

曾贵华, 著







Professor Guihua Zeng teaches and conducts research at the Department of Electronic Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and spent an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the University of Freiburg,Germany.


1 Introduction

1.1 Security Requirements of Communication

1.2 Overview of Quantum Private Communication

1.3 Private Communication Models

1.3.1 Classic Secure Communication Model

1.3.2 Quantum Private Communication Model

1.4 History of Quantum Private Communication

1.5 Relationship with Other Subjects

1.6 Notations and Conventions

1.6.1 Random Variables

1.6.2 Cryptosystem and Cipher


2 Quantum Security Theory

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Mathematical Background

2.2.1 Hilbert Space

2.2.2 Properties of Hilbert Space

2.2.3 Operators

2.2.4 Several Important Operators

2.2.5 Matrices Decomposition

2.3 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

2.3.1 Quantum Systems

2.3.2 Dynamic Characteristics of Quantum Systems

2.3.3 Information Retrieval of Quantum Systems

2.3.4 Fundament of Quantum Optics

2.4 Introduction to Information Theory

2.4.1 Entropy

2.4.2 Mutual Information

2.4.3 Quantum Fano Inequality

2.5 Introduction to Complexity Theory

2.5.1 Turing Machine

2.5.2 Classic Complexity

2.5.3 Quantum Complexity

2.6 Security Model

2.6.1 Information-theoretic Security

2.6.2 Computational Security

2.6.3 Attack Strategy Analysis


3 Quantum Bits

3.1 Classic Bits

3.2 Quantum Bit Definition

3.2.1 Binary Qubit

3.2.2 P-ary Qubit

3.2.3 Composite Qubit

3.3 Quantum Bit Transformation

3.3.1 Quantum Logic Gates

3.3.2 Quantum Circuits

3.4 Mathematical Property

3.4.1 Bloch Sphere

3.4.2 Orthogonality of Opposite Points

3.4.3 Rotations on Bloch Sphere

3.5 Physical Property

3.5.1 Superposition

3.5.2 Entanglement

3.5.3 Distinguishability

3.5.4 Quantum No-cloning

3.6 Information Property

3.6.1 Single Qubit Information

3.6.2 Nonorthogonal Qubits Information


4 Quantum Key Distribution

4.1 Intuition on QKD

4.2 Standard QKD Schemes

4.2.1 BB84 Protocol

4.2.2 B92 Protocol

4.3 Quantum Communication Model for QKD

4.3.1 Quantum Source

4.3.2 Quantum Channel

4.3.3 Quantum Sink

4.4 Reconciliation

4.4.1 Reconciliation Model

4.4.2 Binary Reconciliation Protocol

4.4.3 Non-Binary Reconciliation Protocol

4.5 Privacy Amplification

4.5.1 Privacy Amplification Principle

4.5.2 Privacy Amplification Techniques

4.6 Security Model for QKD

4.6.1 Security Theory

4.6.2 Typical Attack Strategies


5 Quantum Cryptosystem

5.1 Introduction

5.2 QKD-based Cryptosystem

5.3 Quantum Vernam Cipher

5.3.1 Classic Vernam Algorithm

5.3.2 Quantum Vernam Cipher

5.3.3 Private Quantum Channel

5.3.4 Security Model

5.4 Typical Quantum Vernam Ciphers

5.4.1 Classic-key-based Quantum Vernam Cipher

5.4.2 Bell-key-based Quantum Vernam Cipher

5.4.3 Teleportation as Quantum Vernam Cipher

5.5 Quantum Block Cipher

5.5.1 Theoretical Model

5.5.2 Quantum Block Algorithm for Binary Bits

5.6 Quantum Public Key Cryptosystem

5.7 Typical Quantum Public-key Algorithms

5.7.1 Algorithm based Subset-sum Problem

5.7.2 Algorithm based Quantum Coding


6 Quantum Authentication

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Authentication Theory

6.2.1 Authentication Categories

6.2.2 Security Model

6.3 Message Authentication Code

6.3.1 Encoding Approach

6.3.2 Hash Function Approach

6.4 Quantum Identity Authentication

6.4.1 Scheme Description

6.4.2 Security Analysis

6.4.3 In Imperfect Channel

6.5 Quantum Signature Principle

6.6 Arbitrated Quantum Signature

6.6.1 Algorithm Description

6.6.2 Security Analysis

6.7 True Quantum Signature

6.7.1 Algorithm Description

6.7.2 Security Analysis




Quantum Private Communication covers the fundamentals of the areas of secure communication, quantum cryptography, quantum communication, and their physical implementation with applications. The book appears in a timely manner for an emerging field at the crossroad of classic private communication and quantum physics.
Graduate students and scientists alike in communication engineering,computer science, electronic engineering, physics and mathematics will benefit from the book.


尺寸24 × 0装帧精装
页数印数 1500


量子保密通信是高等教育出版社于2009.9出版的中图分类号为 O413.1 ,TN918 的主题关于 量子力学-保密通信-研究-英文 的书籍。