

方振宇, 主编








1 Learning Chinese Fever in lhe World

2 Away from Net-bar Campaign

3 Reading Books

4 The Brain and the Computer

5 Certificate Mania

6 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life

7 Private School

8 A Boom in Continuing Education

9 Studenl Use of Mobile Phones

10 Campus Activities

11 On Students' Rating of Their Teachers

12 The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life

13 Studying in Colleges or Through Internet?

14 Exams

15 A Petition Letter

16 A Letter Applying for Admission to a University

17 A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag

18 A Letter Asking for Help

19 A Letter in Reply

20 Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes?

21 What do Students Need English For?

22 Book Knowledge and Experience

23 My view on the Post-graduate Craze

24 The Intensified Postgraduate Entrance Examination

25 Student's Part-time jobs

26 Study Abroad orin China?

27 Working al Home or Abroad

28 On-campus Marriage:

29 How to Prevent Cheating

30 On College Students Establishing Their Own Business

31 Boycotting the Campus Violence

32 Is the Independent Enrollment of University a Good Thing?

33 Should a College Student Run a Business?

34 How to Create a Conversation-minded Campus?

35 Online Examination

36 Remote Education

37 A Want Advertisement for a Part-time Job at School Library

38 Should a College Graduate Rent or Purchase a House?

39 A Campaign Speech for the Monitor

40、volunteer Teaching in the West

41 The Necessity of Mental Health Education for College Students

42 Should Class Attendance Be Required

43 My Views on Examination

44 Studying Alone or Studying in a Group

45 University Study and Mountain Climbing

46 Learning by Yourself or With a Teacher


47 Generation Gap

48 Advertisements

49 Ideals

50 Fast Food

51 The Role of Migrant Workers

52 What is Happiness?

53 Immoral Behavior In Public

54 Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents

55 On Online Chatting

56 Complaint About Noise

57 A Letter of Inquiry

58 A Letter to the Head of a Local Supermarket

59 Telling Lies

60 Harm of Fake Commodities

61 Wealth and Happiness

62 The Damage of Public Facilities

63 Pets

64 Knowledge and Diploma

65 On Internet in Our Life

66 Salary or Interest

67 To Be a Small Fish in a Big Pond or a Big Fish in a Small Pond?

68 My View on Job-Hopping

69 Oh College Graduates being Village Officials

70 A Letter of Thanks on Father'S Day

71 A Letter Applying for a Position

72 A Letter Applying for a Bank Loan

73 A Complaint About Bad Service

74 A Petition Letter

75 Craze for Civil Service Examinations

76 Benefits and Challenges of Online Shopping

77 How to Make a Successful Intercultural Communication?

78 The Importance of Interpersonal Communication

79 How to protect privacy on Internet?

80 Activities on Internet

81 On Disasters

82 A Letter of Application for the Position

83 Chinese elders' habit on saving and spending

84 Money Is Not Everything

85 We Should Not Have a Global Language

86 Lottery Does More Good than Harm

87 Talent Show

88 Idol Worship in My Eyes

89 Should Children Begin Their Formal Schooling at an Early.Age?


90 Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags

91 The Problem of Pollution in China

92 On the Low-carbon Life

93 Waste Separation from Your Campus

94 Economize Water Resource

95 How to Solye the Energy Problem

96 Popularity 0f Green Food

97 Is Stress a Bad Thing?


98 Traveling

99 A Letter of Thanks

100 The Influence of Movies


《振宇英语·英语4级写作背这本就够了》:“振宇英语”四、六级710分系列丛书曾连续3年命中四、六级真题,以其权威性、实用性和前瞻性广受全国莘莘学子的青睐.销量一直稳居全国考试类图书前列,已成为全国知名畅销品牌。“振宇英语”多年来致力于大掌英语四、六级的科技研发和专项研究,庞大的专家团队和一线名师的加盟,确保了图书质量和品牌口碑。振宇英语多种图书已入选全国多所名校研究生入学考试指定参考书目,也是多所培训中心的指定教材。在四、六级的发展历程中,“振宇英语”以其敏锐的嗅党和专业的眼光率先投入巨资完成全国首家专业权威的大学英语四、六级机考模拟网,即天天机考卿已成为全国千万考生的机考乐园和英语视听说强化提高的演练场。10年专业研究四六级多年连续命中四六级真题,2000所高校馆藏珍典3000万学子信赖品牌,全国第1家大学英语四六级机考网研发推广机构,100写作话题,热辣新鲜,100标准范文,译文对照,2000热点词汇,词词实用。《振宇英语·英语4级写作背这本就够了》内容简介:很喜欢一句话:脚踏实地,仰望星空。也很喜欢美国盲人“天才歌手”史蒂夫·汪德在《阳光地带》中唱到的美丽而伤感的歌词:Likea long lonely stream,I keep:running towards adream.当英语四级或多或少赋予在校大学生“国考”的意义时,我们在路上多了一个目标:一次过四级!


尺寸19 × 12装帧平装


英语四级写作背这本就够了是首都师范大学出版社于2010.7出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-写作-高等学校-水平考试-自学参考资料 的书籍。