

王传龙, 著







Pre-Qin-The Origin of Chinese Literature

Without Poetry, One Cannot Converse

The Logic of Zhuangzi

The Romantic Elegy of Qu Yuan

Han Dynasty-the Vigor of a Great Age

The Masterpiece of History by Sima Qian

The Rich Writings of Sima Xiangru

Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties-Literary Freedom in a World of Unrest

Jian'an Poetry and the Three Caos

Mysterious Ghost Stories

The Utopia of Tao Yuanming

Tang Dynsaty-Poetry at its Finest

The Talent and Romance of Li Bai

The Epic Life of Du Fu

Reclaiming Tradition with the Classical Prose Movement

Song Dynasty-Bold and Graceful Veres

Liu Yong Writing Lyrics by Imperial Order

Leader of the Literati Su Dongpo

The Immortal Female Scholar Li Qingzhao

Yuan Dynasty-The Rise of Popular Literature

Touching Heaven and Earth - The Injustice to Dou E

Twists and Turns in The Story of the Western Wing

Ming Dynasty-Novels and Plays

An Outpouring of Heroes in Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Journey to the West and the World of Fantasy

Life, Love, and Death in The Peony Pavilion

Qing Dynasty-The End of Classical Literature

Rise and Fall in The Peach Blossom Fan

Ten Years of Toil for The Dream of the Red Chamber

The Republic of China-The Era of the Vernacular

The Combative Pen of Lu Xun

Resplendent Desolation and Eileen Chang

Contemporary Literature in Development

The World of Martial Arts and Louis Cha

The Expression of Misty Poetry

The Magic and Reality of Mo Yan

Index of Major Works


A Concise History of Chinese Literature consists of ten chapters, each of which represents a historical period from the origins of writing in the Pre-Qin era to the present day, from "Guan Ju" of the three-thousand-year-old C/assic of Poetry to the author Mo Yan, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. Taking on the vastness of Chinese literature in this one short volume, we have had no choice but to overlook many excellent works of literature in favor of the most representative authors and works. We hope that from these carefully chosen texts you will be able to discover the brevity, elegance, and charm of literature in Chinese, and that these short writings will help you take the first steps to understanding how Chinese people express their emotions and thoughts through literature.


"Meet China" is a set of books designed to introduce basic topics in Chinese culture to young people from home and abroad. The first set contains nine volumes, touching on Chinese geography, history, art, literature, science, government, thought, and other areas. The topics of this first set are all largescale, and have been written with the cognitive perspective of a young person as a starting point. Short, concise texts outline the main ideas of large cultural topics in a logical order, and the principles that can be deduced therefrom are explained in detail. Emphasis is put on detailed description, texts have been repeatedly polished so that they are of practical substance, and effort has been made to show the value of learning through pictures. We hope that our painstakingly crafted world of letters and pictures will open a door to understanding Chinese-culture for young people.


尺寸21 × 16装帧平装
页数印数 2000


简说中国文学史是北京语言大学出版社于2015.1出版的中图分类号为 I209-49 的主题关于 中国文学-文学史-青少年读物-英文 的书籍。