

(日) 足立贞夫, 主编





本册由8章组成,介绍10立方硫化镉(c cd),11纤锌矿型硫化镉(wcd),12立方硒化镉(c-CdSe),13纤锌矿硒化镉(w-CdSe),14碲化镉(CdTe),15立方硫化汞(β-HgS),16汞硒化物(HgSe),17碲化汞(HgTe),8种化合物的结构属性、热性能、弹性、声子和晶格振动性质、集成效应和相关属性、能带结构:能带、能带结构:电子和孔有效质量、电子形变势、电子亲和力和肖特基势垒高度、光学特性、,电光和非线性光学特性、载体运输属性等。




Contents of Other Volumes

1 Magnesium Oxide (Mg0)

1.1 Structural Properties

1.1.1 Ionicity

1.1.2 Elemental Isotopic Abundance and Molecular Weight

1.1.3 Crystal Structure and Space Group

1.1.4 Lattice Constant and Its Related Parameters

1.1.5 Structural Phase Transition

1.1.6 Cleavage Plane

1.2 Thermal Properties

1.2.1 Melting Point and Its Related Parameters

1.2.2 Specific Heat

1.2.3 Debye Temperature

1.2.4 Thermal Expansion Coefficient

1.2.5 Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity

1.3 Elastic Properties

1.3.1 Elastic Constant

1.3.2 Third-Order Elastic Constant

1.3.3 Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, and Similar

1.3.4 Microhardness

1.3.5 Sound Velocity

1.4 Phonons and Lattice Vibronic Properties

1.4.1 Phonon Dispersion Relation

1.4.2 Phonon Frequency

1.4.3 Mode Gruneisen Parameter

1.4.4 Phonon Deformation Potential

1.5 Collective Effects and Related Properties

1.5.1 Piezoelectric Constant

1.5.2 Frohlich Coupling Constant

1.6 Energy-Band Structure: Energy-Band Gaps

1.6.1 Basic Properties

1.6.2 Eo-Gap Region

1.6.3 Higher-Lying Direct Gap

1.6.4 Lowest Indirect Gap

1.6.5 Conduction-Valley Energy Separation

1.6.6 Direct-Indirect-Gap Transition Pressure

1.7 Energy-Band Structure: Electron and Hole Effective Masses

1.7.1 Electron Effective Mass: F Valley

1.7.2 Electron Effective Mass: Satellite Valley

1.7.3 Hole Effective Mass

1.8 Electronic Deformation Potential

1.8.1 Intravalley DeformationPotential: F Point

1.8.2 Intravalley Deformation Potential: High-Symmetry Points

1.8.3 Intervalley Deformation Potential

1.9 Electron Affinity and Schottky Barrier Height

1.9.1 Electron Affinity

1.9.2 Schottky Barrier Height

1.10 Optical Properties

1.10.1 Summary of Optical Dispersion Relations

1.10.2 The Reststrahlen Region

1.10.3 At or Near the Fundamental Absorption Edge

1.10.4 The Interband Transition Region

1.10.5 Free-Carrier Absorption and Related Phenomena

1.11 Elastooptic, Electrooptic, and Nonlinear Optical Properties

1.11.1 Elastooptic Effect/

1.11.2 Linear Electrooptic Constant/

1.11.3 Quadratic Electrooptic Constant/

1.11.4 Franz-Keldysh Effect

1.11.5 Nonlinear Optical Constant

1.12 Carrier Transport Properties

1.12.1 Low-Field Mobility: Electrons

1.12.2 Low-Field Mobility: Holes

1.12.3 High-Field Transport: Elec,trons

1.12.4 High-Field Transport: Holes

1.12.5 Minority-Carrier Transport: Electrons in p-Type Materials

1.12.6 Minority-Carrier Transport: Holes in n-Type Materials


2 Zincblende Magnesium Sulphide (β-MgS)

3 Zincblende Magnesium Selenide (βMgSe)

4 Zincblende Magnesium Telluride(β-MgTe)

5 Zinc Oxide (Zn0)

6 Wurtzite Zinc Sulphide (a-ZnS)

7 Cubic Zinc Sulphide (β-ZnS)

8 Zinc Selenide (ZnSe)

9 Zinc Telluride (ZnTe)


The progress made in physics and technology of semiconductors depends main.ly on three families of materials: the group-IV elemental, III-V, and II-VI compound semiconductors. Almost all ⅡⅥ compound semiconductors crystallize either in the zincblende or wurtzite structure. The first research papers on II-VI compound semiconductors date back to the middle of the nineteenth century. In the ensuring hundred years extensive literature has been accumulated as much research and development works are being carried out on these compound semiconductors. At present, the II-VI compound semiconductors are widely used as photodetectors, x-ray sensors and scintillators, phosphors in lighting, displays, etc. New applications are continuously being proposed. Thus, it seems to timely bring together the most up-to-date information on the material and semiconducting properties of II-VI compound semiconductors.


尺寸23 × 19装帧平装


半导体物理性能手册是哈尔滨工业大学出版社于2014.1出版的中图分类号为 O472-62 的主题关于 半导体材料-物理性能-手册-英文 的书籍。