

(美) 王中林, 主编









PrefaceList of ContributorsI.Nanodevices and Nanocircuits Based on Nanowires Chapter 1. Nanowires as Building Blocks for Nanoscale Science and Technology (Yi Cui, Xiangfeng Duan, Yu Huang and Charles M. Lieber) 1. Introduction 2. Rational Synthesis of Single Component Nanowires. 3. Synthesis of Nanowire Heterostructures and Superlattices 4. Fundamental Properties of Single Nanowire Structures 5. Nanowire Chemical and Biological Sensors. 6. Assembly and Hierarchical Organization of Nanowires 7. Crossed and Integrated Nanowire Devices 8. Summary and Outlook Chapter 2. Epitaxial Quantum Wires: Growth, Properties and Applications (Lars Samuelson, B. Jonas Ohlsson, Mikael T. Bj6rk and Hongqi Xu)

PrefaceList of ContributorsI.Nanodevices and Nanocircuits Based on Nanowires Chapter 1. Nanowires as Building Blocks for Nanoscale Science and Technology (Yi Cui, Xiangfeng Duan, Yu Huang and Charles M. Lieber) 1. Introduction 2. Rational Synthesis of Single Component Nanowires. 3. Synthesis of Nanowire Heterostructures and Superlattices 4. Fundamental Properties of Single Nanowire Structures 5. Nanowire Chemical and Biological Sensors. 6. Assembly and Hierarchical Organization of Nanowires 7. Crossed and Integrated Nanowire Devices 8. Summary and Outlook Chapter 2. Epitaxial Quantum Wires: Growth, Properties and Applications (Lars Samuelson, B. Jonas Ohlsson, Mikael T. Bj6rk and Hongqi Xu) 1. Introduction 2. General Background and Introduction to thc Subject. 3. Theory on tile Band Structure of Semiconductor Nanowires 4. State of the Art in Epitaxial Growth of Vertical Quantum Wires 5. Processing and Studies of Nanowires as One-Dimensional Devices 6. OutlookII. Theory of Nanowires Chapter 3. Theoretical Study of Nanowires (Hatem Mehrez and Hong Guo) 1. Introduction 2. Phenomenology 3. DFT for Nonequilibrium Transport 4. Nonequilibrium Transport in Au Atomic Wire 5. Summary Chapter 4. Modeling and Simulation of the Mechanical Response of Nanowires (Wuwei Liang, Vikas Tomar and Min Zhou) 1. Introduction. 2. Mechanical Response of Nanowires 3. Size and Rate Effects in Nanowires. 4. Discussions on Future DirectionsIII. Molecular Nanowires and Metallic Nanowires Chapter 5. Molecular and Ionic Adsorption onto Atomic-Scale Metal Wires (H. X. He, S. Boussaad, B. Q. Xu and N. J. Tao) 1. Introduction {. 2. Fabrication of Atomic-Scale Metal Wires 3. Molecular Adsorption onto Atomic-Scale Metal Wires . 4. Anionic Adsorption 5. Summary. Chapter 6. Structural Study of Metal Nanowires (Varlei Rodrigues and Daniel Ugarte) 1. Introduction 2. Morphology Imaging of Metal NWs. 3. Experimental Methods 4. Results and Discussion 5. NW Structure vs. Quantized Conductance Behavior. 6. Conclusion Chapter 7. Metal Nanowires Synthesized by Solution-Phase Methods (Yugang Sun and Younan Xia) 1. Introduction 2. Scope and Objectives 3. Solution-Phase Methods that Involve No Templates. 4. Template-Directed Synthesis. 5. Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles into 1D Nanostructures 6. Concluding Remarks. Chapter 8. Chemical and Biomolecular Interactions in the Assembly of Nanowires (Achim Amma and Thomas E. Mallouk) 1. Introduction 2. Phase Behavior of Nanowires 3. Synthesis of Compositionally Varied Nanowires 4. Molecular and Biomolecular Interactions in Nanowire Assembly. 5. Fluidic and Field-Driven Assembly of Nanowires 6. ConclusionsIV. Semiconductor and Nitrides Nanowires Chapter 9. Group III- and Group IV-Nitride Nanorods andNanowires (L. C. Chen, K. H. Chen, C.-C. Chen) 1. Introduction 2. Synthesis of Binary Group-III Nitride Nanorods and Nanowires 3. Synthesis of Ternary Group-III Nitride Nanorods and Nanowires 4. Synthesis of Binary and Ternary Group-IV Nitride Nanorods and Nanowires. 5. Structure and Bonding Characteristics 6. Optical Properties 7. Electrical Properties. 8. Summary. Chapter 10. Template Assisted Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanowires (Dongsheng Xu and Guolin Guo) 1. Introduction 2. Templates Used 3. Template Synthesis Strategies of Semiconductor Nanowires 4. Structural Characterization of the Template-Synthesized SNWs 5: 'Properties and the Future. 6. Conclusion Chapter 11. Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Nanowires Synthesized by Vapor Phase Growth (D. P. Yu) 1. Introduction 2. Vapor Phase Evaporation. 3. Gallium Oxide Nanowires and Nanoribbons. 3. ZnO Nanowires and Nanotubes 4. ZnSe Nanowires 5. GaN Nanowires 6. Oriented Silicon Oxide Nanowires and Amorphous Silicon Nanowires 7. Summary. Chapter 12. Semiconducting Oxide and Nitride Nanowires (Lide Zhang and Guowen Meng) 1. Synthesis of Oxide Nanowires. 2. Synthesis of Nitrides Nanowires Chapter 13. Silicon-Based Nanowires (S. T. Lee, R. Q. Zhang and Y. Lifshitz) I. Introduction 2. Oxide-Assisted Growth of Nanowires 3. Controlled Synthesis 4. Si Hybrids and Compounds 5. Characterization of SiNWs 6. Modeling 7. Oxide-Assisted Growth of Other (Not Containing Si) Semiconducting Nanowires 8. Summary




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纳米线和纳米带:材料,性能和器件是清华大学出版社于2004.03出版的中图分类号为 TB383 的主题关于 半导体材料:纳米材料-英文 ,金属材料:纳米材料-英文 的书籍。