

王会凯, 著







Chapter 1 Invitation to Linguistics

1.1 Linguistics

1.1.1 What is Linguistics

1.1.2 The Scope of Linguistics

1.1.3 Important Distinctions in Linguistics

1.2 Language

1.2.1 Design Features of Language

1.2.2 Origin of Language

1.2.3 Functions of Language

Chapter 2 Phonetics

2.1 What is Phonetics

2.2 Speech Organs

2.3 Phonetic Transcription

2.4 Classification of English Speech Sounds

2.4.1 Consonants

2.4.2 Vowels

2.5 Coarticulation and Phonetic Transcription

2.5.1 Coarticulation

2.5.2 Phonetic Transcription

Chapter 3 Phonology

3.1 Phoneme and Allophones

3.1.I Phoneme and Allophones

3.1.2 Contrastive Distribution and Minimal Pair

3.2 Phonological Rules

3.3 Syllable

3.3.1 Syllable Structure

3.3.2 Syllabification and the Maximal Onset Principle

3.4 Supra-segmental Features

3.4.1 Stress

3.4.2 Tone

3.4.3 Intonation

Chapter 4 Morphology

4.1 Word

4.1.1 What isaWord

4.1.2 Classification of Words

4.1.3 Word Structure

4.2 Two Fields in Morphology

4.2.1 Inflection

4.2.2 Word Formation

4.3 Morphophonology

4.4 Lexical Change

4.4.1 Phonological Change

4.4.2 Morphological Change

4.4.3 Syntactical Change

4.4.4 Semantic Change

Chapter 5 Syntax

5.1 Traditional Grammar

5.1.1 Parsing

5.1.2 Categories

5.1.3 Syntactic Relationships Between Words in Sentences

5.2 The Structural Approach

5.2.1 Immediate Constituent Analysis (IC Analysis)

5.2.2 Syntactic Relationships in Structuralism

5.3 Transformational-Generative (TG) Grammar

5.3.1 Generative Grammar

5.3.2 Transformational Grammar

5.3.3 Using PSR to Analyze Sentences

5.4 Systemic-Functional'Grammar

Chapter 6 Semantics

6.1 Meaning of "meaning" or "to mean"

6.1.1 The Naming Theory/Referential Theory

6.1.2 Meaning as Context

6.1.3 Meaning as Truth Condition

6.2 Types of Word Meaning

6.3 Lexical Sense Relations

6.3.1 Synonymy

6.3.2 Antonymy

6.3.3 Hyponymy

6.4 Componential Analysis

6.5 Sense Relations Between Sentences

Chapter 7 Pragmatics

7.1 What is Pragmatics

7.2 Micro-pragmatics

7.3 Macro-pragmatics

7.3.1 Speech Act Theory

7.3.2 Conversational Implicature

Chapter 8 Language, Culture and Society

8.1 Language, Thought and Culture

8.2 Language and Society

8.2.1 Language Variation

8.2.2 Standard and Non-standard Language

Chapter 9 First Language Acquisition

9.1 What is Language Acquisition

9.2 Theories of Language Acquisition

9.2.1 Behaviorist Theory

9.2.2 Innatist Theory

9.2.3 Interactionist Theory

9.3 Language Environment and Critical Period Hypothesis

9.3.1 Language Environment

9.3.2 Critical Period Hypothesis

Chapter 10 Second Language Acquisition

10.1 What is Second Language Acquisition

10.2 L1 Acquisition and L2 Acquisition

10.3 Approaches to L2 Acquisition

10.3.1 Contrastive Analysis

10.3.2 Error Analysis

10.3.3 Interlanguage Analysis

10.4 Factors Influencing L2 Acquisition

Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Linguistic Views and Language Teaching

11.2.1 The Traditional Grammar

11.2.2 Structural Linguistics

11.2.3 Transformational-Generative Grammar

11.2.4 Functional Linguistics

11.2.5 The Theory of Communicative Competence

11.3 Syllabus Design

11.3.1 What is Syllabus

11.3.2 Types of Syllabus

11.4 Linguistics and Language Learning

11.4.1 Grammar and Language Learning

11.4.2 Language Input and Language Learning

11.4.3 Interlanguage in Language Learning



《英语语言学导论》根据作者王会凯多年研究英语语言学的积累编写而成。全书共11章,分别是 Invitation to Linguistics; Phonetics; Phonology; Morphology; Syntax; Semantics; Pragmatics; Language, Culture and Society; First Language Acquisition; Second Language Acquisition; Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching and Leaning。《英语语言学导论》内容紧凑精炼,语言文字简洁易懂,同时配有鲜活生动的语言材料,能进一步帮助读者理解语言学的理论。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 184 印数


英语语言学导论是科学出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-语言学 的书籍。