

中国国际问题研究所, 著








Part Ⅰ Overview

An Overview of the International Situation and Chinas Diplomacy in 2008

Part Ⅱ The International Situation in 2008/2009

Chapter 1 Strategic Readjustment and Trend of the US Diplomacy

Chapter 2 The Fukuda and Aso Cabinets Diplomacy in Asia

Chapter 3 EU Integration: A Tortuous Path

Chapter 4 Russias Strategic Posture in Diplomacy in 2008

Chapter 5 Trend of the Geopolitical Configuration in Central Asia after the Russia-Georgia Conflict

Chapter 6 Sustained and Steady Growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Chapter 7 The Capricious Situation in the Middle East with None of the Hot Issues Settled

Chapter 8 New Developments of.the Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula

Chapter 9 Tense Confrontation over the Iranian Nuclear Issue-Features of the Gaming on the Iranian Nuclear Issue in 2008

Chapter 10 Steady Progress in Regional Integration of Latin America

Chapter 11 Opportunities and Challenges in Asia-Pacific Cooperation

Chapter 12 Rise of Emerging Powers and Reshaping of International Order

Chapter 13 Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact

Chapter 14 Overview of the Situation of International Arms Control and Disarmament in 2008

Chapter 15 The Changing Situation and Prospects for the International Negotiations on Climate Change

Chapter 16 Review of the 2008 World Economy and World Economic Outlook

Part Ⅲ Chinas Diplomacy in 2008/2009

Chapter 17 Review of the Security Situation Surrounding China and Its Prospects

Chapter 18 Chinas Commitment to Multilateral Diplomacy and Its Main Actions

Chapter 19 The China-US Relationship: Shaping the Future at A New Starting Point



China has developed itself against the international backgroundof the reinforcing interaction between the world multi-polarizationand economic globalization. Its relations with the outside worldhave been ever closer and its interests more interrelated with thoseof the other actors in the world. While increasingly influenced bythe international community, Chinas interaction with the rest of theworld has also been intensified. Chinas future and destiny are moreclosely tied to those of the world. China needs an endurable peacefulinternational environment and sound economic climate for itsdevelopment, which, in turn, would contribute positively to the worldpeace, common development and mutually beneficial cooperation.Meanwhile, China is also benefited from and benefiting the world.


尺寸26 × 0装帧精装
页数 480 印数 800


国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书是世界知识出版社于2009.9出版的中图分类号为 D5 ,D822 的主题关于 国际形势-白皮书-2008~2009-英文 ,对外关系-白皮书-中国-2008~2009-英文 的书籍。