

赵晓敏, 主编







赵晓敏,清华大学副教授,留美学者,考博英语、考研英语、四六级、BEC英语辅导专家,多次参与考博英语阅卷工作,深谙考博英语命题规律和出题动态,多年对北大、清华、人大等高校的各类考博英语考试命题、应试有深入的研究,成绩卓越,经验丰富。   张艳霜,北京大学副教授,考博、考研英语辅导专家,口译专家。讲课生动,信息量大,深受考生欢迎。近年来专注于考博英语测试学研究,深谙考博英语命题规律和出题动态。著有《考博英语全国重点院校最新真题精解》《考博英语词汇速记宝典》等教程。


第一部分 基础训练40篇

1 “New Ideas” Originating from Old Patent 源自旧专利的“新意”

2 The Distributing Factors 〖JP2〗of the Vary of American Dwellers′ Food 美国居民的食物变丰富的贡献因素

3 Groundbreaking Research About Magnetic Field 磁场研究的重大发现

4 How to Learn Mathematics for Babies? 婴儿如何学习数学?

5 Three Basic Ways of Interacting for Economic Units 经济主体三种互动形式

6 Obstacles of Solar Decathlon 太阳能运动依然存在困难

7 ALA Exaggerates Smog Problems in Annual Report Card 美国肺脏协会年度报告夸大烟雾问题

8 The Neglected Machinery in the Human Mind—Instinct 被忽视的人类机制——直觉

9 Slack Writing Habits in Modern Society 现代社会的懒散书写习惯

10 The Whole Pocess of Hunting 狩猎全程记录

11 An Unforgettable Experience of Being a Bus Conductor 难忘的公交车售票经历

12 True Artificial Intelligence Is Still Hard to Achieve 真正的人工智能仍然难以实现

13 Be Cautious About Ecstasy 谨慎对待摇头丸

14 Evolution of Earth Atmosphere 地球大气的演变过程

15 Advantages of CoEducational Schools 男女合校的益处

16 What Is Happiness? 什么是快乐?

17 An Introduction About Anxiety 关于焦虑的介绍

18 Charm of Gold 金子的魅力

19 Harmless Insects′s Protection Towards Birds 无害昆虫对鸟类的保护措施

20 Airconditioning Systems in Large Buildings 写字楼的空调系统

21 Governmental Role in Health Care 健康医疗中的政府角色

22 How to Survive the Crisis of Energy Exhaustion? 如何应对能源枯竭?

23 The Use of Electronic Questionnaire Surveys 电子问卷调查的应用

24 A Pandora′s Box Opened by the Governor 政府打开了潘多拉魔盒

25 Economy Measures Directed at Physician seem necessary 对医生采取经济措施的必要性

26 Science—Future Impossible to Predict 科学——无法预知的未来

27 The Impact of Globalization on National Culture 全球化对民族文化的影响

28 The Effective Solution to Poverty 解决贫困问题的有效方式

29 What Are the Features of Highlevel Finance Managers?金融高管具备怎样的特点?

30 New Reverse Flow of Innovation for P&G 宝洁革新的新转变

31 Climate Changing 气候变化

32 The Forces that Affect Health Status 影响健康状况的几大因素

33 Find Hidden Value in the Market 寻找市场背后的价值

34 Research on Narcissism of Today′s College Students 现今大学生自恋问题的研究

35 House Bill Aims to Spur Labor Union Growth 参议院立法促工会发展

36 Cultural Pioneers:Icons and Intellectuals 文化尖兵:偶像和睿智的人

37 New Way to Treat Employment 看待就业问题的新方法

38 Revolution of Traditional Education System: Instructional Technology 传统教育体系的改革:媒体技术

39 To Be Useful as Clocks:Rubidium, Potassium and Carbon 可用来计时:铷、钾和碳

40 Education Pattern in Utopia 乌托邦教育模式

第二部分 强化提高40篇

1 Earthquake 地震

2 Own Judgement Should Be Follow in Manners 对于礼仪应坚持个人判断

3 Introduction of Law Cases Concerning the Railroads 铁路诉讼案件的介绍

4 Hawaii′s Native Minority Is Demanding a Greater Degree of Sovereignty 夏威夷土著要求更大自治权

5 Improvement Is Needed for Hospital Education 医院教育需要改进

6 Make Computers “Peopleliterate” 使电脑更“人性化”

7 The Right Amount of Sleep 睡眠的适量时间

8 Motives of International Migrants 国际移民的动机

9 The Development of Communication 交流的发展

10 The History of British Surnames 英国姓氏发展史

11 The Principles of Secrecy in Swiss Banks 瑞士银行的保密原则

12 Coketown 可口镇

13 A Horrible Moment on the Train 火车惊魂一幕

14 Controversial Thoughts of Modern City People 现代城市居民的矛盾心态

15 How to Strengthen the Marriage Union? 如何巩固婚姻关系?

16 Development of Fashion Trend 时尚潮流的发展史

17 Globalization of Sporting Culture 体育文化的全球化

18 Link between Sex and Brain Structure 性别与大脑结构之间的联系

19 Digital Development and Its Impact 数字化发展及其影响

20 How does Employer Make Choices in Interviews? 面试中雇主如何决定人选?

21 Shoplifting and the Solution 商店偷窃与解决措施

22 Reading Changes Life 读书改变命运

23 Walt Disney 怀特·迪斯尼

24 Why do People Listen to Music? 人类为何要聆听音乐?

25 How to Develop Emotional Intelligence? 如何提高情商?

26 Change in the Use of the Mobile 移动电话使用的变化发展

27 Changes of Social Class 社会阶级的变化

28 A Talk with Mr. Rochester 与罗切斯特先生的谈话

29 Artificial Relationships 仿真关系

30 Hitching 搭便车

31 Silk Ribbons 绸丝带

32 Problems of the Current School Calendar 现今校历的问题

33 The City of Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹

34 Mythological Origins of English Words 英文单词的神话来源

35 Because of Name 因为名字

36 How to Make a Good Public Speaking? 如何做好公共演讲?

37 A Remarkable Therapies of Genetic Research 基因研究的不寻常疗法

38 A Shared Idea Is Needed in Americans Value of Diversity 〖JP2〗美国多元化价值观需要共同的观念

39 Ideas About the Early Retirement of Experienced Workers 经验丰富的员工提前退休的一些意见

40 Sandro Botticelli: from Rejection to Appreciation 桑德罗·〖JP2〗波提切利:从被抛弃到被欣赏

第三部分 模拟测试40篇

1 The Reason of Needing Not to Buy Dictionary of National Biography 无需购买《英国人名词典》的原因

2 The Development of Chile′s Tourism 智利旅游业发展

3 What Are Good Manners? 什么是良好礼仪?

4 Singapore′s Legislation on the Moral Obligation to Support Parents 〖JP2〗新加坡关于赡养父母的立法

5 Denmark 丹麦

6 Social Aspects of Language 语言的社会方面

7 Fred Cooke of Salford 索尔福德·佛瑞德·库克

8 Form New Habbit 养成新习惯

9 DNA Testing and Its Problems DNA测试及其问题

10 Asian Economic Crisis 亚洲经济危机

11 Human Migration 人口迁移

12 Language, Conventions—the Media of Communication 语言、惯例——沟通的媒介

13 The Relationship Between Formal Education 〖JP3〗and Economic Growth 正规教育和经济增长的关系

14 Cooperative Competition of Airline Alliances 航空联盟的合作竞争

15 Early Settlers of New England 新英格兰早期殖民者

16 Prospects of the New Millennium 新千年的展望

17 Development of Gypsies 吉普赛民族的发展史

18 Memmories About Harlem 哈莱姆记忆

19 Before the Interview 面试之前

20 Why Successful CEOs do not Succeed in Politics? 为什么成功的CEO的政治生涯并不成功?

21 What Developing Countries Want Is for the Rich Countries to Let Them Compete 发展中国家需要的是与发达国家竞争的机会

22 Why Americans Are Spending More Time at Work?〖JP2〗为什么美国人的工作时间越来越长?

23 The Experience of Searching for a Fox 寻狐记

24 Internatinal Superprotests 国际大型示威

25 The Experience of Selling Bananas with Father与父亲一起卖香蕉

26 Prevention for Hip Fractures 预防髋骨骨折

27 Futuremindedness of American 美国人的前瞻性

28 The Changes of Women′s Role 妇女的角色变化

29 Assumption About Future Education 关于未来教育的设想

30 The Experience of Revisiting Hometown 重游故乡

31 Life of Pathan in Nineteenth Century 19世纪的帕坦生活

32 The Evolution of Museums 博物馆变迁史

33 Welsh 威尔士

34 Kuwaiti Woman in Kuwait Style Democracy 科威特民主之下的科威特妇女

35 Richard.King 理查德一世

36 The 20th Century :Larger Trend away from Guaranteed Economic Security 20世纪:脱离必然经济保障大趋势

37 South Korean School System 韩国学校制度

38 Returning to the Field: the Mark of the Next Stage of Civilization 重返农田:下一阶段文明的标志

39 A Trip to Barcelona 巴塞罗那游记

40 After Patrick′s Death 帕特里克死后




适读人群 :考博的考生



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命题人点拨考博英语是中国石化出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-研究生-入学考试-自学参考资料 的书籍。