

徐朝鹏, 王朝晖, 焦斌亮, 主编







第1章 科技英语翻译技巧

1.1 科技英语概念

1.2 科技英语文体总貌

1.3 科技英语词汇特点

1.4 科技英语翻译方法和技巧

1.4.1 科技英语翻译标准

1.4.2 科技英语翻译过程中语法特点

1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧

1.5 提高科技英语翻译能力的途径

第2章 semiconductor physics and device

2.1 semiconductor materials

2.2 type of solids

2.3 crystal structure

2.4 the atomic structure of semiconductors

2.4.1 electron shells and orbits

2.4.2 valence electrons, conduction electrons, and ions

2.4.3 metallic bands

2.4.4 covalent bonds

2.4.5 electrons and hole current

2.5 the pn junction

2.5.1 doping

2.5.2 the pn junction

2.5.3 the depletion region

2.6 biasing the semiconductor diode

2.6.1 forward bias

2.6.2 reverse bias

2.6.3 peak inverse voltage (piv)

2.6.4 reverse breakdown

2.7 semiconductor device-bjt and fet

2.7.1 bipolar junction transistor

2.7.2 field-effect transistor

2.8 semiconductor applications

2.9 semiconductor competition

第3章 electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave

3.1 the concept of electromagnetic fields and waves

3.2 history of electromagnetic wave

3.3 basic laws of electromagnetic theory

3.3.1 faradays induction law

3.3.2 gausss law-electric

3.3.3 gausss law-magnetic

3.3.4 amperes circuital law

3.3.5 maxwells equations

3.4 properties of electromagnetic wave

3.4.1 wave model

3.4.2 particle model

3.4.3 speed of propagation

3.5 electromagnetic spectrum and applications

第4章 fundamentals of optics

4.1 a brief history about optics

4.1.1 the views of the antique philosophers

4.1.2 classical optics

4.1.3 modern optics

4.1.4 moving bodies optics

4.2 contents of optics

4.2.1 rectilinear propagation of light

4.2.2 reflection and refraction

4.2.3 interference and diffraction

4.3 optics systems

4.3.1 telescopes

4.3.2 retinal acuity

第5章 fundamentals of lasers

5.1 definition of laser

5.2 a brief history of laser

5.3 principle of laser generation

5.3.1 spontaneous and stimulated emission, absorption

5.3.2 the laser idea

5.3.3 pumping schemes

5.4 structure and properties of laser

5.4.1 structure of laser

5.4.2 properties of laser beams

5.5 lasers types

5.6 application of laser

5.6.1 industrial applications

5.6.2 medical applications

第6章 nonlinear optics

6.1 definition of nonlinear optics

6.2 history of nonlinear optics

6.3 features of interaction of intense light with matter

6.4 theory framework of nonlinear optics

6.5 descriptions of nonlinear optical processes

6.5.1 second-harmonic generation

6.5.2 frequency mixing generation

6.5.3 sum-frequency generation

6.5.4 difference-frequency generation

6.5.5 optical parametric oscillation

6.5.6 third-order nonlinear optical processes

6.5.7 intensity-dependent refractive index

6.5.8 third-order interactions

6.5.9 parametric versus nonparametric processes

6.5.10 saturable absorption

6.5.11 two-photon absorption

6.5.12 stimulated raman scattering

6.6 application and outlook

第7章 integrated circuit fabrication

7.1 the concept of integrated circuit

7.2 history of integrated circuit

7.3 integrated circuit fabrication

7.3.1 integrated circuit design

7.3.2 the manufacturing process

7.4 application

7.5 the future

第8章 optical communications

8.1 the system model

8.2 optical transmitters

8.3 the transmitted optical field

8.4 stochastic fields

8.5 the optical channel

8.5.1 the unguided (space) channel

8.5.2 the guided (fiberoptic) channel

8.6 the detected optical field

8.7 background radiation

8.8 photodetection

8.9 optical intersatellite links

第9章 holographic data storage

9.1 the concept of holography

9.2 history of holographic data storage

9.3 principle of holographic data storage

9.4 theory about formation and reconstruction of a hologram

9.4.1 volume grating and bragg diffraction

9.4.2 borns approximation

9.4.3 coupled wave theory

9.5 hardware for holographic data storage

9.6 coding and signal processing

9.6.1 binary detection

9.6.2 interpixel interference

9.6.3 error correction

9.6.4 predistortion

9.6.5 gray scale

9.6.6 capacity estimation

9.7 associative retrieval

9.8 recording materials

9.9 two-color or photon-gated holography

第10章 optical tweezers

10.1 concept of optical tweezers

10.2 history of optical tweezers

10.3 basic theory of optical tweezers

10.4 system of optical tweezers

10.5 application of optical tweezers

10.6 future of optical tweezers

第11章 photonic crystal fiber

11.1 the origins of pcfs

11.1.1 conventional optical fibers

11.1.2 photonic crystal

11.1.3 from conventional optical fibers to pcfs

11.2 the history of pcfs

11.3 guiding light in pcfs

11.3.1 modified total internal reflection

11.3.2 photonic bandgap guidance

11.4 properties of pcfs

11.4.1 solid core pcfs

11.4.2 hollow core pcfs

11.5 fabrication of pcfs

11.5.1 stack-and-draw technique

11.5.2 extrusion fabrication process

11.6 application of pcfs

11.6.1 high power and energy transmission

11.6.2 fiber lasers and amplifiers

11.6.3 gas-based nonlinear optics

11.6.4 supercontinuum generation

11.6.5 telecommunications

11.6.6 optical sensors

11.6.7 gratings in pcf

11.7 future perspectives

第12章 科技文献检索

12.1 信息检索的含义

12.2 信息检索的基本原理

12.3 检索语言

12.4 文献检索工具

12.4.1 检索工具应具备的条件

12.4.2 检索工具的类型

12.5 检索文献资料的途径

12.6 文献检索的基本方法

12.7 文献检索的一般步骤

12.8 文献数据库检索

12.8.1 检索工具的类型

12.8.2 国内主要资源

12.8.3 国外主要资源

12.8.4 进人数据库的方法和思路

12.9 其他检索文献途径

第13章 英语科技论文写作

13.1 科技论文的概念和特点

13.2 如何撰写英语科技论文

13.2.1 构建论文写作提纲

13.2.2 撰写英语科技论文

13.3 英语科技论文的写作技巧

13.4 投稿过程

13.5 论文发表后的工作

附录a 常用前缀、后缀和构词成分

附录b 常用数学符号及数学式表达

附录c 常用的符号和单位

c-1 si base units

c-2 si prefixes

c-3 directly derived unit

c-4 special names of derived unit

c-5 units to be discouraged or abandoned

c-6 some physical constants

附录d sci收录的光电类期刊

d-1 530物理学

d-2 537光学

d-3 539应用物理学

d-4 730电工与电子技术

d-5 736电子技术

附录e 2009年ei收录的中国科技期刊(光电类可投期刊)






尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


光电子技术专业英语是北京邮电大学出版社于2010.8出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 光电子技术-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。