

吴尚义, 主编







Unit 1 Logistics Part One Text: The Nature and Importance of Logistics Part Two Reading Passage= What Is Logistics?Unit 2 Supply Chain Management Part One Text: The Concept of Supply Chain Management Part Two Reading Passage= Managing the ChainUnit 3 Logistics Customer Service Part One Text: Logistics Customer Service Part Two Reading Passage= Customer Satisfaction in Post-purchase EnvironmentUnit 4 Warehousing Part One Text. Functions and Benefits of Warehousing Part Two Reading Passage: Warehouse Ownership ArrangementsUnit 5 Inventory Control Part One Text: Inventory Control Part Two Reading Passage= ABC Stock Analysis

Unit 1 Logistics Part One Text: The Nature and Importance of Logistics Part Two Reading Passage= What Is Logistics?Unit 2 Supply Chain Management Part One Text: The Concept of Supply Chain Management Part Two Reading Passage= Managing the ChainUnit 3 Logistics Customer Service Part One Text: Logistics Customer Service Part Two Reading Passage= Customer Satisfaction in Post-purchase EnvironmentUnit 4 Warehousing Part One Text. Functions and Benefits of Warehousing Part Two Reading Passage: Warehouse Ownership ArrangementsUnit 5 Inventory Control Part One Text: Inventory Control Part Two Reading Passage= ABC Stock AnalysisUnit 6 Packaging Part One Text: Packaging Part Two Reading Passage= Packaging MaterialUnit 7 Logistics Transportation Part One Text: Logistics Transportation Part Two Reading Passage= Intermodal TransportationUnit 8 Containerization Part One Text: Containerization Part Two Reading Passage: Containerization TodayUnit 9 Third Party Logistics Part One Text: The Nature and Importance of Third Party Logistics Part Two Reading Passage: China Third Party Logistics Market Report, 2006Unit 10 Reverse Logistics Part One Text: Reverse Logistics Part Two Reading Passage: The Seven Deadly Sins of Reverse LogisticsUnit 11 Logistics Documents Part One Text: Business Correspondence and Logistics Contracts Part Two Reading Passage: Other Logistics DocumentationsUnit 12 Logistics Center Management Part One Text: Logistics Center Management Part Two Reading Passage: Internet-based Logistics Centre for Coordinated Transport in Stockholm, Sweden -- A Case StudyUnit 13 Distribution Management Part One Text: Distribution Management Part Two Reading Passage: Distribution Centers and WarehousingUnit 14 Logistics Information Management Part One Text: Supply Chain Information System Part Two Reading Passage: SCIS Supporting TechnologiesUnit 15 Logistics Telecommunication Part One Text: Modern Operation of Telecommunication Part Two Reading Passage: Internet and Chinese Logistics DevelopmentUnit 16 Logistics Performance Evaluation Part One Text: Logistics Performance Evaluation Part Two Reading Passage: Performance MeasurementReferences


本书分为16个单元,涉及物流领域最新的16个主题。首先从物流的基本概念和定义讲起,然后围绕概念和定义深入展开,讲述了客户服务、采购、仓储、库存管理、包装、运输;其次讲述了述物流涉及和关联的内容,如集装箱化、第三方物流、逆向物流、物流单证、物流中心管理、配送管理、供应链管理;再次讲述了现代物流管理的手段和方式,如物流信息管理、物流电子通信等内容;最后讲述了物流绩效考核。本书形成了一个科学合理的宏观构架——综述(涉及的问题)、详述(问题的解决方法)和评价考核。 本书可作为高等院校物流管理及相关本科专业学生专业英语课程的教材,亦可作为物流行业培训的教材,还可供具有一定英语基础的物流专业人员自学使用。




物流专业英语教程是北京交通大学出版社于2008.09出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 物流-英语-教材 的书籍。