

朱刚, 编







Unit t The Christian Bible

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings


Gospel According to Matthew

Part Three Compare with China

Chinese Creation Stories

Part Four Supplementary Reading

How Is Religion Different from Science and Superstition?

Unit 2 Greek & Roman Sages (1)

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Socrates: The Apology

Plato: The Republic

Part Three Compare with China

The "Axial Age"

Part Four Supplementary Reading

The Teacher as Midwife

Unit 3 Greek & Roman Sages (2)

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Aristotle: The Politics

Cicero: On the Laws

Part Three Compare with China

Great Learning and the Mean

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Cicero Quotes

Unit 4 Medieval Christian Church Fathers

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

St. Augustine: The Enchiridion

St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Contra Gentiles

Part Three Compare with China

Nee-Confucianism and Later Confucian Philosophy

Part Four Supplementary Reading

St. Thomas Aquinas

Unit 5 Renaissance Adventurers

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Christopher Columbus: Journal and Letter

Nicolb Machiavelli: The Prince

Part Three Compare with China

Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese Seapower

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Criticism against and Hail for Columbus

Unit 6 Religious Reformation

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Martin Luther: An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate

John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion

Part Three Compare with China

Wang Yangming and Matteo Riccis Progression to China

Part Four Supplementary Reading

95 Theses by Martin Luther

Unit 7 Modern Scientific Thinking (1)

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Francis Bacon: Novum Organum

Rene Descartes: Discourse on Method

Part Three Compare with China

Matteo Ricci: The Art of Printing

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Calculating Machines in China and Europe in the 17th Century -- The Western View

Unit 8 Modern Scientific Thinking (2)

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina

Isaac Newton: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy


Part Three Compare with China

Development of Science in Ancient China

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Critical Thinking

Unit 9 Modern Political science

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan

John Locke: Of Civil Government

Part Three Compare with China

Locke Talking about China and the Chinese

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Political Controversies in 17th-Century England

Unit 10 Chassical Liberalism

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty

Part Three Compare with China

Western Images of China

Part Four Supplementary Reading

The Declaration of Independence

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

Unit 11 Anti-Liberalism

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Discourse on the Moral Effects of the Arts and Sciences

Friedrich Nietzsche: The Will to Power

Part Three Compare with China

From Western Liberalism to Asian Communitarianism

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France

Unit i2 Evolutionists

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Thomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population

Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species (1859)

The Descent of Man

Part Three Compare with China

Warning Voice of Social Darwinism in Early 20th-Century


Part Four Supplementary Reading

Autobiography of Charles Darwin

Unit 13 Socialism and Communism

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party

Eduard Bernstein: Evolutionary Socialism

Part Three Compare with China

Karl Marx on China

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Lenin: Marxism and Revisionism

Unlt 4 Early 20th Century: Man &Society

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Sigmund Freud: An Outline of Psychoanalysis

John Dewey: Liberalism and Social Action

Part Three Compare with China

Early Education in China

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Freud on the Couch

Unit 15 Science & Religion

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Bertrand Russell: A Free Mans Worship

Alfred North Whitehead: Science and the Modern World (1925)

Part Three Compare with China

Bertrand Russell: Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted

Part Four Supplementary Reading

Alfred North Whitehead on Education

Unit 16 Man & Woman: Modern Existence

Part One Warm-up Activities

Part Two Basic Readings

Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism

Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex

Part Three Compare with China

The First Glimpses of China

Part Four Supplementary Reading







页数 418 印数


西方思想经典阅读是上海外语教育出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:B 的主题关于 思想史-西方国家 ,英语-阅读教学-研究生-教材 的书籍。