

张晓立, 编著







Introduction: Axial Age, the Golden Age of Human WisdomUnit One A Long and Hot Debate about the Birth of the WorldUnit Two Two Views Concerning Cultural StudiesSection One: Cultural RelativismSection Two: Cultural ImperialismUnit Three Cultural Traditions and RootsSection One: TheologySection Two: PhilosophySection Three: ScienceUnit Four Time and History in the Context of CultureSection One: Ancient History of the WorldSection Two: The Middle AgesSection Three: Modern HistorySection Four: Contemporary TimeUnit Five Compositions and Elements of CultureSection One: Faith, a Spiritual Pillar of a PersonSection Two: Language, An Important Element of CultureSection Three: Mythology, an Area of Human ImaginationSection Four: InstitutionSection Five: Norms, Code of Conduct for Human SocietyUnit Six Powerful and Pervasive IdeasSection One: Colonialism, a Propelling Force of the WestSection Two: Capitalism, a Magic Power of the WestSection Three: Communism, the Highest Ideal of MankindSection Four: Constitutionalism, the Idea of Rule of LawSection Five: Nationalism, a Theoretic Foundation of Nation-StateUnit Seven Great Ideas Spread Through Great BooksSection One: Analects, a Collection of Wisdom of ChinaSection Two: The Bible, the Holy Scripture in the WorldSection Three: Quran, the Holy Scripture of IslamSection Four: Buddhist TextsUnit Eight An Eventful Human HistorySection One: The Roman EmpireSection Two: HeliocentricismSection Three: The CrusadesSection Four: Mongol ConquestsSection Five: Columbus and His Significant VoyagesSection Six: The Ottoman EmpireSection Seven: The Founding of the United States of AmericaSection Eight: The Opium WarsSection Nine: The United Nations, an Instrument for PeaceUnit Nine Milestone Figures For Human HistorySection One: Abraham, Father of Three Major ReligionsSection Two: Jesus Christ, God for ChristiansSection Three: Muhammad, Prophet of MuslimsSection Four: Shakyamuni, the Buddha of Buddhist AdherentsSection Five: Confucius, a Holy Figure of Traditional ChinaSection Six: Socrates, Founding Father of Western PhilosophySection Seven: Sir Isaac Newton, a Towering ScientistSection Eight: Karl Marx, a Profound Thinker Who Changed the WorldSection Nine: Albert Einstein, a Modem Isaac NewtonUnit Ten A Study of Civilizational History of the WorldSection One: The Ancient Egyptian CivilizationSection Two: The Andes CivilizationSection Three: Ancient Chinese CivilizationSection Four: Minoan CivilizationSection Five: Sumer CivilizationSection Six: Maya CivilizationSection Seven: History of Ancient IndiaSection Eight: Hittites, Ancient Anatolian PeopleSection Nine: Ancient Greek CivilizationSection Ten: The Western or Occidental CivilizationSection Eleven: The Eastern Orthodox Church CivilizationSection Twelve: Far Eastern Civilization RingSection Thirteen: Orthodox Christian CivilizationSection Fourteen: The Ancient Persian CivilizationSection Fifteen: Islamic Civilization At its Golden AgeSection Sixteen: Hindu CivilizationSection Seventeen: The MexicaSection Eighteen: Yucatec Maya CivilizationSection Nineteen: Ancient Babylonian CivilizationUnit Eleven A Possible Form of a Future Global CultureSection One: Cultural Implications of Cultural DiversitySection Two: Cultural, Social and Political Implications of UNESCO Universal Declaralion on Cultural Diversity




尺寸19 × 26装帧平装


世界文化史是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:K 的主题关于 英语-高等学校-教材 ,世界史-文化史 的书籍。