

(美) 迈尔斯, 著







Chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology 3Part One Social ThinkingChapter 2 The Self in a Social World 33Chapter 3 Social Beliefs and Judgments 75Chapter 4 Behavior and Attitudes 119Part Two Social InfluenceChapter 5 Genes, Culture, and Gender 153Chapter 6 Conformity and Obedience 187Chapter 7 Persuasion 223Chapter 8 Group Influence 261Part Three Social RelationsChapter 9 Prejudice; Disliking Others 301Chapter 10 Aggression; Hurting Others 343Chapter 11 Attraction and Intimacy; Liking and Loving Others381Chapter 12 Helping 427Chapter 13 Conflict and Peacemaking 467Part Four Applying Social PsychologyChapter 14 Social Psychology in the Clinic 509Chapter 15 Social Psychology in Court 541Chapter 16 Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future 575Epilogue 593Credits C-1References R-1Name Index N-1Subject Index/Glossary S-1mye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/20/06 12;08 PM Page viiixTable of ContentsChapter 1Introducing Social Psychology 3What Is Social Psychology 3Social Psychology’s Big Ideas 5We construct our social reality 5Our social intuitions are often powerful butsometimes perilous 6Social influences shape our behavior 7Personal attitudes and dispositions also shape behavior 8Social behavior is biologically rooted 8Social psychology’s principles are applicable ineveryday life 9Social Psychology and Human Values 9Obvious ways values enter psychology 9Not-so-obvious ways values enter psychology 10I knew it all along; Is social psychologysimply common sense 13Focus On; I knew it all along 15Research Methods; How We DoSocial Psychology 17Forming and testing hypotheses 17Correlational research; Detecting natural associations 18Experimental research; Searching for cause and effect 23Generalizing from laboratory to life 27Postscript; Why I Wrote This Book 29Part One Social ThinkingChapter 2The Self in a Social World 33Spotlights and Illusions 34Research Close-Up; On being nervousabout looking nervous 35Self-Concept; Who Am I 37At the center of our worlds; Our sense of self 37Development of the social self 38Self and culture 40Self-knowledge 44The Inside Story; Hazel Markus andShinobu Kitayama on cultural psychology 45Research Close-Up; An illusion ofconscious will 47Self-Esteem 51Self-esteem motivation 52The “dark side” of self-esteem 53Perceived Self-Control 55Self-efficacy 55Locus of control 56Learned helplessness versus self-determination 57Self-Serving Bias 61Explaining positive and negative events 61Can we all be better than average 62Focus On; Self-serving bias—How do Ilove me Let me count the ways 63Unrealistic optimism 64False consensus and uniqueness 65Explaining self-serving bias 66Reflections on self-esteem and self-serving bias 67Self-Presentation 69False modesty 70Self-handicapping 70Impression management 71Postscript; Twin Truths—The Perils of Pride,the Powers of Positive Thinking 73Chapter 3Social Beliefs and Judgments 75Perceiving Our Social World 76Priming 76Perceiving and interpreting events 77Belief perseverance 80Constructing memories of ourselves andour worlds 81Judging Our Social World 84Intuitive judgments 84Overconfidence 86Heuristics; Mental shortcuts 90Illusory thinking 94Research Close-Up; Negative emotionsmake pessimistic investors 96Moods and judgments 97Explaining Our Social World 98Attributing causality; To the person or the situation 99The fundamental attribution error 102ixxiExpectations of Our Social World 109Focus On; The self-fulfilling psychology ofthe stock market 110Teacher expectations and student performance 110Getting from others what we expect 112Conclusions 114Focus On; How journalists think;Cognitive bias in newsmaking 116Postscript; Reflecting on Illusory Thinking 117Chapter 4Behavior and Attitudes 119How Well Do Our Attitudes Predict OurBehavior 120When attitudes predict behavior 121The Inside Story; Mahzarin R. Banaji ondiscovering experimental social psychology 123Research Close-Up; You’ve not got mail; Prejudicialattitudes predict discriminatory behavior 125When Does Our Behavior Affect OurAttitudes 127Role playing 128When saying becomes believing 129Focus On; Saying becomes believing 130The foot-in-the-door phenomenon 130Evil and moral acts 132Interracial behavior and racial attitudes 134Social movements 134Why Does Our Behavior Affect Our Attitudes 136Self-presentation; Impression management 136Self-justification; Cognitive dissonance 137The Inside Story; Leon Festinger ondissonance reduction 139Self-perception 141Comparing the theories 146Postscript; Changing Ourselves ThroughAction 148Part Two Social InfluenceChapter 5Genes, Culture, and Gender 153How Are We Influenced by Human Nature andCultural Diversity 154Genes, evolution, and behavior 154Culture and behavior 156Focus On; The cultural animal 157Research Close-Up; Passing encounters,East and West 160How Are Gender Similarities and DifferencesExplained 164Independence versus connectedness 165Social dominance 167Aggression 169Sexuality 169Evolution and Gender; Doing What ComesNaturally 171Gender and mating preferences 172Reflections on evolutionary psychology 174Focus On; Evolutionary science and religion 175Gender and hormones 176Culture and Gender; Doing as the CultureSays 177Gender roles vary with culture 178Gender roles vary over time 178Peer-transmitted culture 180What Can We Conclude about Genes, Culture,and Gender 182Biology and culture 182The Inside Story; Alice Eagly on gendersimilarities and differences 183The power of the situation and the person 184Postscript; Should We View Ourselves asProducts or Architects of Our SocialWorlds 185Chapter 6Conformity and Obedience 187What Is Conformity 188What Are the Classic Conformity andObedience Studies 189Sherif’s studies of norm formation 189Research Close-Up; Contagious yawning 191Asch’s studies of group pressure 192Focus On; Mass delusions 193Milgram’s obedience experiments 194Focus On; Personalizing the victims 198What breeds obedience 198Reflections on the classic studies 201The Inside Story; Stanley Milgram onobedience 202What Predicts Conformity 207Group size 207Unanimity 208Cohesion 209Status 210Public response 210No prior commitment 210x Table of Contentsmye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/27/06 12;25 PM Page xmye31898_xiiWhy Conform 212Who Conforms 214Personality 214Culture 215Social roles 216Do We Ever Want to Be Different 218Reactance 218Asserting uniqueness 219Postscript; On Being an Individual withinCommunity 220Chapter 7Persuasion 223What Paths Lead to Persuasion 225The central route 226The peripheral route 226Different routes for different purposes 227What Are the Elements of Persuasion 228Who says The communicator 228Research Close-Up; Experimenting with avirtual social reality 232What is said The message content 233How is it said The channel of communication 240To whom is it said The audience 244Extreme Persuasion; How Do CultsIndoctrinate 247Attitudes follow behavior 249Persuasive elements 250Group effects 251How Can Persuasion be Resisted 253Strengthening personal commitment 254The Inside Story;William McGuire onattitude inoculation 254Real-life applications; Inoculation programs 255Implications of attitude inoculation 258Postscript; Being Open but Not Naive 258Chapter 8Group Influence 261What Is a Group 262Social Facilitation; How Are We Affected bythe Presence of Others 262The mere presence of others 263Crowding; The presence of many others 264Why are we aroused in the presence of others 266Social Loafing; Do Individuals Exert LessEffort in a Group 268Many hands make light work 268Social loafing in everyday life 270Deindividuation; When Do People Lose TheirSense of Self in Groups 272Doing together what we would not do alone 273Diminished self-awareness 275Group Polarization; Do Groups Intensify OurOpinions 276The case of the “risky shift” 277Do groups intensify opinions 278Focus On; Group polarization 281Explaining polarization 282Groupthink; Do Groups Hinder or Assist GoodDecisions 284The Inside Story; Irving Janis on groupthink 285Symptoms of groupthink 286Critiquing the concept of groupthink 288Preventing groupthink 289Group problem solving 289The Inside Story; Behind a Nobel Prize;Two minds are better than one 291The Influence of the Minority; How DoIndividuals Influence the Group 292Consistency 292Self-confidence 293Defections from the majority 293Is leadership minority influence 294Focus On; Transformational communityleadership 296Postscript; Are Groups Bad for Us 297Part Three Social RelationsChapter 9Prejudice; Disliking Others 301What Is the Nature and Power of Prejudice 302Defining prejudice 302Prejudice; Subtle and overt 303Racial prejudice 304Gender prejudice 308What Are the Social Sources of Prejudice 311Social inequalities; Unequal status and prejudice 311Socialization 312Institutional supports 314Table of Contents ximye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/27/06 12;25 PM Page xixiiiWhat Are the Motivational Sourcesof Prejudice 316Frustration and aggression; The scapegoat theory 316Social identity theory; Feeling superior to others 317Motivation to avoid prejudice 322What Are the Cognitive Sources of Prejudice 323Categorization; Classifying people into groups 324Distinctiveness; Perceiving people who stand out 326Attribution; Is it a just world 330What Are the Consequences of Prejudice 333Self-perpetuating stereotypes 333Discrimination’s impact; The self-fulfillingprophecy 335Stereotype threat 336The Inside Story; Claude Steele onstereotype threat 338Do stereotypes bias judgments of individuals 338Postscript; Can We Reduce Prejudice 340Chapter 10Aggression; Hurting Others 343What Is Aggression 344What Are Some Theories of Aggression 345Aggression as a biological phenomenon 346Aggression as a response to frustration 349Aggression as learned social behavior 352What Are Some Influences on Aggression 354Aversive incidents 354Arousal 357Aggression cues 358Media influences; Pornography and sexual violence 359Media influences; Television 363Media influences; Video games 368The Inside Story; Craig Anderson on videogame violence 371Group influences 371Research Close-Up; When provoked, aregroups more aggressive than individuals 373How Can Aggression Be Reduced 374Catharsis 374Focus On; Clinical researcher MartinSeligman looks at catharsis 376A social learning approach 376Postscript; Reforming a Violent Culture 378Chapter 11Attraction and Intimacy;Liking and Loving Others 381What Leads to Friendship and Attraction 384Proximity 385Focus On; Liking things associated withoneself 388Physical attractiveness 390The Inside Story; Ellen Berscheid onattractiveness 395Similarity versus complementarity 399The Inside Story; James Jones on culturaldiversity 401Liking those who like us 402Focus On; Bad is stronger than good 403Relationship rewards 405What Is Love 407Passionate love 408Companionate love 410What Enables Close Relationships 413Attachment 413Equity 416Self-disclosure 418Focus On; Does the Internet createintimacy or isolation 418How Do Relationships End 420Divorce 421The detachment process 422Postscript; Making Love 424Chapter 12Helping 427Why Do We Help 429Social exchange and social norms 429The Inside Story; Dennis Krebs on lifeexperience and professional interests 431Evolutionary psychology 437Comparing and evaluating theories of helping 439Genuine altruism 440Focus On; The benefits—and the costs—of empathy-induced altruism 443When Will We Help 445Number of bystanders 446The Inside Story; John M. Darley onbystander reactions 447Helping when someone else does 451xii Table of Contentsmye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/20/06 12;08 PM Page xiimye31898_xivTime pressures 452Similarity 452Research Close-Up; Ingroup similarity andhelping 453Who Will Help 455Personality traits 455Religious faith 456How Can We Increase Helping 458Reduce ambiguity, increase responsibility 458Guilt and concern for self-image 459Socializing altruism 460Focus On; Behavior and attitudes amongrescuers of Jews 463Postscript; Taking Social Psychology into Life 465Chapter 13Conflict and Peacemaking 467What Creates Conflict 468Social dilemmas 468Competition 475Perceived injustice 476Misperception 477Research Close-Up; Misperception and war 482How Can Peace Be Achieved 483Contact 483Research Close-Up; Relationships thatmight have been 486Cooperation 487Focus On; Why do we care who wins 489Focus On; Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson,and the integration of baseball 495Communication 497Conciliation 502Postscript; The Conflict between Individualand Communal Rights 504Part Four Applying SocialPsychologyChapter 14Social Psychology in the Clinic 509What Influences the Accuracy of ClinicalJudgments 510Illusory correlations 510Hindsight and overconfidence 511Self-confirming diagnoses 512Clinical versus statistical prediction 513Implications for better clinical practice 514Focus On; A physician’s view 515What Cognitive Processes AccompanyBehavior Problems 516Depression 516The Inside Story; Shelley Taylor onpositive illusions 518Loneliness 520Anxiety and shyness 521Health, illness, and death 523What Are Some Social-PsychologicalApproaches to Treatment 528Inducing internal change through externalbehavior 529Breaking vicious circles 529Maintaining change through internalattributions for success 531Using therapy as social influence 532How Do Social Relationships Support Healthand Well-Being 533Close relationships and health 533Close relationships and happiness 536Postscript; Enhancing Happiness 538Chapter 15Social Psychology in Court 541How Reliable Is Eyewitness Testimony 543The power of persuasive eyewitnesses 543When eyes deceive 544The misinformation effect 546Focus On; Eyewitness testimony 547Retelling 549Reducing error 549Research Close-Up; Feedback to witnesses 550What Other Factors Influence JurorJudgments 555The defendant’s characteristics 555The judge’s instructions 559Additional factors 561What Influences the Individual Juror 561Juror comprehension 562Jury selection 564“Death-qualified” jurors 565Table of Contents xiiimye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/20/06 12;08 PM Page xiiixvxiv Table of ContentsHow Do Group Influences Affect Juries 567Minority influence 567Group polarization 567Leniency 568Research Close-Up; Group polarization in anatural court setting 569Are twelve heads better than one 570Are six heads as good as twelve 570From lab to life; Simulated and real juries 571Postscript; Thinking Smart withPsychological Science 572Chapter 16Social Psychology andthe Sustainable Future 575An Environmental Call to Action 576Enabling Sustainable Living 578New technologies 578Reducing consumption 579The Social Psychology of Materialismand Wealth 581Increased materialism 581Wealth and well-being 582Materialism fails to satisfy 584Focus On; Social comparison, belonging,and happiness 587Toward sustainability and survival 587Research Close-Up; Measuring nationalwell-being 589Postscript; How Does One Live Responsiblyin the Modern World 590Epilogue 593Credits C-1References R-1Name Index N-1Subject Index/Glossary S-1mye31898_FM_00i_xxxiii.qxd 10/20/06 12;08 PM Page xivmye31898_xvi


社会心理学(英文版足本,第9版)是一本将生活和理论完美结合的经典之作,它是指导人们认识自我、了解社会、理解自己与社会之间关系的最佳书籍。当我最初应邀撰写本书时。我立刻想到此书应该具有坚实的科学性和温暖的人性,具有事实精确性和智力启发性。作为作者,传播这门学科的知识对我来说是一件很快乐的事。如果我的礼物给你带来了任何的愉悦、激励和充实感的话,我的快乐就会倍增。——戴维迈尔斯社会心理学(英文版足本,第9版)是迈尔斯畅销全球的《社会心理学》2008年的第9版英文本的影印版,该书在美国被700多所学及学院心理系所采用,是这一领域当之无愧的主导教材,已经成为评价其他同类教材的标准。本书将基础研究与实践应用完美地的结合在一起,以富有逻辑性的组织结构引领学生了解人们是如何探索、影响他人并与他人建立联系的。是人们了解自身、了解社会、了解自身与社会之间关系的最佳指导性书籍。【作者简介】自从获得爱荷华大学的博士学位之后,戴维迈尔斯就在密歇根的霍普学院工作,成为那里的John Dirk Werkman心理学教授,并且开设了多门社会心理学的课程。霍普学院的学生邀请他在毕业典礼上发言并评选他为“最杰出的教授”。迈尔斯曾在30多种科学书籍和期刊上发表过多篇论文,包括《科学》、《美国科学家》、《心理科学》和《美国心理学家》等。除了学术著作和教科书,同时他还致力于把心理科学介绍给广大民众。他在许多杂志上发表过科普类文章,如《今日教育》和《科学美国人》。他撰写的《心理学》(本书由著名心理学家黄希庭教授组织翻译并审校,将于2006年出版,敬请期待)是当今最畅销的心理学导论性教材,600多万学生在用它来学习心理学。同样,这本《社会心理学》在过去的10年中占了将近30%的市场份额(社会心理学类书籍)。正如他在《心理学》第7版前言中所写的,“我希望以一种充满热情的、富有个性的方式来讲述心理学,而不仅仅用一种严谨的科学方式”。这应该就是他的教材如此受欢迎的秘诀吧。戴维迈尔斯还是城市人际关系委员会的主席,帮助创建了一个快速发展的协助中心,以扶助贫困家庭,同时他还去过数以百计的大学和社区做演讲。凭借自己丰富的人生经历,他还写了有关听力丧失的一些文章和一本书(《无声的世界》),而且他还倡导在美国进行一场助听技术革命(hearingloop.org)。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 298 印数 3000


社会心理学是人民邮电出版社于2012.4出版的中图分类号为 C912.6 的主题关于 社会心理学-英文 的书籍。