本书首先从基础开始介绍了Label Semantics的理论体系,并基于该理论基础提出了一系列新的数据挖掘算法。然后,对每个算法进行了深入详细的研究,并和其他常用算法做了定量的比较。最后,介绍了最新的Prototype理论对label semantics的解释。
1 Introduction
1.1 Types of Uncertainty
1.2 Uncertainty Modeling and Data Mining
1.3 Related Works
2 Induction and Learning
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Machine Learning
2.2.1 Searching in Hypothesis Space
2.2.2 Supervised Learning
2.2.3 Unsupervised Leaming
2.2.4 Instance-Based Learning
2.3 Data Mining and Algorithms
2.3.1 Why Do We Need Data Mining?
2.3.2 How Do We do Data Mining?
2.3.3 Artificial Neural Networks
2.3.4 Support Vector Machines
2.4 Measurement of Classifiers
2.4.1 ROC Analysis for Classification
2.4.2 Area Under the ROC Curve
2.5 Summary
3 Label Semantics Theory
3.1 Uncertainty Modeling with Labels
3.1.1 Fuzzy Logic
3.1.2 Computing with Words
3.1.3 Mass Assignment Theory
3.2 Label Semantics
3.2.1 Epistemic View of Label Semantics
3.2.2 Random Set Framework
3.2.3 Appropriateness Degrees
3.2.4 Assumptions for Data Analysis
3.2.5 Linguistic Translation
3.3 Fuzzy Discretization
3.3.1 Percentile-Based Discretization
3.3.2 Entropy-Based Discretization
3.4 Reasoning with Fuzzy Labels
3.4.1 Conditional Distribution Given Mass Assignments
3.4.2 Logical Expressions of Fuzzy Labels
3.4.3 Linguistic Interpretation of Appropriate Labels
3.4.4 Evidence Theory and Mass Assignment
3.5 Label Relations
3.6 Summary
4 Linguistic Decision Trees for Classification
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Tree Induction
4.2.1 Entropy
4.2.2 Soft Decision Trees
4.3 Linguistic Decision for Classification
4.3.1 Branch Probability
4.3.2 Classification by LDT
4.3.3 Linguistic ID3 Algorithm
4.4 Experimental Studies
4.4.1 Influence of the Threshold
4.4.2 Overlapping Between Fuzzy Labels
4.5 Comparison Studies
4.6 Merging of Branches
4.6.1 Forward Merging Algorithm
4.6.2 Dual-Branch LDTs
4.6.3 Experimental Studies for Forward Merging
4.6.4 ROC Analysis for Forward Merging
4.7 Linguistic Reasoning
4.7.1 Linguistic Interpretation of an LDT
4.7.2 Linguistic Constraints
4.7.3 Classification of Fuzzy Data
4.8 Summary
5 Linguistic Decision Trees for Prediction
5.1 Prediction Trees
5.2 Linguistic Prediction Trees
5.2.1 Branch Evaluation
5.2.2 Defuzzification
5.2.3 Linguistic ID3 Algorithm for Prediction
5.2.4 Forward Branch Merging for Prediction
5.3 Experimental Studies
5.3.1 3D Surface Regression
5.3.2 Abalone and Boston Housing Problem
5.3.3 Prediction of Sunspots
5.3.4 Flood Forecasting
5.4 Query Evaluation
5.4.1 Single Queries
5.4.2 Compound Queries
5.5 ROC Analysis for Prediction
5.5.1 Predictors and Probabilistic Classifiers
5.5.2 AUC Value for Prediction
5.6 Summary
6 Bayesian Methods Based on Label Semantics
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Naive Bayes
6.2.1 Bayes Theorem
6.2.2 Fuzzy Naive Bayes
6.3 Fuzzy Semi-Naive Bayes
6.4 Online Fuzzy Bayesian Prediction
6.4.1 Bayesian Methods
6.4.2 Online Learning
6.5 Bayesian Estimation Trees
6.5.1 Bayesian Estimation Given an LDT
6.5.2 Bayesian Estimation from a Set of Trees
6.6 Experimental Studies
6.7 Summary
7 Unsupervised Learning with Label Semantics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Non-Parametric Density Estimation
7.3 Clustering
7.3.1 Logical Distance
7.3.2 Clustering of Mixed Objects
7.4 Experimental Studies
7.4.1 Logical Distance Example
7.4.2 Images and Labels Clustering
7.5 Summary
8 Linguistic FOIL and Multiple Attribute Hierarchy for Decision Making
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Rule Induction
8.3 Multi-Dimensional Label Semantics
8.4 Linguistic FOIL
8.4.1 Information Heuristics for LFOIL
8.4.2 Linguistic Rule Generation
8.4.3 Class Probabilities Given a Rule Base
8.5 Experimental Studies
8.6 Multiple Attribute Decision Making
8.6.1 Linguistic Attribute Hierarchies
8.6.2 Information Propagation Using LDT
8.7 Summary
9 A Prototype Theory Interpretation of Label Semantics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Prototype Semantics for Vague Concepts
9.2.1 Uncertainty Measures about the Similarity Neighborhoods Determined by Vague Concepts
9.2.2 Relating Prototype Theory and Label Semantics
9.2.3 Gaussian-Type Density Function
9.3 Vague Information Coarsening in Theory of Prototypes
9.4 Linguistic Inference Systems
9.5 Summary
10 Prototype Theory for Learning
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 General Rule Induction Process
10.1.2 A Clustering Based Rule Coarsening
10.2 Linguistic Modeling of Time Series Predictions
10.2.1 Mackey-Glass Time Series Prediction
10.2.2 Prediction of Sunspots
10.3 Summary
11 Prototype-Based Rule Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Prototype-Based IF-THEN Rules
11.3 Rule Induction Based on Data Clustering and Least-Square Regression
11.4 Rule Learning Using a Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
11.5 Applications in Prediction Problems
11.5.1 Surface Predication
11.5.2 Mackey-Glass Time Series Prediction
11.5.3 Prediction of Sunspots
11.6 Summary
12 Information Cells and Information Cell Mixture Models
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Information Cell for Cognitive Representation of Vague Concept Semantics
12.3 Information Cell Mixture Model (ICMM) for Semantic Representation of Complex Concept
12.4 Learning Information Cell Mixture Model from Data Set
12.4.1 Objective Function Based on Positive Density Function..
12.4.2 Updating Probability Distribution of Information Cells...
12.4.3 Updating Density Functions of Information Cells
12.4.4 Information Cell Updating Algorithm
12.4.5 Learning Component Number of ICMM
12.5 Experimental Study
12.6 Summary
Machine learning and data mining are inseparably connected with uncertainty. The observable data for learning is usually imprecise,incomplete or noisy. Uncertainty Modeling for Data Mining A Label Semantics Approach introduces 'label semantics', a fuzzy-logic-based theory for modeling uncertainty. Several new data mining algorithms based on label semantics are proposed and tested on real-world datasets. A prototype interpretation of label semantics and new prototype-based data mining algorithms are also discussed. This book offers a valuable resource for postgraduates, researchers and other professionals in the fields of data mining, fuzzy computing anduncertainty reasoning.
《基于不确定性建模的数据挖掘(英文版)》首先从基础开始介绍了Label Semantics的理论体系,并基于该理论基础提出了一系列新的数据挖掘算法。然后,对每个算法进行了深入详细的研究,并和其他常用算法做了定量的比较。最后,介绍了最新的Prototype理论对label semantics的解释。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 基于不确定性建模的数据挖掘站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787308121064 《基于不确定性建模的数据挖掘》pdf扫描版电子书已有网友提供下载资源链接 | |||
出版地 | 杭州 | 出版单位 | 浙江大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 180.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 23 × 17 | 装帧 | 精装 |
页数 | 印数 |
基于不确定性建模的数据挖掘是浙江大学出版社于2013.11出版的中图分类号为 TP274 的主题关于 数据采集-研究-英文 的书籍。
张志旺, 高广霞, 邹海林, 编著
邹兆年, 李建中, 著
汤克明, 著
木林, 著
承继成, 郭华东, 史文中, 编著
徐雪琪, 著
薛薇等 , 编著
(新西兰) 威滕 (Witten,I.H.) , (新西兰) 弗兰克 (Frank,E.) , (新西兰) 霍尔 (Hall,M.A.) , 著
(新西兰) 威滕 (Witten,I.H.) , 著