

李家真, 编译







Truth or Lie?/真假立判

Virtual Tycoons/虚拟大亨

Clone Christ/克隆基督

"Marry a Millionaire"Show Axed After Fix/相逢却是曾相识

Survivor Finale/生存到最后

Kiss-A-Thon Not Just a Kiss/热卖热吻

b or Not b-Prlze Txt Mssg Shakespeare’/手机诗人大奖赛

Belowthe Belt/贞洁时间

Perfume Wafts Away Commuter Odors/欲令地铁变香闺

Make Good Wife out of a Material Girl/铅华洗尽做贤妻

Soccer Clubs Feud over Payphone/电话亭的颜色

Finding the Perfect Fit Online/网络裁缝

NASA Aircraft to Help Seek Heavenly Coffee/完美咖啡的天机

Business of Butterfly/蝴蝶生财

lWant my Monica"IV/我爱莫尼卡

Ad-Free For a Fee/破财买清静

Australia’S First Legal Heroin Injection Room Opens/海洛因注射中心开张

Treadmills Keep Fighting Cocks Lean and Mean/斗鸡健身器

The New‘Face’of E-Hail/电子邮件的新面孔

Union Hot Under Collar"over New Uniform/制服之争

An Out-of-This-World Offer/从网上飞入太空

E-Clothes He reJ So Is Fear/放胆一试电子衣

Going Skiing in Summer?/夏天滑雪

There’S No Need for“Mother Christmas”/圣诞公公无需伴

Here Comes Rudolf the Red.Nosed..Horse/昔驾鹿车今驭马

Surgery Works,Says Miss World Contender/手术美人

Witches Upset by Broomstick Style/骑扫把的正确方法

Americans in Italy Seek Food,Not Ruins/美景何如美食

The Rich Are Eyeing Space Tourism/去太空烧钱

Time Is Money,Just Figure Out How Much/一寸光阴几寸金

Happy to Play the Waiting Game forYou/为你等待

A Holiday Package with a Difference/行乞度假

Left-Handers Day Celebrates Creative Minority/左撇子的庆典

"Up Titling"Keeps Workers Poor but Happy/有衔饮水饱

En ron Scandal Gives Rise to New Verb/名词动用新范例

Stars Edge Pa rents as Top Youth Idols/明星闪耀偶像榜

Fortune Tellers Feel No Pinch in Downturn/百业萧疏一业兴

Butterflies Cause Flutter at Weddings/蝶舞翩跹的婚礼

Pronunciation Guide for Labels/名牌指南

Pub Crawlers Get Hi-Tech Support/酒徒的指南针

Crooks Given Guide t Life Behind Bars/坐监手册

Romantics Plan "Kiss and Hug"Protest/拥吻示威

"More Ads,Please"Say Bored Viewers/多播点广告

Fear of Fat Keeps Women Hooked on Smoking/美丽的代价

Single Lychee Sells for$, at Auction/天价荔枝

Loves Swap Engagement Rings for Watches/订婚手表

Blowfish Dinner Is Gastronomic Roulette/河豚我所欲也

Magazine Offers a Prize to Die for/朝中奖,夕死可矣

Diamonds Are Forever and You Could Be Too/和钻石一样永恒

Unemployed Turn to TV Show to Win Jobs/上节目.赢工作

Harry Potter Town Is Britain’S Best/英国的最佳居所

Scotland——Aliens’Favorite Holiday Desdnadon/外星人的度假胜地

Lithuania Has Inmate Beauty Contest/女囚选美

Man Tries to Sell His Family on eBay/网上卖妻儿

This Just In:Skunks Stink/臭气排行榜

Need a Conference Venue?Rent Liechtenstein/租一个国家l

Get Ahead in Advertising-Get a Forehead/租许多额头

Only Good News Today/今天都是好消息

Soul Mates in Vogue for US.Spouse-Seekers/情投意合才是真

Rent a Coffin,Spare a Tree/出租棺材

Baring the News/裸露新闻

Seven Deadly Sins Ice Leaves Church Cold/冰淇淋的七宗罪

LyingonYourCV Becomes anArt Form/简历欺诈的艺术

Cleaning a Toilet Is Better than Spam/比扫厕所更烦的事

Themre Diamonds in Them/那里面有钻石……

Bad Hubbies Try toWin BackWives in"IV Show/为老婆拼搏

Buy intoYouth?/老夫聊发少年狂

Brazilian Women Vainest in World/世界上最虚荣的女人

James Bond IsTooTall to Be a Modern Spy/鹤立鸡群的

Going Wild for the "Pig Brother"Web Site/“猪哥“令人狂

Danger Wooden Floors,Scooters——and Trouser Zips/危机四伏的生活

Flowering Phone Is Environmental Wake-Up Call/开花的手机

Via Cell,Help’S on theWayfor Bad Dates/救命铃声

You’re Drunk WhoYou Gonna Call?/喝多了吧……想找哪个

"Solitary Salad" on Menu for Jailbirds/铁窗风味

Anti Radiation Trousers Fuel Mobile Phone Debate/手机有害吗

World’S Greatest Job,Up for Grabs/世界上最好的工作

Dutch Fi rm Offers to Break Hearts/恋爱终结者

Morn-To-Be Advertises Baby as Billboard/生块广告牌

Beijing Bars’IV Stars from Pushing Health Products/禁播明星广告

Cab Company Calls in All Losers/晦气车牌

Monks Run out of the World’S Best Beer/世界上最好的啤酒

Germans Addicted to Texting/短信成瘾

We’re All Text Maniacs/我们都是短信狂l

Alarm Clock Set to Wake Doziest of Sleepers/给我起

Singer Sells His Future on eBay/出售未来

Pageant Contestants Upset over Betting Plan/投注美女

Pop a Tea Pill IfYou Can’t Have a Cuppa/品茶……丸子

Shepherds Wanted——Accountancy Skills Preferred/羊倌的新标准

Deathly Decor/实用美“棺” l

Color-Coded Couple:a Tailor-Made Match/般配到底

The Battle over Fast Food "Imperialism"/岂容速食成帝国

Gourmets Vow to Battle the Burger/不与汉堡共戴天

Church Rings in Weddings with Human Bells/婚礼上的“人钟”

Your Own Face on a Postage Stamp/在邮票上露脸

Telltale Stains of Changing Tastes/污渍排行榜

TODoorNottoDo?TheAnswerIs aClickAway/人生答案网中来

Cupid’s Arrow Finds Its MarK-in Cyberspace/网上有真情

Love in theAisles/爱在超市

Women Say Single Life Is Better/单身更好

Paris Invents New Love Messages/情书公告牌

Romance Blooms in Cozy Corners of Cinemas/影院的浪漫角落

Yeah,This Really Makes Me Want to Buy Chicken/教坏孩子的广告

Santa Claus Gets Code of Conduct/圣诞老人行为准则

A Gift ListThatWould Get Santa Fired/买不得的礼物

Ind CoupleWanttoWed inCemetery/在墓地里成亲








世说英语是外语教学与研究出版社于2009.02出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-汉语-对照读物 的书籍。