

黄庆欢, 唐洁, 主编





本书共十个单元。 主要内容包括:一、学术类文章的体裁、结构、语言特点和风格的介绍;二、学术规范的介绍:包括避免剽窃、参考文献方法介绍、文内引用、数据解读、案例分析、课堂展示方法、撰写学术报告等等内容。




;Academic Style

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Reading Myths and the SQ3R Method

Reading 2 Writing in an Appropriate Style

Part II Mastery Test

Reading Writing across the Disciplines

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading 1 Harvard Report

Reading 2 How to Write an Article in an Academic Style

Unit 2 Plagiarism

Part I Reading

Reading 1 How to Avoid Plagiarism

Reading 2 Why Students Plagiarize

Part II Mastery Test

Reading 1 Academic Plagiarism Definition

Reading 2 Is It Plagiarism Yet?

Part III Consolidation and Application

Unit 3 Referencing

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Introduction

Reading 2 Principles of Referencing

Part II Mastery Test

Reading 1 References and Bibliographies

Reading 2 Choosing Sources

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading Introduction of Referencing Styles

Unit 4 Lecture and Tutorial

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Lecture

Reading 2 Discussion Skills for Tutorials & Seminars

Part II Mastery Test

Reading Effective Note-taking

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading Academic Success Tips: Time Management

Unit 5 Academic Presentation

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Preparing an Academic Presentation

Reading 2 How to Give a Talk: Better Academic Speaking in a Nutshell

Part II Mastery Test

Reading 1 Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Lunch of the Asian Business Leaders Summit

Reading 2 Presentation of a Marketing Plan

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading A Commencement Address

Unit 6 Research Method

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Research Methods

Reading 2 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Reading 3 Different Research Methods--How to Choose an Appropriate Design

Part II Mastery Test

Reading Survey Research Design

Part III Consolidation and Application

unit 7 Report

Part I Reading

Reading 1 The Work Values of First-Year College Students: Exploring Group Differences

Reading 2 Feasibility Report on Establishing Interact Courses(E-learning)

Part II Mastery Test

Reading The IMRAD Format of Report

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading 1 Report

Reading 2 The Format of Business Report

Reading 3 Exploration of Intimacy in Intercultural and Intracultural Romantic Relationships in College Students

Unit 8 Data and Graph

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Introduction of Data

Reading 2 Graph

Part II Mastery Test

Reading Introduction of Graph Types

Part III Consolidation and Application

Unit 9 Case Study

Part I Reading

Reading 1 The Case Study Research Method

Reading 2 The Case Method: Art and Skill(I)

Part II Mastery Test

Reading The Case Method: Art and Skill(II)

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading 1 Case Study Research

Reading 2 Case Selection and Structure

Reading 3 An Example

Unit 10 Assessment and Examination

Part I Reading

Reading 1 Multiple Intelligences

Reading 2 Definitions and Categories of Assessment

Reading 3 Reliability and Validity of Assessment

Part II Mastery Test

Reading 1 Testing in Education

Reading 2 International Examinations and Tests(I)

Part III Consolidation and Application

Reading International Examinations and Tests(II)




适读人群 :高等学校各年级学生阅读



尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


实用学术英语阅读教程是浙江大学出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。