

肖艺莘, 主编







Unit One Friendship

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A True Friendship

Passage B Friendship in Different Cultures

Passage C Skills to Help You Perfect Your Communication

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Two On Children

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A When You Are Depressed

Passage B Children's Self-esteem

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Three Nature

unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Summer Storm

Passage B Effects of Global Warming

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Four Business

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Advertising

Passage B What Is a Decision?

Passage C Good Manners Mean Good Business

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Five Computers

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Trouble with the Computer Game

Passage B What Is Cyber Love?

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Six This Is America

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Higher EduCation in America

Passage B To Study in the US

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Seven Science

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A New Study Shows Happiness lights the Conanon Cold

Passage B Study: The scientific study of cultural differences

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Eight Health

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Mistaken Ideas about Food

Passage B Dieting Your Way to Health

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Nine Cultural Differences

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A The American Way: Marriage

Passage B Getting Over Culture Shock

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Unit Ten Around the Globe

Unit introduction

Part One Listen and Talk

Part Two Reading and Practice

Passage A Travel Europe on a Penny

Passage B Copenhagen

Part Three Grammar Tips

Part Four Practical Writing

Part Five Culture Salon

Part Six Joke

Extracurricular reading




《大学英语教程1/普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材》共10个单元,每个单元由Listen and Talk,Reading and Practice, Grammar Tips,Practical Writing,Culture Salon,Joke六大模块构成。涵盖了语言学习中的听、说、读、写、译五大要素,每个模块均配有相应的注释或练习,即学即练,形式活泼,图文并茂。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


大学英语教程是吉林大学出版社于2014.1出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。