report  Hints on answering the task for the set books  Test Paper 3:Use of English  Hints on improving your Use of English skills  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4:Listening  Hints on improving your listening skills II  Test Paper 5:Speaking  Hints on improving your speaking skills II  TestPhotographs and Visuals for TestsGlossaryTapescript


英国剑桥大学考试委员会根据欧洲语言测试者协会制定的语言大纲推出了“剑桥英语五级证书考试”。旨在推进欧洲语言测试者协会20多个成员国之间的英语水平相互认证。这一英语等级考试体系同时也被欧洲及英语国家广泛接受,当作出国留学或进入商务领域的语言水平认证。  根据运用语言的能力。“剑桥英语五级证书考试”的等级大致可描述为:入门证书水平(KET),即能够以英语就日常话题进行简单交流,是剑桥少儿英语三级之后进入更高阶段的第一个等级;初级证书水平(PET),即具备运用英语解决日常事务的能力;第一证书水平(FCE),即能够在商务环境下或就某些稍具专业性的话题进行交流,同时此水平的考试也被作为母语为非英语人员申请到欧洲留学的语言水平认证;高级英语证书考试水平(CAE),即能够从文化层面上把握语言在各种场合下的应用,能够凭借英语进入某专业技术领域从事工作或初步具备了以英语作为工作语言进入学术领域的能力;英语熟练证书水平(CPE),即剑桥大学考试委员会认为母语为非英语的人士已经完全具备了以英语进行深度学术研究的能力。  《剑桥英语等级考试系列》就是在上述背景下引进的原版图书。本套图书是根据最新考试大纲而编写的考试教程。本套教程最大的亮点在于:  6套完整试题:  针对试卷的阅读与写作、听力理解、口语测试等每一部分都有详细的分析说明.并提供相应的考试技巧(见第一套试题):  每套试题后都有长达两页的重点词汇、语法及写作知识及考试技巧回顾:  每套试题的听力部分之后都有重点摘要及增补听力训练;  每种题型都有详细的应对说明,其中也包括以教师用书中的范文为支撑的完整写作指导。




剑桥第一证书英语考试教程是北京大学出版社于2009.02出版的中图分类号为 H310.41 的主题关于 英语-水平考试-教学参考资料 的书籍。