

郭齐家, 著







GUO Qijia,born in October 1938,now holdsthe positions of professor and supervisor of Ph,D.candidates in the Education Department of BeijingNormal University,standing director and vice—secretary-general of the China Confucius Society,and specially invited research fellow of the BeijingResearch Institute ofEastern Moral Education. He has long been engaged in teaching and aca-demic research in Chinese education and cuItural history.Hismajorworksinclude:AHistory ofChi-nese Educational Thought,Ancient Chinese Schools,TheExamination System inAncient China,and Research on Lu Jiuyuan's Educational Thought.His major papers include:“A Breakthrough in Yang.mjng School Research—a Turning Point in Confu.cianism,”“Distinctiveness ofTraditional Ethics and Morals of the Chinese Nation,”“Western Learning in the East and Modemization of Chinese Edu.cationai Goals,”and“Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Education and Its Modern Values.”



Chapter One Educational Thoughts during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods

Ⅰ. The Historical Conditions for Evolution of Educational Thoughts in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods

Ⅱ. Confucius' Thought of Education

Ⅲ. Mencius' Educational Thought

Ⅳ. Educational Thoughts Contained in On Learning by Xun Zi and in The Obligations of a Disciple by Guan Zi

Ⅴ. Educational Theories of the Mohist, Taoist and Legalist Schools and Comparison between Them

Ⅵ. Educational Thought Contained in The Book of Rites

Chapter Two Educational Thought in the Hart and Tang Dynasties

Ⅰ. Educational Thought of Dong Zhongshu

Ⅱ. Wang Chong's Educational Thought

Ⅲ. Yan Zhitui's Educational Thought

Ⅳ. Han Yu' s Educational Thought.

Ⅴ. Liu Zongyuan's Educational Thought

Chapter Three Educational Thou.ghts in the Period Be- tween the Song Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty

Ⅰ. A General Review of Educational Thought of Neo-Confu- cianist School in the Song and Ming Dynasties

Ⅱ. Zhu Xi's Educational Thought

Ⅲ. Lu Jiuyuan's Educational Thought

Ⅳ. Wang Shouren's Educational Theory

Ⅴ. Wang Fuzhi's Educational Thought

Ⅵ. Yan Yuan's Educational Thought

Chapter Four Modern Educational Thought

Ⅰ. Zhang Zhidong's Educational Thought

Ⅱ. The Educational Thought of Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and Yan Fu

Ⅲ. Cai Yuanpei's Educational Thought

Ⅳ. The Educational Thoughts of Yan Yangchu and Liang Shuming

Ⅴ. Tao Xingzhi's Educational Thought

Ⅵ. Huang Yanpei's Educational Thought

Ⅶ. Chen Heqin's Educational Thought

Concluding Remarks: The Fine Tradition of Chinese Culture and Education and the 21st Century-World Civilization




A History ofChinese Educational Thought is a research monograph on Chinese thought on education.It systematically traces the evolution of Chinese educational thought from.the pre—qin Deriod to 1949,analyzes the content and features of educational thought in different historical periods and explains the basic connotations of Chinese educational thought and its positive significance in contemporary era.
Compiled after 20 years of practice and research by renowned Chinese-educationist Guo Oijia,this is China's first monograph Oil the evolution of educa-tional thought from ancient times to contemporary era.In 1988,the book won the 1st National Award for Edueational:Book and the National Award for Educational Theory Books.The book was published first on China’S mainland and then in Taiwan.


页数 608 印数 2000


中国教育思想史是外文出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 G40-092 的主题关于 教育思想-思想史-中国-英文 的书籍。