

钱学森, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Linear Systems of Constant Coefficients

1.2 Linear Systems of Variable Coefficients

1.3 Nonlinear Systems

1.4 Engineering Approximation

Chapter 2 Method of Laplace Transform

2.1 Laplace Transform and Inversion Formula

2.2 Application to Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients

2.3 "Dictionary" of Laplace Transforms

2.4 Sinusoidal Forcing Function

2.5 Response to Unit Impulse

Chapter 3 Input, Output, and Transfer Function

3.1 First-Order Systems

3.2 Representations of the Transfer Function

3.3 Examples of First-Order Systems

3.4 Second-Order Systems

3.5 Determination of Frequency Response

3.6 Composition of a System from Elements

3.7 Transcendental Transfer Functions

Chapter 4 Feedback Servomechanism

4.1 Concept of Feedback

4.2 Design Criteria of Feedback Servomechanisms

4.3 Method of Nyquist

4.4 Method of Evans

4.5 Hydrodynamic Analogy of Root Locus

4.6 Method of Bode

4.7 Designing the Transfer Function

4.8 Multiple-Loop Servomechanisms

Chapter 5 Noninteracting Controls

5.1 Control of a Single-Variable System

5.2 Control of a Many-Variable System

5.3 Noninteraction Conditions

5.4 Response Equations

5.5 Turbopropeller Control

5.6 Turbojet Engine with Afterburning

Chapter 6 Alternating-current Servomechanisms and Oscillating Control


6.1 Alternating-Current Systems

6.2 Translation of the Transfer Function to a Higher Frequency

6.3 Oscillating Control Servomechanisms

6.4 Frequency Response of a Relay

6.5 Oscillating Control Servomechanisms with Built-in Oscillation

6.6 General Oscillating Control Servomechanism

Chapter 7 Sampling Servomechanisms

7.1 Output of a Sampling Circuit

7.2 Stibitz-Shannon Theory

7.3 Nyquist Criterion for Sampling Servomechanisms

7.4 Steady-State Error

7.5 Calculation of F; (s)

7.6 Comparison of Continuously Operating with Sampling Servomechanisms

7.7 Pole of F2(s) at Origin

Chapter 8 Linear Systems with Time Lag

8.1 Time Lag in Combustion

8.2 Satche Diagram

8.3 System Dynamics of a Rocket Motor with Feedback Servo

8.4 Instability without Feedback Servo

8.5 Complete Stability with Feedback Servo

8.6 General Stability Criteria for Time-Lag Systems

Chapter 9 Linear Systems with Stationary Random Inputs

9.1 Statistical Description of a Random Function

9.2 Average Values

9.3 Power Spectrum

9.4 Examples of the Power Spectrum

9.5 Direct Calculation of the Power Spectrum

9.6 Probability of Large Deviations from the Mean

9.7 Frequency of Exceeding a Specified Value

9.8 Response of a Linear System to Stationary Random Input

9.9 Second-Order System

9.10 Lift on a Two-Dimensional Airfoil in an Incompressible Turbulent Flow

9.11 Intermittent Input

9.12 Servo Design for Random Input

Chapter 10 Relay Servomechanisms

10.1 Approximate Frequency Response of a Relay

10.2 Method of Kochenburger

10.3 Other Frequency-Insensitive Nonlinear Devices

10.4 Optimum Performance of a Relay Servomechanism

10.5 Phase Plane -

10.6 Linear Switching

10.7 Optimum Switching Function

10.8 Optimum Switching Line for Linear Second-Order Systems

10.9 Multiple-Mode Operation

Chapter 11 Nonlinear Systems

11.1 Nonlinear Feedback Relay Servomechanism

11.2 Systems with Small Nonlinearity

11.3 Jump Phenomenon

11.4 Frequency Demultiplication

11.5 Entrainment of Frequency

11.6 Asynchronous Excitation and Quenching

11.7 Parametric Excitation and Damping

Chapter 12 Linear System with Variable Coefficients

12.1 Artillery Rocket During Burning

12.2 Linearized Trajectory Equations

12.3 Stability of an Artillery Rocket

12.4 Stability and Control of Systems with Variable Coefficients

Chapter 13 Control Design by Perturbation Theory

13.1 Equations of Motion of a Rocket

13.2 Perturbation Equations

13.3 Adjoint Functions

13.4 Range Correction

13.5 Cutoff Condition

13.6 Guidance Condition

13.7 Guidance System

13.8 Control Computers

Chapter 14 Control Design with Specified Criteria

14.1 Control Criteria

14.2 Stability Problem

14.3 General Theory for First-Order Systems

14.4 Application to Turbojet Controls

14.5 Speed Control with Temperature-Limiting Criteria

14.6 Second-Order Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom

14.7 Control Problem with Differential Equation as Auxiliary Condition

14.8 Comparison of Concepts of Control Design

Chapter 15 Optimalizing Control

15.1 Basic Concept

15.2 Principles of Optimalizing Control

15.3 Considerations on Interference Effects

15.4 Peak-Holding Optimalizing Control

15.5 Dynamic Effects

15.6 Design for Stable Operation

Chapter 16 Filtering of Noise

16.1 Mean-Square Error

16.2 Phillips's Optimum Filter Design

16.3 Wiener-Kolmogoroff Theory

16.4 Simple Examples

16.5 Applications of Wiener-Kolmogoroff Theory

16.6 Optimum Detecting Filter

16.7 Other Optimum Filters

16.8 General Filtering Problem

Chapter 17 Ultrastability and Multistability

17.1 Ultrastable System

17.2 An Example of an Ultrastable System

17.3 Probability of Stability

17.4 Terminal Fields

17.5 Multistable System

Chapter 18 Control of Error

18.1 Reliability by Duplication

18.2 Basic Elements

18.3 Method of Multiplexing

18.4 Error in Executive Component

18.5 Error of Multiplexed Systems

18.6 Examples






尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 280 印数


工程控制论是上海交通大学出版社于2013.出版的中图分类号为 TB114.2 的主题关于 工程控制论-英文 的书籍。