

张梦井, 编译







译者前言1.幸福生活三大忌(Three Restraints for Happiness)2.用心(Be a Conscientious Person)3.学品与人品(Scholastic Quality&Moral Standing)4.男人四十一朵花(A Man in His Forties Is a Flower in Bloom)5.城里的狗(Pet Dogs Bred by Urbanite)6.学会赞赏他人(Learn to Praise Others)7.名人之遗(The Heritage of Celebrity)8.别把“时尚”当回事(Don't Take“Fashion”Too Seriously)9.没有来生(There Is No Afterlife)10.“防人之心”不可(On“The Intention Against Being Injured11.亮出你自己(Try to Demonstrate Your True Self)12.不要太圆滑(Don't Be Too Smooth)13.失败不是“句号”(Failures Do Not Mean“The End”of Life)14.成功需要勇气(Success Calls for Courage)

译者前言1.幸福生活三大忌(Three Restraints for Happiness)2.用心(Be a Conscientious Person)3.学品与人品(Scholastic Quality&Moral Standing)4.男人四十一朵花(A Man in His Forties Is a Flower in Bloom)5.城里的狗(Pet Dogs Bred by Urbanite)6.学会赞赏他人(Learn to Praise Others)7.名人之遗(The Heritage of Celebrity)8.别把“时尚”当回事(Don't Take“Fashion”Too Seriously)9.没有来生(There Is No Afterlife)10.“防人之心”不可(On“The Intention Against Being Injured11.亮出你自己(Try to Demonstrate Your True Self)12.不要太圆滑(Don't Be Too Smooth)13.失败不是“句号”(Failures Do Not Mean“The End”of Life)14.成功需要勇气(Success Calls for Courage)15.感恩生活(Be Grateful to Life)16.心情最重要(The State of Mind Plays a Decisive Role)17.快乐的理由(Reasons to be Merry)18.理智的杠杆(Use the Leverage of Reasoning)19.有志者事未必成(There Isn't Necessarily a Way for a Strong-Willed Man)20.聪明者未必成功(Intelligent Men Are Not Necessarily Successful Men)21.成功之后(Having Won Success)22.做你自己(Be Yourself)23.心中有个家(Reserve a Place for Home in Your Heart)24.蜗居(A Humble Abode)25.做丈夫的心理按摩师(Be Your Husband'S Psychological Masseuse)26.宽容你的妻子(Be Easy on Your Wife)27.当宽容时且宽容(Be Lenient When Required)28.人生成淡两由之(Adapt Yourself to Joys and Sorrows of Life)29.世事如棋(Worldly Affairs Are like Playing Chess)30.最幸福的人(The Happiest Bird in the World)31.人生的价值(The Value of Human Life)32.经历,是一种财富(Experience Is a Precious Wealth)33.别人的幸福容易看得见( Never Clad Your Eves on the Haooiness of Others)34.穷和富的真情(The True Feelings of People:the Poor and the Rich)35.镜子(Mirror)36.低姿态(Keep a Low Profile)37.生活中要学会说“不”(Learn to Say“No”in Our Daily Lives)38.适应生活(Reconcile Yourself to Life)39.拖着尾巴过河(Cross the River,Dragging a Tail)40.让男人们撒点娇吧(Let Man Play a Pampered Child a Bit)41.没有愚蠢的提问者(There Are No Silly Questions)42.背后的道理(The Reasons Behind)43.栎树与常春藤(The Oak and the Chinese-ivy)44.玫瑰与青蛙(The Rose and the Frog)45.我很重要(I Am Very Important)46.喷泉与水滴(Gushing Fountain and Water Drops)47.好孩子不是夸出来的( Mere Praise Can't Bring Up Good Children)48.害羞也是一种优势(Shyness Is Also a Form of Superiority)49.我心坦然(I Am Unperturbed at Heart)50.蜻蜓(A Dragonfly)51.有“规矩”能否成“方圆”?(Having Had Rules Can We“Do the Right Thing”)52.自然规律和人寿(Natural Law and Human Lifespan)53.绿,生命的色彩(Green,the Color of Life)54.从为动物让路说生态环境(“Making Way”for Animals&Ecological Environment)55.人生的等式三角(The Equality Triangle of Life)56.困驴的启示(Inspiration from a Trapped Donkey)57.花开花落两由之(Blooming Flowers and Withered Flowers)58.播种快乐(Sow the Seeds of Joy)59.哪儿是天堂(Where Is Paradise)60.生命列车(The Train of Lifle)61.单纯(Simplicity)62.最优秀的人是谁(Who Is the Most Excellent Successor)63.跨栏定律(The Hurdle Race Law)64.重要的是自己强大起来 ( Of Primary Importance Is to Strengthen Yourself)65.出乎自然(Out of Nature)66.一个半朋友(One and a Half Friends)67.宽容的至高境界(The Highest Reaim of Tolerance)68.漏斗和玉米(A Small Funnel and Maize SeedS)69.美在简单中(Beauty Rests in Simplicity)70.美容微笑(Cosmetology&Smile)71.从不对称服装谈起(Talking from Unsymmetrical Clothing)72.漫话“人缘儿”(Some Words About“Popularity”)73.浅谈“人际沟通”(Interpersonal Communication)74.蒸馏:读书的好方法(Distillation:An Ideal Way for Reading)75.读书不受穷(Scholars Won't Suffer Poverty)76.阅读:时尚与经典(Reading:Fashionable and Classical Writings)77.孩子的路由孩子自己走(Let Child Take His Own Way)78.淡淡一点的(A Bit of Color)79.为他人开一朵花(A Flower Blooming for Others)80.性爱的伟大力量(The Mighty Power of Love-making)81.热爱美味和美女(Dainty and Beauty)82.不上床,别惹我(Don't Touch Me!I Don't Go to Bed)83.女孩,脱衣服前请给自己五分钟 (Girls,Think Five Minutes before Taking off Your Clothes)84.爱情VS卫生纸(Love VS Toilet-Paper)85.“要现货,不要期货”(Cash Commodity Yes;Futures No)86.贫困的爱情与爱情的贫困(Poor Love and Love in Poor)87.丑男人是个宝(An Ugly Husband Is a Treasure)88.尴尬中年(Middle-aged Men in Dilemma)89.人生的四个经典问题(Four Classical Questions in Life)90.细说婚姻“三态”(Three States of Marriage)91.三十以后才明白(I Didn't Understand It Till I Was 30)92.给别人一次机会(Give Others a Chance of Existence)93.足球与人生(Football and Human Life)94.模仿“秀”乎(On“Copy Shows”)95.“赏识”也要有个度 (Going Too Far in“Appreciation”Is Undesirable)96.秋凉天(In the Chilly Autumn)97.朦胧的记忆(Dim Memory)98.听见桂花落下的声音吗?(Do You Hear the Dropping of Scent Osmanthus)99.勤奋的人(A Diligent Man)100.登上顶巅(Ascending to Heights)后记




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生命的色彩是厦门大学出版社于2009.12出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 散文-作品集-中国-当代 ,英语-汉语-对照读物 的书籍。