

史志祥, 主编







Unit One Physiology and Pathology

Text A Introduction to Physiology

Text B General Pathology

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (1) Common

Morphemes in Physiology and Pathology English Terms

Unit Two Biochemistry

Text A Foundation of Biochemistry

Text B Glutathione Transferases and Development of New

Principles to Overcome Drug Resistance

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (2) Common

Morphemes in Biology and Biochemistry English Terms

Unit Three Microbiology

Text A The History of Microbiology

Text B The Other Side of Antibiotics

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (3) Common

Morphemes in Microbiology English Terms

Unit Four Pharmacology

Text A The Scope of Pharmacology

Text B Adverse Drug Reactions

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (4) Common

Morphemes in Pharmacology English Terms

Unit Five Medicinal Chemistry

Text A Combinatorial Chemistry and New Drugs

Text B Lead Compounds

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (5) How to Build

your Medical and Pharmaceutical English Vocabulary

Unit Six Natural Products

Text A Drug Discovery and Natural Products

Text B How to Approach the Isolation of a Natural Product?

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (6) Common Prefixes

and Suffixes in Medical English Terms

Unit Seven Pharmaceutics

Text A Biopharmaceutics

Text B New Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (7) Common

Morphemes in Pharmaceutics English Terms

Unit Eight Pharmaceutical Analysis

Text A What Analytical Chemists Do?

Text B Analytical Techniques

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (8) Common

Morphemes in the English Terms on Pharmaceutical Analysis

Unit Nine Biopharmaceuticals

Text A Nonclinical Development of Biopharmaceuticals

Text B Quality Control and Assurance from the Development to the

Production of Biopharmaceuticals

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (9) Common

Morphemes in Human Anatomical English Terms

Unit Ten Pharmacopoeia

Text A The United States Pharmacopoeia (1)

Text B The United States Pharmacopoeia (2)

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (10) Common

Morphemes in Chemistry English Terms

Unit Eleven Drug Instructions

Text A The Package Insert and Prescription

Text B The New Drug Package Insert-Implications for Patient


Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (11) Common Words

in English for Drug Instructions

Unit Twelve R&D of New Drugs

TextA Development of New Drugs (1)

Text B Development of New Drugs (2)

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (12) Morphemes from

Latin and Greek in Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms

Unit Thirteen Pharmaceutical Care

Text A The Impact of Pharmaceutical Care on Drug Therapy

Text B Improving Pharmacy Service Quality in Urgent Need

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (13) Common

Morphemes of Numbers in Medical & Pharmaceutical English Terms

and Irregular Singular & Plural Forms of Greek & Latin

Endings in Nouns

Unit Fourteen FDA

Text A FDA'S Responsibilities and Activities

Text B How Does FDA Approve New Drugs?

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (14) Common

Morphemes of Colors in

Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms

Unit Fifteen Drug Regulation

Text A Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Text B Restricted Use of Medicines in the United Kingdom

Medical and Pharmaceutical Terms Made Easier (15) Basic English

Terms in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

总词汇表 Glossary




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 125 印数


药学英语是人民卫生出版社于2011.7出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 药物学-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。