操作系统 : 精髓与设计原理 : 第6版

操作系统 : 精髓与设计原理 : 第6版

(美) 斯托林斯 (Stallings,W.) , 著







Chapter 1 Computer System Overview 1

1.1 Basic Elements 1

1.2 Processor Registers 2

1.3 Instruction Execution 5

1.4 Interrupts 8

1.5 The Memory Hierarchy 19

1.6 Cache Memory 22

1.7 I/O Communication Techniques 26

1.8 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 29

1.9 KeyTerms, Review Questions, and Problems 30

Appendix 1A Performance Characteristics of Two-Level Memory 32

Appendix 1B Procedure Control 39

Chapter 2 Operating System Overview 43

2.1 Operating System Objectives and Functions 43

2.2 The Evolution of Operating Systems 47

2.3 Major Achievements 56

2.4 Developments Leading to Modern Operating Systems 69

2.5 Microsoft Windows Overview 72

2.6 Traditional UNIX Systems 82

2.7 Modern UNIX Systems 85

2.8 Linux 86

2.9 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 93

2.10Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 95

Chapter 3 Process Description and Control 97

3.1 What is a Process? 97

3.2 Process States 100

3.3 Process Description 115

3.4 Process Control 124

3.5 Execution of the Operating System 129

3.6 Security Issues 132

3.7 UNIX SVR4 Process Management 136

3.8 Summary 141

3.9 Recommended Reading 142

3.10KeyTerms, Review Questions, and Problems 142

Programming Project One Developing a Shell 146

Chapter 4 Threads, SMP, and Microkernels 149

4.1 Processes andThreads 149

4.2 Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) 163

4.3 Microkernels 167

4.4 WindowsVista Thread and SMP Management 173

4.5 Solaris Thread and SMP Management 178

4.6 Linux Process andThread Management 183

4.7 Summary 186

4.8 Recommended Reading 187

4.9 KeyTerms, Review Questions, and Problems 188

Chapter 5 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization 193

5.1 Principles of Concurrency 194

5.2 Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support 203

5.3 Semaphores 206

5.4 Monitors 219

5.5 Message Passing 226

5.6 Readers/Writers Problem 232

5.7 Summary 236

5.8 Recommended Reading 237

5.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 238

Chapter 6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation 249

6.1 Principles of Deadlock 249

6.2 Deadlock Prevention 258

6.3 Deadlock Avoidance 259

6.4 Deadlock Detection 265

6.5 An Integrated Deadlock Strategy 267

6.6 Dining Philosophers Problem 268

6.7 UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms 272

6.8 Linux Kernel Concurrency Mechanisms 275

6.9 Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives 281

6.10Windows Vista Concurrency Mechanisms 284

6.11Summary 288

6.12Recommended Reading 288

6.13Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 289

Chapter 7 Memory Management 295

7.1 Memory Management Requirements 295

7.2 Memory Partitioning 298

7.3 Paging 309

7.4 Segmentation 313

7.5 Security Issues 314

7.6 Summary 318

7.7 Recommended Reading 318

7.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 319

Appendix 7A Loading and Linking 321

Chapter 8 Virtual Memory 328

8.1 Hardware and Control Structures 328

8.2 Operating System Software 347

8.3 UNIX and Solaris Memory Management 365

8.4 Linux Memory Management 371

8.5 WindowsVista Memory Management 373

8.6 Summary 376

8.7 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 377

8.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 378

Appendix 8A Hash Tables 382

Chapter 9 Uniprocessor Scheduling 386

9.1 Types of Scheduling 386

9.2 Scheduling Algorithms 390

9.3 Traditional UNIX Scheduling 412

9.4 Summary 414

9.5 Recommended Reading 414

9.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 415

Appendix 9A Response Time 418

Appendix 9B Queuing Systems 420

Programming Project Two The HOST Dispatcher Shell 427

Chapter 10 Multiprocessor and Real-Time Scheduling 432

10.1 Multiprocessor Scheduling 432

10.2 Real-Time Scheduling 445

10.3 Linux Scheduling 460

10.4 UNIX FreeBSD Scheduling 464

10.5Windows Vista Scheduling 466

10.6 Summary 469

10.7 Recommended Reading 469

10.8 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 470

Chapter 11 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling 473

11.1 I/O Devices 473

11.2Organization of the I/O Function 474

11.3 Operating System Design Issues 478

11.4 I/O Buffering 481

11.5 Disk Scheduling 484

11.6 RAID 491

11.7 Disk Cache 500

11.8 UNIX FreeBSD I/O 503

11.9 Linux I/O 506

11.10WindowsVista I/O 510

11.11Summary 513

11.12 Recommended Reading 513

11.13Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 515

Appendix 11A Disk Storage Devices 517

Chapter 12 File Management 528

12.1 Overview 528

12.2 File Organization and Access 534

12.3File Directories 538

12.4 File Sharing 543

12.5Record Blocking 544

12.6Secondary Storage Management 546

12.7File System Security 554

12.8 UNIX File Management 556

12.9 Linux File Management 563

12.10WindowsVista File System 567

12.11Summary 573

12.12 Recommended Reading 573

12.13Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 574

Glossary 577

References 587


《操作系统:精髓与设计原理(第6版)(英文版)》是讲解操作系统的经典教材,全书不仅系统地讲述了操作系统的基本概念、原理和方法,而且以当代最流行的操作系统——Windows Vista、UNIx和Linux为例,全面清楚地展现了当代操作系统的本质和特点。与教材配套的专用站点,为教师和学生理解书中内容,提供了及时、生动的材料。


《操作系统:精髓与设计原理(第6版)(英文版)》是畅销书作者William stallirigs的力作,其第四版曾获得美国计算机科学与工程类教材大奖。《操作系统:精髓与设计原理(第6版)(英文版)》清晰、完整地讲解了现代操作系统的概念、结构和机制。这个新版本进行了完整的更新,以反映行业的最新进展。
作者全面分析了操作系统设计的高级目标和挑战,然后在每个主要领域给出了权威的讲解:线程、并发性、内存管理、虚拟内存、处理器调度、输入/输出管理以及文件管理等。对每个领域,都用现实世界的例子进行了演示,从而强化了这些讨论。这些例子基于Windows Vista、LINIX、Unux以及其他同时期的操作系统。
配套网站WilliarT]Stalli rlgs.COlTI/OS/OS6e.html上的大量Web内容支持
大量的Wirldows例子,针对Wirldows Vista


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尺寸23 × 18装帧平装
页数 624 印数


操作系统 : 精髓与设计原理 : 第6版是电子工业出版社于2010.7出版的中图分类号为 TP316 的主题关于 操作系统-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。