

《高级职业英语》系列教材编写组, 编







Unit 1 Understanding Cultural Differences

Section 1 More Things to Do: A Glance at the Cultural Differences

between Chinese and Western Cultures

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Word Attack Skill

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

Etiquette in Doing Business Globally

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation

Unit 2 Conducing a Surey

Section 1 More Things to Do: Making Market Research Pays

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Propositional Meaning

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

Sex Ratios and Market Bubbles

Section 4 VFmdow on Pronunciation

Unit 3 Making a Presentation

Section 1 More Things to Do: Making Presentations with Pictures

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Contextual Meaning

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

How to Create a Product Presentation

Section 4 Wmdow on Pronunciation

UNIt 4 Establishing Business Relations

Section 1 More Things to Do: Can You Reach Your Current Chinese

Suppliers at 4 p.m. ?

Section 2 Reading Skills Exploration: Key Word Reading

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

Creative Ideas for Finding New Clients

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation

Unit 5 Promoting Products and Services

Section 1 More Things to Do: Can You Get a New $7, 200 Power Table for $ 532?

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Identifying Passage Organization

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

Some Hints for Promoting a Producer

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation

Unit 6 Attending Fairs and Exhibitions

Section 1 More Things to Do: The 20th Beijing International Book Fair

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Taking Notes

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

China International Consumer Goods Fair"

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation

Unit 7 Managing Human Resources

Section 1 More Things to Do: What Human Resources Specialists Do

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Outlining

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

How to Become a Human Resources Specialist

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation

Unit 8 Starting Your Business Online

Section 1 More Things to Do: How to Create a Profitable and Succesful Online Business

Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Summary

Section 3 Comparative Reading: Career Previewing

How to Make a Business Plan

Section 4 Window on Pronunciation


《高级职业英语拓展教程2(第二版)/高职高专职业英语立体化系列教材》由4个部分组成:Section 1 More Things to Do(还需完成的任务)包括五个学习活动:Activity 1 Read More(扩充阅读)提供一篇与本单元岗位技能相关的课外阅读课文。课文内容在注重职业性的同时,兼顾人文性和趣味性,是对《读写教程》阅读文章的补充和延伸。Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks(完成任务)提供相应的阅读理解和语言练习。Activity 3 Make a Survey(进行调研)是一个专门训练学生动手能力的项目,让学生结合本单元核心技能做一个小型调研,为日后工作需要打下一定基础。Activity 4 Write a Passage(写篇短文)训练学生撰写小型调查报告的能力,即让学生根据Activity3调查活动中获得的数据和材料组织撰写一篇简短的报告。Activlty 5 Translate a Paragraph(翻译短文)训练学生翻译相关资料的能力。
  Section 2 Window on Pronunciation(语音之窗)是《拓展教程》一特色,目的是让学生对英语语音知识和技能进行全面复习和综合训练。第二册中的此部分内容主要训练连读、不完全爆破音、单词重音、句中单词重读、节奏等朗读技巧,力求使学生的朗读能力得到全面提升。
  Section 3 Exploration:Reading Skills(探究:阅读技巧)通过简要说明、示例和练习来训练学生的阅读技巧。
  Section 4 Career Previewing(职业预览)是《拓展教程》的又一特色,提供一篇与职业文化相关的双语阅读材料,既可增强学生文化交流意识,又能扩展学生阅读面,帮助增强语感。


尺寸26 × 20装帧平装
页数印数 10000


高级职业英语拓展教程是高等教育出版社于2015.2出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。