

陈胜武, 等编著










Preface 1

Acronyms and Abbreviations 1

Introduction 1


Chapter 1

The 100,000 Troops on the Ruins 3

Flying to Report the Disaster Situation 5

The On-Scene and Nearby Rescue 8

Rushing to the Rescue by Land 9

The Ultra-Dense Takeoffs and Landings 11

The Medical Assistance beyond the Limits 15

The Exhausted Soldiers 18

For the Lifeline of the Disaster-Stricken Area 20

Chapter 2

The Fire in the Primeval Forest 25

The Burst of the Forest Fires 25

The Mohe Town in the Flames 28

Defending Tahe 30

The Beardy Division Commander 32

Encircling the Fire 34

Meeting with a Danger in the Fire 35

Continuing the Triumphant Pursuit 37

Chapter 3

When the Flood Came 41

The Unissued Order of Flood Diversion 42

The Rustling Assault Boat 47

The Danger is the Order 50

The Life-or-Death Moment in Paizhouwan 52

Blocking Up the Levee Breach in Jiujiang 55

Defending Harbin to the Last 59

Chapter 4

The Snowy Spring 63

Opening Up the Way Home 64

The Gas Jet Cars 67

Delivering Warmth in the Snow 69

Wei Yongjing the Hero 71

Power! Power! 76

The Soldiers Standing Asleep 79

Chapter 5

The Earthshaking Fight in Wenchuan 83

Disaster Befalling the Northwestern Sichuan 83

The Army-Wide Mobilization of Forces 86

The Life-or-Death Air Rescue 89

The Arduous March Borne with Explosives 94

The Relief Operations in Beichuan 97

The Blue Wristlets 100

“I Don’t Want to Hear about Difficulties” 103

Saving Barcus Bogdan 108

Chapter 6

The Smashed Plateau City 111

The Emergency Takeoff of “Citation 4101” 111

Sending the Wounded Patients Out 113

The Child Born at the Airport 115

Standing Fast to the Last Post 116

“The Jinzhumami Will Come to Save Me” 118

You’re the Mother of the Kid 119

“We Are Not Only Recovering Cultural Relics” 121

The Agony of Abandoning the Battle Steeds 124

The Hans and Tibetans Are a Family 127


Chapter 7

The Unusual Operations during the SARS 131

Starting Out at Once 131

The Special Medicines 133

The Setback at the Airport 135

Our Job is to Give Them Hope 137

“The Disaster Relief Stars” 142

“I Don’t Know Careful” 144

The Tape and the Conch 145

Chapter 8

The Indian Ocean Is Weeping 149

Going to the Tsunami-Stricken Areas 150

The Tortuous Flight 152

The Long Wait 154

The Rescue in the Rainstorm 156

“China Is Very Tall in My Mind” 158

I’ll Let Them Rest in Peace 162

A False Alarm 163

With Dreams in Mind We’ll Have Tomorrow 165

Chapter 9

The Call from Balocot 169

Racing against the Time 170

The Hope of Life 172

The Messengers Sent by Allah 176

The Beautiful Chinese Woman Doctor 177

We Don’t Have Any Time Holding an Umbrella 178

The Multinational Base 180

Making Medical Rounds along the Wolf Road 182

“China Is Back Again” 184

Chapter 10

The Love to the People on the Other Side of the Earth 187

The Urgent Departure 188

Comrades, Let Us Take You Home 189

The 200% Effort 192

Breaking Away from the Convention 194

The Common Undertaking 196

The Intensive Treatment 199

The Revealed Emotions 202

Chapter 11

The Vibration in East Japan 205

The Shadow of the Nuclear Radiation 206

The Magic Effect of the Golf Clubs 209

Never Giving Up Any Hope 210

The 300 Micro-Blog Messages 212

The Sincere Gratitude 214

The Permanent Reminisce 216

Concluding Remarks 219

References 225

Postscript 228


《中国军队系列 中国军队与人道主义救援(英文版)》通过大量珍贵的历史记录和详尽的细节描写,展示了中国军队在国内外历次重大抢险救灾中执行最紧急、最艰难、最危险的救援任务的出色能力。全书按照国内外的救援行动分为上下两篇,以一个个小故事串联起来,生动讲述了11件救援大事,突出了中国军队“全心全意为人民服务”的本色和敬重生命、关爱和平的大爱情怀。


《中国军队系列 中国军队与人道主义救援(英文版)》通过11组故事和大量图片,生动展现了中国军队人道主义救援事业的发展历程,展示了中国军队在国内外人道主义救援领域的巨大贡献。那些英勇无私、为拯救生命和财产而奋不顾身的中国军人,让我们无数次感动。


尺寸23 × 17装帧平装
页数印数 3000


中国军队与人道主义救援是五洲传播出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 E22 ,D632.5 的主题关于 中国人民解放军-人道主义-救援-概况-英文 的书籍。