

吴中东, 周玉芳, 主编







吴中东,环球时代教育集团董事长,环球时代第一任校长,英语专业硕士生导师。 英语专业考研基础英语首席主讲,专四专八写作主讲。2002年-04年英国剑桥大学高级访问学者。1987年最先在中国启动TOEFL、GRE; 92年将GMAT教学引入国内,掀起GMAT风暴,推动了中国人通过GMAT考试到海外攻读MBA的热潮,被誉为GMAT第一人。其间曾为我国民办英语教学机构培育出多位校长,被誉为“我国英语培训界宗师级人物”。多年致力于语言学、翻译学研究,深得学术界广泛认可。出版专业著作数十部。


Unit 1

Part 1 Reading Wisely

Part 2 Solving the Servant Problem

Part 3 It's a Man's World

Part 4 How Not to Get Your Way

Part 5 Review

Unit 2

Part 1 To the Point

Part 2 If I Had the Wings of an Angel

Part 3 Dr.Jekyll or Mr.Hyde?

Part 4 You've Got to Be a Football Expert

Part 5 Review

Unit 3

Part 1 The Pep Talk

Part 2 The Handcuff Is Quicker Than the Eye

Part 3 Courtroom Drama

Part 4 Call Me by My Right Name

Part 5 Review

Unit 4

Part 1 Mullins a K.O.Victim ( I ) ;

Part 2 Mullins a K.O.Victim ( II ): Mullins Throws Down the Gauntlet

Part 3 Mullins a K.O.Victim ( III ): Mullins Forced to Eat a Humble Pie

Part 4 Mullins a K.O.Victim (IV): The Decline of Mullins

Part 5 Review

Unit 5

Part 1 Cheating ( I )

Part 2 Cheating ( II ): Cracking Down

Part 3 Cheating (III): Star Player ls Caught

Part 4 Cheating (IV): Our Pyrrhic Victory

Part 5 Review

Unit 6

Part 1 The Newspaper Umbrella

Part 2 Patent Pending

Part 3 Hold That Nobel Prize!.

Part 4 Perfect Products

Part 5 Review

Unit 7

Part 1 Much Ado About a Haircut ( I )

Part 2 Much Ado About a Haircut ( II ): The Tempest Spills out of the Teapot

Part 3 Much Ado About a Haircut ( III ): Haircut Dilemma

Part 4 Much Ado About a Haircut (IV): Happy Ending?

Part 5 Review

Unit 8

Part 1 Enter Dr.Thomas Dooley ( I )

Part 2 Enter Dr.Thomas Dooley ( II ): Dooley's Mission

Part 3 Enter Dr.Thomas Dooley ( m ): Stymied by Personal Sickness

Part 4 Enter Dr.Thomas Dooley (IV): Promises to Keep

Part 5 Review

Unit 9

Part 1 Bigots ( I ): Just Spell the Name Correctly

Part 2 Bigots ( II ): Bigots Get Publicity

Part 3 Bigots (III): coping with Bigots

Part 4 Bigots (IV): More Than Silence

Part 5 Review

Unit 10

Part 1 A Boy and a Mad Dog'( I ): Jerry Hart's Sixth Sense

Part2 A Boy and a Mad Dog ( lI ): Crisis!

Part 3 A Boy and a Mad Dog ( III): A Time for Decision

Part 4 A Boy and a Mad Dog (IV): The Pertinent Facts About Rabies

Part 5 Review

Unit 11

Part 1 A Boy and a Mad Dog (V): The Search for the Dog

Part 2 A Boy and a Mad Dog (VI): No Relief

Part 3 A Boy and a Mad Dog (VII): The Police Find the Dog

Part 4 ABoy and a Mad Dog (vm): Ali's Well That Ends Well

Part 5 Review

Unit 12

Part 1 Off Broadway ( I )

Part 2 Off Broadway ( II ): An All-round Man

Part 3 Off Broadway ( III ): From Ledgers to Scripts




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最新英语专业考研核心词汇是中国人民大学出版社于2015.3出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 英语-词汇-研究生-入学考试-自学参考资料 的书籍。