

张焕炯, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Summaries of modern signal processing

1.2 Characters analysis of the treating methods in modern signal processing

1.3 Characters and construction arrangements of this book of monograph

1.4 Summary of this chapter

Chapter 2 Some novel methods under the conditions of the structural interfbrences

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Analysis the influence of the receiving signals with structuralinterferences under the conditions between synchronous and asynchronous

2.2.1 The model of receiving signal

2.2.2 Analysis the structure 0f the baseband signal under the synchronous and asynchronous receiving conditionst

2.2.3 Analysis of sign structure under the synchronous and asynchronous conditions of the carrier Phase

2.2.4 Analysis of the nurremcal simulation

2.2.5 Summary of this section

2.3 Analysis of the united detectivemethods base on the theory of the definite linear operator

2.3.1 System model

2.3.2 Relatedcondusions of the definitelinear operatortheory and the application in the united detection

2.3.3 The united detectivemethod based onthetheory of definite linear operator under the norrstrict power control

2.3.4 Realization and correlated performances analysis

2.3.5 Two examples

2.3.6 Simulative analygs

2.3.7 the Summary in this section

2.4 The united detection based on solving the reverse of hemake matrix

2.4.1 The realization of the united detective method based on the theory of hermite matrix

2.4.2 Computing complexity analysis and simulation

2.4.3 The summary of this section

2.5 The novel decorrelating decision feedback united detective method

2.5.1 System model

2.5.2 Derivation of new decorrelating decisionfeedback method

2.5.3 Simulation analysis and case

2.5.4 The StllnnIary of this section

2.6 Anovel united detectivemethodunderthe asynchronous receiving conditiontt

2.6.1 Introduction

2.6.2 Signal model

2.6.3 The derivation ofthis new uniteddetective method

2.6.4 Properties analysisand simulation

2.6.5 The conclusion of this section

2.7 Blind united detective technologies

2.7.1 Introduction

2.7.2 The COITRTIonmodel of the blind united detection

2.7.3 Some concrete blind united detective methods

2.7.4 The Summary of thiS section

2.8 The diversity technology based on the fractional Fourier Transformation

2.8.1 Introduction

2.8.2 Some corresponding theoretical conclusions of fractional Fourier Transformation

2.8.3 The concrete analysis of the diversity realization hased onthetheory of FRFT

2.8.4 A cryptosystem scheme based on the theory of FRFT

2.8.5 The summary of this section

2.9 A modilied method of deha modulation

2.9.1 Introduction

2.9.2 Delta modulation principle analysis

2.9.3 Derivation ofthemodified deIt.modulationn method .

2.9.4 Property analysis and an example

2.9.5 Conclusion of this section

2.10 Surramry of this chapter


Chapter 3 Some novel methods of modern signal processing based on Information Theories.

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Some conelusions in theories of irdormation

3.2.1 Some hasic conceptions

3.2.2 Some related properties of Shannon entropy and dlscnmination entropy

3.2.3 Some important principles and criteria

3.3 Signal detective models hased on the inforrmtion extreme value criteria

3.3.1 Signal detectivemodel based on the roa:dmum entropy criterion

3.3.2 Signal detective rflodel hased on the minimum discrimination entropy criterion

3.3.3 Sigml detectiveInodel hased ontheminimum error entropy criterioil

3.4 Analysis of some concrete examples

3.4.1 Application in the domain Of spectra estimation

3.4.2 Application in the field of blind source separation

3.4.3 Analysis of the example based on the criterion of the minimum error entropy

3.5 Conception of information matched filtering

3.6 Summary of this cbapter


Chapter 4 Some new method about.signal analysis based on the theories of abstract algelra

4.1 Introduction .

4.2The basicideas andmodels of the signal classification,detection and recognition

4.3 Newmethods of signal classification,detection and recognition based on group theory

4.3.1 ne related concepotions and condUSions of group theory

4.3.2 The concrete appiicafion in the domain of signed daasification,detection and pattern recognition

4.3.3 Analysis Of a concrete example

4.4 Sorne novelmetheds of slgntd dassification.signal detectionandpattern recognitionbased on the theories of ring and field

4.4.1 ne definition and related properties of ring

4.4.2 Some related properties offield structure

4.4.3 the concrete application in the domains of signal

classification.detection and recognition

4.4.4 An example analysis based on field theory

4.5 111e current methods of signal classification,

detection and pattern recognition based on the eornrllorl algebra theories

4.6 A novelmethods hased onthetheory of linear operator semigroup

4.6.1 The related theory of linear operator semigroup

4.6.2 nle concrete processingbased 011theories oflinear operator semigroup

4.7 Surarmry of this chapter


Chapter 5 Conclusions and Prospects

5.1 The conclusions of the whole book monograph

5.2 nle expectation of the future researching



Brief Introduction about this Book of Monograph




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现代信号处理的若干新方法是国防工业出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 TN911.7 的主题关于 信号处理-英文 的书籍。