

( ) 比姆斯等, 著







CHAPTER 1 Business Combinations The Legal Form of Business Combinations The Accounting Concept of a Business Combination Accounting for Business Combinations Under the Purchase Method Disclosure Requirements The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002CHAPTER 2 Stock Investments——lnvestor Accounting and Reporting Accounting for Stock Investments Equity Method of Accounting—A One-Line Consolidation Interim Acquisitions of an Investment Interest Iinvestment in a Step-By-Step Acquisition Sale of an Equity Interest Stock Purchases Directly from the Investee Investee Corporation With Preferred Stock Extraordinary Items, Cumulative-Effect-Type Adjustments, and Other

CHAPTER 1 Business Combinations The Legal Form of Business Combinations The Accounting Concept of a Business Combination Accounting for Business Combinations Under the Purchase Method Disclosure Requirements The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002CHAPTER 2 Stock Investments——lnvestor Accounting and Reporting Accounting for Stock Investments Equity Method of Accounting—A One-Line Consolidation Interim Acquisitions of an Investment Interest Iinvestment in a Step-By-Step Acquisition Sale of an Equity Interest Stock Purchases Directly from the Investee Investee Corporation With Preferred Stock Extraordinary Items, Cumulative-Effect-Type Adjustments, and OtherConsiderations Disclosures for Equity InvesteesCHAPTER 3 An Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements Business Combinations Consummated through Stock Acquisitions Consolidated Balance Sheet at Date of Acquisition Consolidated Balance Sheets after Acquisition  Allocation of Excess to Identifiable Net Assets and Goodwill Consolidated Income Statement Preparinq a Consolidated Balance Sheet WorksheetCHAPTER 4 Consolidation Techniaues and Procedures Consolidation Under the Equity Method Locating Errors Excess Allocated to Identifiable Net Assets Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Preparing a Consolidation WorksheetCHAPTER 5 Intercompany Profit Transactions—Inventories Intercompany Inventory Transactions Downstream and Upstream Sales Unrealized Profits from Downstream Sales Unrealized Profits from Upstream Sales Consolidation Example Intercompany Profits from Downstream Sales Consolidation Example Intercompany Profits from Upstream SalesCHAPTER 6 Intercomoanv Profit Transactions——Plant Assets Intercompany Profits on Nondepreciable Plant Assets Intercompany Profits on Depreciable Plant Assets Plant Assets Sold at Other than Fair Value Consolidation Example Upstream and Downstream Sales of Plant Assets Inventory Items Purchased for Use as Operating AssetsCHAPTER 7 Intercomoanv Profit Transactions——Bonds Intercompany Bond Transactions Constructive Gains and Losses on Intercompany Bonds Parent-Company Bonds Purchased by Subsidiary Subsidiary Bonds Purchased by ParentCHAPTER 8 Consolidations——Changes in Ownership Interests Acquisitions During an Accounting Period Piecemeal Acquisitions Sale of Ownership Interests Changes in Ownership Interests from Subsidiary Stock Transactions Stock Dividends and Stock Splits by a SubsidiaryCHAPTER 9 Indirect and Mutual Holdinas Affiliation Structures Indirect Holdings—Father-Son-Grandson Structure Indirect Holdings—Connecting Affiliates Structure Mutual Holdings—Parent Stock Held by Subsidiary Subsidiary Stock Mutually HeldCHAPTER 10 Subsidiary Preferred Stock, Consolidated Earnings per Share,and Consolidated Income Taxation Subsidiaries with Preferred Stock Outstanding Parent-Company and Consolidated Earnings per Share Subsidiary with Convertible Preferred Stock Subsidiary With Options and Convertible Bonds Accounting for Income Taxes of Consolidated Entities Income Tax Allocation Separate-Company Tax Returns with Intercompany Gain Effect of Consolidated and Separate-Company Tax Returns on Consolidated Procedures Business Combinations Financial Statement Disclosures for Income TaxesCHAPTER 11 Consolidation Theories, Push-Down Accountina, and Corporate Joint Ventures Comparison of Consolidation Theories 226 Illustration--Consolidation Under Parent-Company and Entity Theories Push-Down Accounting and Other Basis Considerations Joint Ventures Accounting for Variable Interest EntitiesCHAPTER 12 Foreign Currency Concepts and Transactions Foreign Exchange Concepts and Definitions Foreign Currency Transactions Other than Forward Contracts FASB Statement No. 133: Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Accounting for Hedge Contracts: Illustrations of Cash Flow and Fair Value Hedge Accounting Using Interest Rate Swaps Foreign Currency Derivatives and Hedging ActivitiesCHAPTER 13 Foreign Currency Financial Statements Objectives of Translation and the Functional Currency Concept Application of the Functional Currency Concept Hedging a Net Investment in a Foreign EntityCHAPTER 1 4 Seament and Interim Financial Reporting Segment Reporting Under FASB Statement No. 131 Interim Financial Reporting Guidelines for Preparing Interim StatementsCHAPTER 15 Partnarshins—Fnrmation. Ooerations. and Chanaes in Ownership Interests Nature of Partnerships Initial Investments in a Partnership Additional Investments and Withdrawals Partnership Operations Profit and Loss Sharing Agreements Changes in Partnership Interests Purchase of an Interest from Existing Partners Investing in an Existing Partnership Dissolution of a Continuing Partnership Through Death or Retirement Limited PartnershipsCHAPTER 16 Partnership Liauidation The Liquidation Process Safe Payments to Partners Installment Liquidations Cash Distribution Plans Insolvent Partners and PartnershipsCHAPTER 17 Comorate Liauidations and Reorganizations Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 Liquidation Illustration of a Liquidation Case Reorganization Financial Reporting During Reorganization Financial Reporting for the Emerging CompanyGlossary


本书由四位欧美著名大学教授合力打造,是美国会计学的主流经典教科书。自1985年第1版问世以来,一版再版,受到了美国会计学界的广泛好评,并被多个国家的高校选为教材,得到了广大师生的高度评价,被认为是高级会计学教材的经典、权威之作。  该书以企业合并的会计处理为主线,结合国际上新近发生的会计重大事件,阐述会计界面临的重大问题及考验,就企业如何在复杂多变的全球化环境中真实、合理地反映企业信息,提出了各种处理方法。全书脉络清晰,简明扼要,可分为合并理论、方法、账户、报表和特殊业务五个部分。  为了切合当前双语教学改革的需要,面向国际化,并与最新的会计准则接轨,我们推出了该书最新版——第9版的中文版和双语教学版,全面、系统地阐述了财务会计前沿的一系列会计问题。这些问题起点高,难度大,大多属于我国会计界迫切需要研究的问题,也是国际会计界正在研究的热点问题。本书适合会计系高年级本科生、研究生、MBA、有兴趣的教师及其他研究人员使用。




高级会计学是中国人民大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 F230 的主题关于 会计学-双语教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。