Preface to the fourth edition
Guided tour
Technology to enhance learning and teaching
1 Introduction to software project management
1.1 IntroductiOn
1.2 Why is software project management important?
1.3 What iS a project?
1.4 Software projects versus other types of project
1.5 Contract management and technical project management
1.6 Activities covered by software project management
1.7 Plans,methods and methOd010qies
1.8 Some ways of categorizing software projects
1.9 What iS manaqement?
1.10 Problems with software projects
1.11 Settinq objectives
1.12 Stakeholders
1.13 The business case
1.14 Requirement specification
1.15 Manaqement controI
1.16 Conclusion
Annex 1 Contents Iist for a feasibility study
Annex 2 Contents list for a project plan
1.1 7 Further exercises
2 Step Wise:an overview of project planning
2.1 Introduction to Step Wise project planning
2.2 Step O:Select project
2.3 Step 1:Identify project scope and objectives
2.4 Step 2:Identify project infrastructure
2.5 Step 3:Analyse project characteristics
2.6 Step 4:Identify project produc~and activities
2.7 Step 5:Estimate effort for each activity
2.8 Step 6:Identify activity risks
2.9 Step 7:AIIocate resources
2.10 Step 8:Review/publicize plan
2.11 Steps 9 and 10:Execute plan/lower levels of planning
2.12 Conclusion
2.13 Further exercises
3 Programme management and project evaluation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Programme management
3.3 Managing the allocation of resources within programmes
3.4 Strategic programme management
3.5 Creating a programme
3.6 Aids to programme management
3.7 Benefits management
3.8 Evaluation of individual projects
3.9 TechnicaI assessment
3.10 Cost-benefit analysis
3.11 Cash flow forecastinq
3.12 Cost-benefit evaluation techniques
3.13 Risk evaluation
3.14 Conclusion
3.15 Further exercises
4 Selection of an appropriate project approach
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Choosing technologies
4.3 Technical plan contents Iist
4.4 Choice of process models
4.5 Structure versus speed of delivery
4.6 The waterfalI modeI
4.7 The V-process modeI
4.8 The spiral modeI
4.9 Software prototyping
4.10 Other ways of categorizing prototypes
4.11 IncrementaI delivery
4.12 Dynamic Systems Development Method
4.13 Extreme programming
4.14 Managing iterative processes
4.15 Selecting the most appropriate process model
4.16 Conclusion
4.17 Further exercises
5 Software effort estimation
6 Activity planning
7 Risk management
8 Resource allocation
9 Monitoring and control
10 Managing contracts
11 Managing people and organizing teams
12 Software quality
13 Small Projects
A PRINCE2an overview
B BS 6079:1996
C Answer pointers
Further reading
《软件项目管理(英文版第4版)》自1995年第1版出版以来,得到了教师和学生的广泛好评。在第4 版中,作者根据使用《软件项目管理(英文版第4版)》的广大师生的反馈对原文进行了细致的更新,尤其是反映了软件项目管理技术上的最新进展,使之更适合于教学和实际应用。另外,书中还提供了大量的实例和辅导练习,并给出了练习答案。
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书名 | 软件项目管理:第4版站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 经典原版书库 | ||
9787111211990 如需购买下载《软件项目管理:第4版》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 机械工业出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 40.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 357 | 印数 | 3000 |
软件项目管理:第4版是机械工业出版社于2007.04出版的中图分类号为 TP311.52 的主题关于 软件开发-项目管理-英文 的书籍。