

吴中伟, 主编







Unit 1

Have You Ever Climbed the Great Wall?

1.1 I've raised birds before

1.2 You must be very familiar with Beijing by now?

1.3 Language Points

Unit 2

Is Everyone Here?

2.1 She went to the hospital

2.2 What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

2.3 Language Points

Unit 3

When Did They Arrive?

3.1 They took the train here

3.2 When did you borrow this book?

3.3 Language Points

Unit 4

You're Dressed So Beautifully Today

4.1 She sings very well

4.2 Martin is speaking Chinese especially fluently today

4.3 Language Points

Unit 5

The Weather in My Hometown Is Better Than Here

5.1 It's not so hot in my hometown

5.2 Is the weather in your hometown the same as here?

5.3 Language Points

Unit 6

My Hometown Is in the Northeast

6.1 There's a mountain on the north side of my house and a river on the south side

6.2 Is your home far from the sea?

6.3 Language Points

Unit 7

I Have Studied Chinese for Half a Year

7.1 Practice Chinese for two hours each time

7.2 OK. I'll say it once again

7.3 Language Points

Unit 8

The Train Tickets Are Sold Out

8.1 All the activities have already been scheduled

8.2 We both fell down

8.3 Language Points

Unit 9

You Can Move in Right Away

9.1 Can we take this contract back for a look?

9.2 Please buy and install it soon

9.3 Language Points

Unit 10

I'm Afraid I Don't Understand

10.1 Can you get the tickets?

10.2 Too tired to even speak

10.3 Language Points

Unit 11

I've Left My Wallet in the Car

11.1 Where did you put your wallet?

11.2 I'll bring the wallet over to you immediately

11.3 Language Points

English Translation of the Texts

Supplementary Text

At the Wedding

Two Chinese Folk Songs

Jasmine Flower

Love Song on the Grasslands

Index of Vocabulary

Index of Grammatical Items

Index of Functional Items


《当代中文(课本2 修订版)》旨在培养学习者汉语听说读写的基本技能和一定的汉语交际能力。《当代中文(课本2 修订版)》在海外受到广大师生的欢迎。为更好地满足广大师生的需求,为每个级别增加了阅读材料和习题集,使其更加充实、实用。


尺寸28 × 23装帧平装


《当代中文》课本是华语教学出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 H195.4 的主题关于 汉语-对外汉语教学-教材 的书籍。