

武和平, 著










Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Orientation

1.2 English Progressive Aspect: The Target of Research

1.3 Rationale

1.3.1 Decomposing the Learning Task of the English Progressive Aspect

1.3.2 Previous Studies and Their Inadequacies

1.4 Key Research Questions

1.5 Structure of the Book

Chapter 2 In Search of a Unified Theoretical Account for L2 Progressive Aspect Acquisition

2.1 Previous Studies on L2 Aspect Acquisition: Empirical Findingsand Theoretical Explanations

2.1.1 Form-meaning Mapping of L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition:

Aspect Hypothesis

2.1.2 Form-function Mapping of L2 Tense-aspect Marking:Discourse Hypothesis

2.1.3 Narrative Structure and Lexical Aspect: Conspiring Factors?

2.2 Theoretical Accounts of Form-meaning Mapping in Tense-aspect Acquisition

2.2.1 Language Bioprogram Hypothesis and Basic Child Grammar

2.2.2 Prototype Account and Distributional Bias Argument

2.2.3 Connectionist Account

2.3 Problems Existing in the Tense-aspect Acquisition Studies

2.4 Optimality Theory as a Unified Framework

2.5 Summary

Chapter 3 Constraints on the Progressive Aspect Marking in English and Chinese

3.1 Aspect and Other Related Notions

3.1.1 Aspect

3.1.2 Grammatical Aspect

3.1.3 Lexical Aspect

3.1.4 Technical Issues Related with Lexical Aspect

3.2 Interaction of Grammatical and Lexical Aspects

3.3 Semantic Constraints on Progressive Marking: The Form-meaning Mapping

3.3.1 The Formal Approach

3.3.2 The Functional Approach

3.3.3 The PROG Operator

3.4 Discourse Constraints of Progressive Aspect Marking:The Form-function Mapping

3.5 Cross-linguistic Analysis of the Progressive Aspect in Chinese and English

3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 An OT Analysis of the Constraints on the

Progressive and Their Interaction

4.1 Optimality Theory

4.1.1 Basic Tenets of OT

4.1.2 Conventional Notations

4.1.3 Faithfulness and Markedness Constraints

4.1.4 OT Account of Language Acquisition

4.2 Conflicting Constraints on the Progressive Aspect Marking

4.2.1 Transitivity Hypothesis (TH)

4.2.2 Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) and Aspect Coercion

4.3 An OT Analysis of the Constraints on Aspect Marking and

Their Ranking

4.3.1 Typology of Constraints on Aspect Marking in English

4.3.2 Constraint Ranking of Aspect Marking in English

4.3.3 Testing the Ranking of Constraints on Aspect Marking

4.4 Summary

Chapter 5 L2 Acquisition of the Progressive Aspect:

Towards an OT Account

5.1 An OT Account of L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition

5.1.1 Initial Ranking of Constraints on Tense-aspect Marking

5.1.2 Learning Algorithms in OT

5.2 Hypotheses on L2 Acquisition of English Tense-aspect System by Chinese EFL Learners

5.2.1 Hypothesis on Aspect Coercion

5.2.2 Hypotheses on Constraint Reranking

5.2.3 Hypotheses on Cross-linguisfic Constraints

5.3 Variables Involved in Hypothesis Testing

5.3.1 L2-English Proficiency Level

5.3.2 NOCOER Constraint

5.3.3 IDENT(TF) Constraint

5.3.4 Tense-aspect Marking

5.4 Summary

Chapter 6 Research Design, Instrumentation, Data

Collection and Data Analysis

6.1 Research Design

6.2 Participants

6.3 Instrumentation

6.3.1 Acceptability Judgment Test (AJT)

6.3.2 Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

6.3.3 Movie Clip Retell Task (MCRT)

6.3.4 Summary of Test Instruments

6.4 Data Collection

6.4.1 Time and Venue

6.4.2 Task Sequence

6.5 Data Scoring and Coding

6.5.1 Scoring of ASIT Data

6.5.2 Scoring of AJT Data

6.5.3 Coding and Scoring MCRT Data

6.6 Data Analysis

6.7 Summary

Chapter 7 Results for Research Hypotheses Testing

7.1 Results for Hypothesis 1

7.1.1 Testing Hypothesis I through Movie Clip Retell Test (MCRT)Data

7.1.2 Testing Hypothesis I through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

7.1.3 Testing Hypothesis I through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT)

7.2 Testing Hypothesis 2

7.2.1 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Movie Clip Retell Task (MCRT)

7.2.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

7.2.3 Testing Hypothesis 2 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT)

7.3 Testing Hypothesis 3

7.3.1 Testing Hypothesis 3 through Movie Clip Retell Task (MCRT)

7.3.2 Testing Hypothesis 3 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

7.4 Testing Hypothesis 4

7.4.1 Testing Hypothesis 4 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT)

7.4.2 Testing Hypothesis 4 through Movie Clip Retell Task (MCRT)

7.5 Testing Hypothesis 5

7.5.1 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Acceptability Judgment Task(AJT)

7.5.2 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Movie Clip Retell Task (MCRT)

7.5.3 Testing Hypothesis 5 through Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

7.6 Summary

Chapter 8 General Discussion

8.1 Developmental Route of English Tense-aspect Acquisition by Chinese EFL Learners

8.1.1 A Summary of Major Findings

8.1.2 Characterizing L2 Acquisition of the English Aspect Markers by Chinese EFL Learners

8.2 Implications of OT for the Developmental Route of L2 Tense-aspect Forms

8.2.1 An OT Account of the Initial State

8.2.2 The Triggering Factor in Tense-aspect Acquisition

8.2.3 The Spread from Prototypical to Non-prototypical Situation- aspect Mappings

8.2.4 The Role of Statives in Progressive Aspect Marking

8.3 The Explanatory Power of OT for L2 Aspect Acquisition

8.3.1 Temporal Semantics and Discourse Grounding: Two Conspiring Forces?

8.3.2 Nativism or Connectionism

8.4 Summary

Chapter 9 Conclusion

9.1 Conclusions

9.2 Implications

9.2.1 Implications for SLA Theory

9.2.2 Implications for L2 Tense-aspect Instruction

9.3 Limitations

9.4 Suggestions for Further Research


Appendix Ⅰ Progressive Aspect Acceptability Judgment Task (AJT)

Appendix Ⅱ Aspect Sentence Interpretation Task (ASIT)

Appendix Ⅲ Movie Clip Retell Task

Appendix Ⅳ Descriptive Statistic Data for the Figures





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以汉语为母语的英语学习者习得英语进行体标记的优选论解释是科学出版社于2010.出版的中图分类号为 H314 的主题关于 英语-语法-教学研究-英文 的书籍。