

王西娅, 杨立盟, 李娜, 主编







Chapter 1 Introduction to Service Economy(服务经济导论)

1.1 Understanding ofservice(对服务的理解)

1.1.1 Definition ofscrvicc(服务的概念)

1.1.2 Characteristics ofservice(服务的特征)

1.1.3 Classifications ofservices(服务的分类)

1.2 Understanding of service industry(对服务业的理解)

1.2.1 Service industry andthe third industry(服务业与第三产业)

1.2.2 Service industryandmanufacturing industry(服务业与制造业)

1.2.3 Classifications of service industry(服务业的分类)

1.3 Understanding of trade in services(对服务贸易的理解)

1.3.1 Definition of trade in services(服务贸易的界定)

1.3.2 Characteristics of tzade in services(服务贸易的特点)

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Chapter 2 Basic Categories of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易的基本范畴)

2.1 Concept and characteristics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的概念及特征)

2.1.1 Concept of international Wade in services(国际服务贸易的概念)

2.1.2 Similar concepts of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的相近概念)

2.1.3 Characteristics of international trdde in services(国际服务贸易的特点)

2.2 Classifications of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的分类)

2.2.1 Statistical classification ofintemalional Irdde in services(国际服务贸易的统计分类)

2.2.2 Logical classification of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的逻辑分类)

2.3 Statistics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的统计)

2.3.1 Development of statistics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易统计的发展)

2.3.2 Statistical system of international trade in services(国际服务贸易统计体系)

2.3.3 China's statistics of international tradein services(中国国际服务贸易的统计方法)

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Chapter 3 Theory of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易理论)

3.1 Relative theory of service(服务相关理论)

3.1.1 Theory ofservice value(服务价值理论)

3.1.2 Utility value ofservice(服务效用价值理论)

3.2 Relative theory in service industry(服务业相关理论)

3.2.1 Petty-Clark Theorem(配第一克拉克定理)

3.2.2 Path theory on service development(服务业发展路径学说)

3.3 Relative theory on trade in services(服务贸易相关理论)

3.3.1 Research on trade in services by traditional Wade theory(传统贸易理论对服务贸易的研究)

3.3.2 Research on trade in services by modem trade theory(现代贸易理论对服务贸易的研究)

3.3.3 From comparative advantages to competitive advantages of trade in services(从服务贸易的比较优势到竞争优势)

3.3.4 Empirical analysis oftrade in services(服务贸易的实证分析)

3.3.5 Analysis of liberalization in services(服务贸易自由化的分析)

3.3.6 Analytical framework of trade in services(服务贸易分析框架)

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Chapter 4 Policy of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易政策)

4.1 Evolution of trade policy in services(服务贸易政策演变)

4.2 Policy of trade liberalization in services(自由服务贸易政策)

4.2.1 Trade liberalization and economic efficiency(自由贸易与经济效率)

4.2.2 Welfare analysis of liberalization oftrade in services(服务贸易自由化的福利分析)

4.2.3 Policy selection of liberalization oflrade in services(服务贸易自由化的政策选择)

4.3 Policy of protecting trade in services(保护服务贸易政策)

4.3.1 Trade in services barriers and types(服务贸易壁垒及类型)

4.3.2 Measure of trade in services protection level(服务贸易保护程度的衡量)

4.3.3 Comparison and selection of protective policy of trade in services(服务贸易保护政策的比较与选择)

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Chapter 5 Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)and Transnational Corporations ofService Industry(服务业的对外直接投资与跨国公司)

5.1 Overview of FDI and transnational corporations in service industry(服务业对外直接投资与跨国公司概述)

5.1.1 FDI ofservice industry(服务业对外直接投资)

5.1.2 Tmnsnational corporations in service industry(服务业跨国公司)

5.2 Theoretical analysis of reasons for development of FDI and transnational corporations in service industry(服务业对外直接投资和跨国公司发展动因的理论分析)

5.2.1 Applicability of traditional FDI theory in international trade in services(传统对外直接投资理论在服务贸易领域的适用性)

5.2.2 Eclectic theory of international production(国际生产折中理论)

5.3 Organizational forms of transnational corporations in service industry(服务业跨国公司的经营组织形式)

5.3.1 Non-equity cooperation(非股权合作形式)

5.3.2 Equity cooperation(股权合作形式)

5.4 Effects of FDI and transnational corporations in service industry(服务业对外直接投资与跨国公司的影响)

5.4.1 Effects on the worlde economy(对世界经济的影响)

5.4.2 Effects on parent country and host country(对母国及东道国的影响)

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Chapter 6 Development of World InternationaI Trade in Services(世界服务贸易的发展)

6.1 Development of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的发展)

6.1.1 Characteristics of international trade in service development(国际服务贸易发展特点)

6.1.2 Development trend of international trade in servicgs(国际服务贸易发展趋势)

6.2 Development of China's tradein services(中国服务贸易的发展)

6.2.1 Currentdeveloping situation of China's trade in services(中国服务贸易发展的现状)

6.2.2 Characteristics of China's tradein services(中国服务贸易的特点)

6.2.3 Basic principles of services trade opening(服务贸易开放的基本原则)

6.2.4 Legislation on China's trade in services(中国服务贸易立法)

6.2.5 The development prospect of China's services wade(中国服务贸易发展展望)

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Chapter 7 Agreements on International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易协议)

7.1 Introduction to General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)(总协定概述)

7.1.1 Background of GATS birth(GATS产生的背景)

7.1.2 Main purpose and basic rules of GATS(GATS的宗旨及其基本原则)

7.2 Review on General Agreement on Trade in Services(《服务贸易总协定》内容评述)

7.2.1 Structure and characteristics of GATS(结构与特点)

7.2.2 Contents of GATS(GATS的内容)

7.3 Main limitation and follow-up negotiations of GATS


7.3.1 Main limitation of GATS(GATS的主要局限)

7.3.2 Furthernegotialions of GATS(GATS的后续谈判)

7.4 Regional agreements on trade in services(服务贸易的区域性协议)

7.4.1 Agreement on tradein services of EEC(欧盟服务贸易协议)

7.4.2 Agreement on trade in services in North-American free nade area(北美自由贸易区的服务贸易协议)

7.4.3 APEC agreements on trade in services(亚太经合组织的服务贸易协议)

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Chapter 8 TraditionaI Trade in Services(传统服务贸易)

8.1 Trade in transport service(运输服务贸易)

8.1.1 Overview of principles for trade in transport service(运输服务贸易原理概论)

8.1.2 Trade in marine transport service(海运服务贸易)

8.1.3 Trade in air transport service(航空运输服务贸易)

8.1.4 Other transport service(其他运输服务)

8.1.5 International wade in transport service(国际运输服务贸易)

8.1.6 Chinatrade in transport Services(中国运输服务贸易)

8.2 Trade in tourism service(旅游服务贸易)

8.2.1 Overview of principles of trade in tourism service(旅游服务贸易原理综述)

8.2.2 Trade in tourism service under the context of knowledge economy(知识经济环境下的旅游服务贸易)

8.2.3 Analysis of tourist service(旅游服务分析)

8.2.4 Vista of tourism(旅游业发展远景)

8.3 Trade in financial service(金融服务贸易)

8.3.1 Concept oftrade in financial service(金融服务贸易的概念)

8.3.2 Financial industry development(金融业发展)

8.3.3 Analysis of trade in financial service(金融服务贸易分析)

8.3.4 Vista of financial industry(金融业发展前景)

8.4 Trade in insurance service(保险服务贸易)

8.4.1 Insurance service and world economy(保险服务业与世界经济)

8.4.2 Development of insurance industry(保险业的发展)

8.4.3 Vmta of insurance industry(保险业发展前景)

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Chapter 9 Emerging International Trade in Services(新兴服务贸易)

9.1 Trade in technical service(技术服务贸易)

9.1.1 Status quo ofChina'S technical service opemg to the world(中国技术服务业的对外开放状况)

9.1.2 Intellectual property challenges to China's trade in technical service(中国技术服务贸易面临的知识产权挑战)

9.2 Trade in computer and information services(计算机和信息服务贸易)

9.2.1 Status quo of China's computer and information services opening to the world(中国计算机和信息服务业的对外开放现状)

9.2.2 ITO(Information Technology Outsourcing),a will-be highlight in China's infornmfion sentice(信息技术外包将成为中国信息服务业的新亮点)

9.3 Trade in professional service(专业服务贸易)

9.3.1 Trade in accounting service(会计服务贸易)

913.2 Trade in legal service(法律服务贸易)

9.3.3 Trade in medical service(医疗服务贸易)

9.3.4 Trade in consulting Service(咨询服务贸易)

9.4 Offshore outsourcing of service(服务离岸外包)

9.4.1 Motivation for offshore outsourcing ofservice(服务离岸外包的动因)

9.4.2 Effects of offshore service outsourcing on host counlries(服务离岸外包对受包国的作用)

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尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 260 印数


国际服务贸易是科学出版社于2012.6出版的中图分类号为 F746.18 的主题关于 国际贸易-服务贸易-高等学校-教材 的书籍。