

郑永梅, 主编







Unit One

Text 1 The Great American Garage Sale

Text 2 The Missed Blessings

Text 3 Tell Mommy I Love Her

Text 4 The Importance of Being Honest

Text 5 Every Day Is a Gift from God

Unit Two

Text 1 The Return of the Sculptures

Text 2 If It Is My Last Day

Text 3 About NBA

Text 4 Taking a Tour of History

Text 5 8 Songs to Listen to When Depressed

Unit Three

Text 1 Words and Their Stories. I'm Feeling Very Blue

Text 2 The Youngest Painter in the World

Text 3 Pets

Text 4 How to Become a Leader at Your School

Text 5 Friendship in China and the West

Unit Four

Text 1 Something About PSY

Text 2 Ang Lee & Wong Kar-wai

Text 3 Why China Loves "Titanic" So Much

Text 4 Art of Love

Text 5 What Are Good Manners?

Unit Five

Text 1 Studying Abroad No Longer Just an Investment

Text 2 Are You a Cosplayer

Text 3 Why Girls Like Bad Boys

Text 4 Bill Gates' 11 Rules of Life

Text 5 10 Ways to Improve Your Mind by Reading the Classics

Unit Six

Text 1 From President to Painter

Text 2 What Extremely Successful People Were Doing at Age 25

Text 3 Why Is 13 Considered Unlucky

Text 4 Smartphone Fight

Text 5 10 Ways to Find Your Own Personal Strengths

Unit Seven

Text 1 A Perspective on the Younger Generation in China

Text 2 China Reels in Hollywood as Multiplex Screens Thrive

Text 3 Ten Suggestions for Your College Life

Text 4 7 Steps to Cheer You Up

Text 5 Walt Disney: A Greatest Dreamer

Unit Eight

Text 1 Driving Is a Way of Life

Text 2 Set Goals to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Text 3 "Eat-up" Campaign

Text 4 10 Wealthiest Presidents

Text 5 The One and Only Queen Beyonce

Unit Nine

Text 1 The Concept of EQ

Text 2 Others Are Only Mirrors of You

Text 3 Our Emotions Match Music to Color Naturally

Text 4 Bungee--Just for the Thrill

Text 5 Popular High School Students Are Likely to Earn More Than Their Less-liked Peers

Unit Ten

Text 1 How to Be Smart

Text 2 Chinese Zodiac

Text 3 American Table Manners

Text 4 The Pop Music Festival

Text 5 Coffee's Memory -- One of the Healthiest Beverages Around the World

Unit Eleven

Text 1 Jogging -- Benefits for the Health

Text 2 How to Make the Most of Your Vacation

Text 3 More Than One Way to the Square

Text 4 Secrets of "Intern Queen"

Text 5 Five Famous Love Letters in History

Unit Twelve

Text 1 This Is My Generation

Text 2 Club Diversity on Rise

Text 3 Beware of Rumor Online

Text 4 Moon Mission Lifts off

Text 5 Home Is Not a Place, but a Lifestyle

Unit Thirteen

Text 1 Making a Culture Change

Text 2 Marriage of American Style

Text 3 Have Fun with Yoga

Text 4 Raising Children

Text 5 American Music

Unit Fourteen

Text 1 How to Be a Better Conversationalist

Text 2 How 3D Printing Works

Text 3 Chinese Tea Culture

Text 4 Rock and Roll

Text 5 Does Talents Show Work?



郑永梅主编的《大学英语应用能力阅读教程》阅 读篇章的内容涉及一般性人文素材及音乐、美术、影 视、传媒、体育等方面的非专业类内容。内容选择注 重人文性、可读性,内容和难易程度适合一般高校广 义的艺术类本科生和高职高专学生。这类学生中的多 数参加高等学校英语应用能力考试。
本书共14个单元,建议每周学习1个单元,供一 学期使用。每个单元包括5篇阅读文章,每篇文章配 有短语及难句解析,另配两种阅读理解题,题型设计 全部参考高等学校英语应用能力考试中的阅读题型。
本书的资料来源广泛,包括国外媒体文章、英语 网站文章、英语报纸杂志文章等,经改写后成为本书 阅读文章。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


大学英语应用能力阅读教程是复旦大学出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。