

王哲, 主编







Unit 1 Politics

Part A Changing of the Guard in Britain

Part B A Debate for the Internet Age

Part C The Candidates Assess Each Other

Part D Rendition Trial Puts US on Hot Seat

Part E Lets Have a Queen

Part F Projects

Unit 2 Lifestyle

Part A Age Bank in China

Part B Working When and Where You Want

Part C No Smoking! Damn It!

Part D Advertisers See Big Bucks in Baby Boomers

Part E Why Not Test Marriage Annually?

Part F Projects

Unit 3 Movies and TV

Part A "Twilight" Could Make a Box-Office Killing

Part B Penguins Waddle into the Culture Wars

Part C Disaster Picture Makes Political Waves

Part D "The Simpsons" Headed into Middle East

Part E Viewer Discretion Advised

Part F Projects

Unit 4 Music and Musicians

Part A Russian "Big Ballet" Bends the Boards?

Part B Tickets for Testing

Part C Muzak Changes Its Tune

Part D Behind the Curtain with Elton John

Part E Making Fun of the Super Bowl

Part F Projects

Unit 5 Sports

Part A College Senior Makes a Racket on the Court

Part B Prodigy Golfer: Paula Creamer

Part C Getting the Drifting

Part D Competitive Cheerleaders

Part E Changing the Rules

Part F Projects

Unit 6 Fashion

Part A Botox on the High Street

Part B Tom Ford Back in Fashion Spotlight

Part C A Fickle World of Fashion

Part D New Trends in the Ad Industry

Part E Are Neckties Out?

Part F Projects

Unit 7 High-Tech

Part A Superphone? Hiptop?

Part B Styling in Space

Part C Cell-ing to Kids —— and Parents

Part D Muscle Cars Meet Green Technology

Part E Andy Gets All Wound Up

Part F Projects

Unit 8 Education

Part A Anxiety over Using Steroids

Part B College Crunch

Part C Intelligent Design vs. Evolution Theory

Part D Drug Infested Schools on Rise

Part E Andys Geography Lesson

Part F Projects

Unit 9 Economy

Part A Would More Refineries Lower Gas Prices?

Part B Rate Jump: A Rude Awakening for Home Buyers

Part C Keeping the Auto Industry on Track

Part D Insurance Without the Premium?

Part E Andy Gets Down to Business

Part F Projects

Unit 10 Scandal

Part A US Soldiers Involved in Drug Smuggling Ring

Part B Billions in Aid Wasted in Afghanistan :

Part C Are FEMA Trailers Making Residents Sick?

Part D Sports Stars Trouble Brings Attention to Dog Fighting

Part E Presidential Price Tag

Part F Projects

Unit 11 People

Part A Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver

Part B Sexiest Man Alive

Part C Precious Images Give Orphans Hope

Part D Royal Reception—— But the Glitz Has Faded

Part E Why I Like Mike

Part F Projects

Unit 12 Animals

Part A Animals Feel the Heat, Flee Their Habitats

Part B Grizzly Population Increasing at Yellowstone

Part C Dinosaurs in Their Natural Habitat

Part D A Whale of a Mystery

Part E America Should Go Wireless

Part F Projects

Unit 13 Food

Part A Chocolate Hearts

PartB ChildAds: Say"Noto Shrek

Part C Is Buying Breast Milk Safe?

Part D The Pleasures of Food

Part E What Have They Done to Milk?

Part F Projects

Unit 14 Health

Part A Migraine Relief May Be Found in the Heart

Part B New Test Could Reveal Mercury Levels in Fish

Part C UV Rays May Be Addictive

Part D Vaccine Scarce for Avian FluVims

Part E Medical Ads Irk Rooney

Part F Projects

Unit 15 War

Part A Mental Illness in the Military on the Rise

Part B Blackwater: Protection at Any Cost

Part C Among a Resurgent Taliban

Part D Petraeus on Progress, Frustration in Iraq

Part E Bring Back the Draft?

Part F Projects

Unit 16 Terrorism

Part A ABC News Tests Train Security

Part B Agents Locking Down Loose Nuke Material

Part C Made in the USA: Teen Bombers

Part D Subway Terror Threat: Is an Attack Imminent?






丛书名新时代交互英语 : 全新版
尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


新闻英语视听说是清华大学出版社于2010.出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 新闻-英语-听说教学-高等学校-教学参考资料 的书籍。