

金亚秋, 编







金亚秋1970年毕业于北京大学,1978年为中国科学院首批公派出国研究生,分别于1982年、1983年、1985年2月获美国麻省理工学院(MIT)电气工程与计算机科学系(EECS)科学硕士(MS)、电气工程师(EE)、博士(PhI).)学位。曾先后任职于美国大气环境研究公司(AER)、美国纽约市立大学(CUNY)、英国约克大学(U.York)、美国国家海洋大气局卫星研究室(N()AA/NES[)IS)、香港城市大学(cUHK)、日本东北大学(Tol:toktu U)。现任复旦大学特聘教授、波散射与遥感信息教育部重点实验室主任。 他是国家重点基础研究973项目“复杂自然环境时空定量信息获取与融合处理的理论与应用”(2001(283()94()(])首席科学家,国家级有突出贡献的中青年科技专家、国家自然科学基金会首次十位优秀中青年人才基金(国家杰出青年基金前身)获得者、上海市劳动模范、I’EEE G.RSS北京支会创始主席(1998-2003),中国电子学会微波遥感与无线电遥感、中国计算物理学会计算电磁三个专业委员会创始主席、国家教育部电子科学与技术分教学指导委员会副主任委员(2000-2010)。 他是中国与发展中国家在遥感(IEEE GRSS,Geoscieilce and Rernote Sensirlg Scmiety)领域第一个IEEE Fellow,第一位IEEE GRSS AdCom委员,IEEE Fellow评选委员会主席(GRSS)、IEEE GRS杰出演讲者,任I。EEE Transacti()ns on Ceoscience·and Renlote Sensing副主编。他也是美国电磁研究院(:EMA)Fel.10w与CIE Fellow。他获得1EEE GRSS Education AWard(教育奖)(2010)。并任国际学术会议Urban Joint Event on.Renlote Sensing主席(2009)、ISAPE(2000、2010)、IGARSS(2011)技术委员会主席等。 他的研究领域为复杂自然环境中电磁波散射辐射传输与传播、空间遥感与对地监测信息理论与技术、复杂系统中计算电磁学等。他在国内外已发表620多篇学术论文、12本中英文专著与文集。 他曾获国家自然科学奖三等奖(1993)、三次国家教育部自然科学奖一等奖(1992,1996,2009)、光华科技奖一等奖(1993)、国家图书奖(1997)、全国科技图书奖一等奖(1997)、首届全国宝钢教育基金优秀教师特等奖(1994)、上海市科技进步奖(2000)与国家教育部自然科学奖二等奖(1999)各一次、国家973计划先进个人(2004)等十多项科技奖励,是复旦大学首届优秀研究生导师、复旦大学校长奖、上海市优秀教学奖,两届上海市十大科技精英与首届上海市十大高校精英提名奖获得者。他主持承担国家与部市委四十多项重大、重点项目,他至今完成的六项国家自然科学基金信息项目评为特优。


Part 1 Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Image Information

Polarimetric Scattering Indexes and Information Entropy of the SAR Imagery for Surface Monitoring

Statistics of Four Stokes Parameters in Multi-look Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)Imagery

Terrain Topography Inversion Using Single-Pass Polarimetric SAR Image Data

Automatic Detection of Change Direction of Multi-temporal ERS-2 SAR Images Using Two-Threshold EM and MRF Algorithms

Automatic Detection of Terrain Surface Changes after Wenchuan Earthquake, May 2008, from

ALOS SAR Images Using 2EM-MRF Method

Analysis of the Effects of Faraday Rotation on Space-Dome Polarimetric SAR Observation at P Band

Deorientation Theory of Polarimetric Scattering Targets and Application to Terrain SurfaceClassification

Muhiparameters Inversion of a Layer of Vegetation Canopy over Rough Surface from the System

Response Function Based on the Mueller Matrix Solution of Pulse Echoes

Imaging Simulation of Polarimetric SAR for a Comprehensive Terrain Scene Using the Mapping and Projection Algorithm

Automatic Reconstruction of Buildings Objects from Multiaspect Meter-Resolution SAR Images

Three-Dimensional Stereo Reconstruction of Buildings Using Polarimetric SAR Images Acquired in

Opposite Directions

Calibration and Validation of a Set of Multi-Aspect Airborne Polarimetric Pi-SAR Data

Imaging Simulation of Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Its Polarimetric Analysis

Raw Signal Processing of Stripmap Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar

Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry Based on an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Multiple Patches and Center Expansion Algorithms for Phase Unwrapping of InSAR Images with Dense Residues

Part 2 Vector Radiative Transfer of Complex Media

Iterative Solution of Multiple Scattering and Emission from Inhomogeneous Scatter Media

Iterative Inversion from the Multi-Order Mueller Matrix Solution of Vector Radiative Transfer

Equation for a Layer of Random Spheroids

Inversion of Scattering from a Layer of Rondom Spheroids Using Iterative Solutions of the Scalar

Radiative Transfer Equation

An Approach of the Three-Dimensional Vector Radiative Transfer (3D-VRT) Equation for Inhomo-

geneous Scatter Media

Iterative Inversion of Canopy Parameters and Surface Moisture Using the Multi-Order Mueller

Matrix Solution of the Vector Radiative Transfer Equation

Scattering and Emission from Inhomogeneous Vegetation Canopy and Alien Target Beneath by

Using Three-Dimensional Vector Radiative Transfer (3D-VRT) Equation

Iterative Approach of High-Order Scattering Solution for Vector Radiative Transfer of Inhomo-

geneous Random Media

Polarimetric Backscattering and Shift of Polarization Angle from Random Chiral Spheroids

Scattering Simulation for Inhomogeneous Iayered Canopy and Random Targets Beneath Canopies

by Using the Mueller Matrix Solution of the Pulse Radiative Transfer

Retrievals of Underlying Surface Roughness and Moisture from Polarimetric Pulse Echoes in the

Specular Direction through Stratified Vegetation Canopy

Temporal Mueller Matrix Solution for Polarimetric Scattering from Inhomogeneous Random Media

of Non-spherical Scatterers

Monitoring and Early Warning the Debris Flow and Landslides Using VHF Radar Pulse Echoes

from Layering I.and Media

Part 3 Modeling and Data Validation of atellite-Borne Microwave Remote Sensing

Advancement of Chinese Meteorological Feng Yun (FY) and Oceanic Hai Yang (HY) Satellite

Remote Sensing

Theory and Application for Retrieval and Fusion of Spatial and Temporal Quantitative Information

from Complex Natural Environment

A Genetic Algorithm to Simultaneously Retrieve Land Surface Roughness and Soil Wetness

Monitoring Sandstorms and Desertification in Northern China Using SSM/I Data and Getis


Monitoring Flooding of the Huaihe River, China, in Summer 2003 Using Characteristic Indeces

Derived from SSM/I Multitemporal Observations

Suspended Sediment Concentrations in the Yangtze River Estuary Retrieved from the CMODIS Data

A Hybrid Algorithm of the BP-ANN/GA for Classification of Urban Terrain Surfaces with Fused Data of Landsat ETM+ and ERS-2 SAR

A Change Detection Algorithm for Terrain Surface Moisture Mapping Based on Multi-Year Passive

Microwave Remote Sensing (Examples of SSM/I and TMI Channels)

Detection of Snow and Frost in Southern China, January 2008 Using AMSR-E Scattering and

Polarization Indexes

Data Validation of Chinese Microwave FY-3A for Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and

Humidity Profiles during Phoenix Typhoon, 2008

Automatic Detection of Main Road Network in Dense Urban Area Using Microwave SAR


An Unbiased Algorithm for Detection of Curvilinear Structures in Urban Remote Sensing Image


Part 4 Computational Electromagnetics of Scattering from Randomly Rough Surface and Volumetric Objects

Part 5 Remote Sensing of Lunar Surface

Publication List




尺寸28 × 21装帧精装
页数 785 印数


自然介质电磁散射与辐射传输信息是科学出版社于2011.6出版的中图分类号为 O441.4-53 的主题关于 电磁波散射-文集-英文 ,电磁辐射-文集-英文 的书籍。